How Is Black Magic Different From White? - Alternative View

How Is Black Magic Different From White? - Alternative View
How Is Black Magic Different From White? - Alternative View

Video: How Is Black Magic Different From White? - Alternative View

Video: How Is Black Magic Different From White? - Alternative View
Video: Black Magic Potions and Spells That You Should Probably Not Cast 2024, June

What is magic? She attracts many. They talk about it, study it, are exposed to it.

Magic can be cursed and exalted. Sometimes they are in awe of her, sometimes they tremble with fear. Now the expressions "Magic of sound", "Magic of form", "Magic of relations", etc. have become very popular. And what is behind all this? What can these concepts carry?

The layman will say: "Magic is some kind of incomprehensible invisible effect on others, something from the realm of miracles." Who among us doesn't like miracles? But what is wonderful in miracles, and what is not so wonderful? What can be useful and what can be dangerous? What does life affirm, making it more beautiful and more joyful, and what destroys and disfigures? Let's talk in more detail.

E. Blavatskaya wrote: “White magic is Divine magic, free from selfishness, lust for power, ambition or self-interest and is directed entirely towards creating good for the world in general and for one's neighbor in particular. The slightest attempt to use their paranormal abilities to satisfy their "I" turns these abilities into witchcraft and black magic."

At one time, it seemed wonderful, tempting, very mysterious to call the spirits of the dead (to engage in spiritualism) in order to find out the future and communicate with those who have gone into another world. It seemed very wonderful to use spells, whispering, trance and unusual imaginary states, meditation to improve health. Hypnosis, dianetics, the evocation of various energies to oneself to transmit to another or to heal oneself were quite attractive. For example, the Reiki method. It was attractive to press a photo or image of a certain healer to a sore spot and thereby improve your health without any effort on your part.

Someone is visited by mysterious visions that predict the future. And someone hears voices inside or outside, although there is no one nearby. Someone likes to immerse themselves in an imaginary computer world, different TV shows, in the rhythms of rock-pop music. "Break away" from reality. Yes, in our time we see many strange cases occurring with people. However, is everything about them so wonderful? Let's look at some real life examples.

• A young woman came to the doctor's appointment. She was tormented by various fears. The most painful of them is the fear of going outside. she was forced to leave work, to stop communicating with friends. There were many difficulties with raising a son. This kind of phenomenon arose after visiting one of the newly appeared healers who healed with the "Reiki" method. causing to life certain energies, unknown to itself, but considered "divine" and "cosmic". For the ailment about which the woman came to the healer, she no longer remembers. She wants to regain her former cheerful and sociable disposition, start working and not burden her family with various fears.

• Tamara from Yalta tells: Her daughter's husband was injured at work, and his life was in the balance; doctors considered him completely hopeless. The family of the dying person turned for help, so to speak, to a clairvoyant and a healer. Were amazed at the actions of the latter. She warned that someone would have to die in return. Father died. The young man survived, however, became disabled. Of course, the actions of the pseudo-healer are nothing more than witchcraft.

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"The consequences of even involuntary witchcraft can lead to heavy retribution." Witchcraft is any bad influence directed at another person, when the latter as a result experiences suffering, or, obeying this influence, makes others suffer. Each generated cause entails an inevitable consequence - such is the just law of retribution.

• About energies which we do not see: A sixteen-year-old boy had a feeling of unreality of the existing life. Some strange images began to appear before my eyes, from time to time snatches of phrases or whole sentences began to reach my ears, although there was no one nearby, various fears appeared. The young man became withdrawn, began to be rude to parents and teachers. The interest in studying has disappeared, communication with peers has become difficult. He did not tell anyone what was happening to him. He was afraid that they would be considered crazy. Fortunately, he had an adult friend whom he trusted and with whom he shared his innermost.

As it turned out, the troubles began imperceptibly, gradually, it would seem, even from a useful and encouraged occupation - a hobby for computers. The computer world was calling and beckoning so strongly that it was impossible to resist. I began to develop my own programs. Where some balls, squares, triangles replaced each other and took far, far away from pressing problems and reality. The computer ceased to be an assistant and turned into a drug.

All of the above speaks of the existence of an unknown, mysterious world that has a huge impact on the life and fate of people. But it says nothing about the laws of this world.

And any person, group of people or society using invisible forces in their actions can be called magicians. Because Magic is a deliberate use of invisible forces to produce visible results.

Each person has an invisible power that gives him the opportunity to live and act in three worlds. It is called psychic energy, modern scientists call it a torsion field, and religion is called the holy spirit. Psychic energy differs in each quantity and quality.

The subtle plan of life can be called the plan of personal desires aimed at satisfying the person himself. And here at the heart of everything is self-interest. "Let everything serve and belong to me: money, fame, opinions, information, beauty, love, etc." There is no constancy here: now fun, then tears; now love, then hate; sometimes waste, sometimes stinginess and so on in everything. If you are loved at the level of the soul, then wait for hatred, and then again for love and vice versa. And so on ad infinitum. If they have shared something with you from the bottom of their hearts, they will soon take it back as generously. It is always based on this or that self-interest. This is the law. And the payment for what was received from the subtle plane is inevitable!

It must be remembered: for physical actions, payment is made by physical means, be it money, things, food. On a thin plane, the pay is thin. A person who came to an appointment with a healer and paid for services with money is deeply mistaken, believing that the calculation was done. Physical means are not suitable here, no matter how large they are. And as a rule, a person does not know what he is paying with, and often he has nothing to pay with. It turns out that in the Subtle World, self-interest rules to one degree or another. And if a magician (a modern healer, a sorcerer, a psychic, a hypnotist, a whispering grandmother, etc.) uses the forces of the Subtle World, he also invariably pays with his well-being, joy and happiness.

Who will take unhappiness and tears in payment? Those who receive from modern magicians pay the same payment, sometimes without even noticing that they are becoming indifferent, dumber, more joyless, creativity and initiative are scarce, the world is losing its colors and acquires a gray color. Food and amenities are often the only thing that matters. Increased care for muscles, skin, digestion, etc. Emotional states are unstable. Mood swings, inexpediency of actions, fussiness are noted, control of their behavior weakens or is absent at all. And perhaps a general "dullness" simply develops. The animal part takes up above the man.

We read in Paracelsus: “A worm can grow inside a nut, although its shell is intact and there is not a single hole in it for the worm to get into. Likewise, evil spirits can enter a person and cause illness without making holes in his body. This happens if a person's mind is weak and his soul is not protected."

The great Paracelsus in his work "Magic and Witchcraft" wrote:

“Exercises in true magic do not require rituals and spells, circles or signs; they do not need verbal blessings or curses, nor recitation of prayers or blasphemy; all that is needed is a deep faith in the great power of the common good, which can accomplish everything if it acts through the mind of a person who is in harmony with it, and without which success cannot be achieved in anything.

True magical power is contained in true faith, true faith is based on knowledge, and without knowledge there can be no faith. If I know that divine wisdom can do some deed I have true faith; if I only believe or try to convince myself that I believe in such a possibility, this is not knowledge and it does not give faith. No one can have a true belief in what is truth, for such a "belief" will only be a conviction or judgment based on ignorance of the truth."

But, nevertheless, what is the basis that determines the energy of a person, the quality of his psychic energy, his torsion field?

What directs a person to the fiery world of the spirit or the subtle world of the soul?

The basis of all that exists is one, one source material from which everything around is built. And by itself, any energy is neither bad nor good - it is neutral. It is man himself who makes it light or dark, bringing good or destruction.

The position of man is exceptional: he, being a microcosm, unites in himself all levels of the organization of things: from the Divine to the physical. By absorbing everything, he can become anyone, he is free as a creator of himself. Man is the result of his own efforts. In addition, no one except man can purposefully influence the world and change it. Only man is a connecting link between the Higher and lower planes of Being, and only he is capable of transmitting Divine love, because man is the bearer of Divine love, the exponent of man's love for God.

Man, according to the Hermetic philosophy of ancient Egypt, is the third God after the single omnipresent energy (Absolute) and the Cosmic Reason.

But the manifestation of the Highest divine energy in a person, the development of a person are possible only with a tireless striving to improve oneself for the benefit of others and the whole world. This is the law of evolution. And the stronger this aspiration, the more courage and determination to follow the chosen path, the higher and purer the quality of a person's vibrations, his energy. And only such a person, as a result, is able to become a true healer, to bring good to everyone who comes into contact with him.

But a person is able to develop along the wrong path, guided by selfish motives of improvement, for example, in pursuit of strength for the sake of strength or for the sake of power. He also accumulates psychic energy and sometimes its quality is enormous. But the quality of vibrations is of a low order, obscured by egoism. And the power of such a person, even seemingly directed for good, will sooner or later bring destruction both to the owner of such energy and to the people who have come into contact with him. She, this force, is anti-evolutionary and does not rise to the heights of sacrificial selfless Love, which is the basis of all that exists.

- In the process of professional activity, bioenergy therapists gradually change the hierarchy of personality values. If earlier his desire was to help people get rid of suffering, then over time the idea of his own greatness, predestination, and chosenness comes to the fore. There is commercialism and a purely consumer attitude towards their patients.

However, if a person creates his own life, what determines his choice to follow this or that path of development and accumulation of energy? What determines the legality or illegality of the invisible impact. Legal influence is when a person, by his tireless work, the search for Truth, the constant transformation of his own animal nature, learned to control his desires and passions, carefully studied the laws governing the universe and directed all his actions to transform life and help his neighbor in accordance with the studied laws, in accordance with their By nature.

And an illegal action, when someone, through volitional efforts, without taking into account cosmic laws, without knowledge, directs his efforts to invisible influences. This is always based on self-interest.

Theophrastus Paracelsus wrote: "But if someone follows his only understanding, he will lead into a great sin not only himself, but all others who have accepted this opinion, and will lead them to harm."

Today, many so-called magicians: healers, psychics, hypnotists, astrologers, bioenergy therapists take their judgments for the Highest Wisdom. "Hypocrisy is not holiness, vanity is not strength, cunning is not wisdom." They study in various courses, receive different diplomas and titles, and come up with some legends about themselves.

Thought is the main tool for choosing the direction of development, self-change and the development of the necessary qualities, because a person is the way he thinks himself. Everything is very simple, if the action is based on the thought of selfishness, one's own well-being and pleasure in any form, it colors the energy that it receives from space in tones of a low, dark quality and its consequences are harmful.

But when the thought of loved ones, the well-being of the world, then it raises a person's vibrations to a high, light level, brings healing and life. And the broader a person thinks, the richer the range of his thinking, the higher the quality of his energy. Think beautifully, lightly, joyfully for the good of all that exists. Remember, thought power is the most powerful, most universal cosmic energy. Thought is capable of leading a person either to God or to the devil, it can both cure and kill. Anyone who wants to change his nature must change the way of thinking.

It is precisely the purity of thinking and the power of love that determine the quality of psychic energy and the direction of a person's development, his aspiration to the Subtle World. It is the purity of thinking that makes a White or Black magician out of a person.

Those who believe in their own strength will fail and be a victim of their own vanity "whoever awaits salvation from others will be disappointed." There is no such god, saint or person in whom we could believe, except for the power of the One primordial Divine energy acting within ourselves.

"Interesting newspaper"