What Do The Predictions Of Elder Abel Say - Alternative View

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What Do The Predictions Of Elder Abel Say - Alternative View
What Do The Predictions Of Elder Abel Say - Alternative View

Video: What Do The Predictions Of Elder Abel Say - Alternative View

Video: What Do The Predictions Of Elder Abel Say - Alternative View
Video: Baba Vanga documentary: Nostradamus of the Balkans | Myth Stories 2024, October

Monk Abel is one of the sons of a serf peasant, born at the beginning of 1757 (in some sources the month of birth is indicated in March, in some in April). Abel was born in the village of Akulovka, which at that time was part of the Tula province. His father and mother were peasants of the wealthy landowner Naryshkin. Nobody heard about this family and about Abel, until, at the age of 39, he had to meet personally with General Samoilov himself. And it happened like this.

Fateful meeting with the general

Having been a monk for 20 years, Abel wrote prophetic letters, books, etc. For such a content of his writings, Abel was very often thrown into prison. It follows that he spent most of his life just there, rather than in his cell.

When meeting with the general, he asked what the fortuneteller had predicted. In response, from Abel, chained and shackled, he heard the chilling message: "The Mother Empress will die on November 6th." The general could not believe his ears and, in response to the words of the monk, ordered him to be exiled to Petropavlovka. So Abel would have sat forever in the castle if his prophecy had not come true. On November 5, Empress Catherine the Great was found in serious condition, and on November 6, she died. After Catherine, Paul ascended the throne. He ordered everyone to be released from prisons. Abel was released along with the rest of the captives.

The rumor about the prophet spread very quickly, and the newly baked sovereign wished to meet the monk in person. The emperor even kissed the fortuneteller in joy as a sign of such a "joyful" prophecy of Catherine's death.

Unable to resist curiosity, Paul asked Abel to tell about his future fate. However, this time the prophet evaded the answer, leaving the question open.

The emperor was merciful to Abel and sent him to live and serve in the Neva monastery, where the conditions were quite decent, and the abbot was kind.

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12 months later, a request was received to transfer Abel to another monastery. The reason was the following - the predictions of the brothers in the monastery of the dates of their death and other tales.

Monk Abel predicted the death of Emperor Paul


The emperor ordered to transfer Abel to the Valam monastery. There were very strict rules for the ministry, and Paul hoped the fortuneteller would no longer engage in "nonsense." But the emperor's hopes were not justified. In 1800, a draft was received from Valam, called "A very terrible book", which was written by the monk Abel. This manuscript was read: first - the metropolitan, then - the secret chamber, and then - Abel was sent to Peter and Paul.

Prediction for Paul

Paul ventured to visit the monk personally. Lopukhin's favorite was with him that day. They went to Abel's cell cheerful, but left already frightened. The favorite left with tear-stained eyes, and Pavel frowned in irritation and knitted his eyebrows.

That night, the sovereign could not sleep - he wandered around the rooms in deep thought, sat down to write a message, threw down his pen, sighed heavily, wandered again, and wrote again. Early in the morning, with his own hand, he lowered the epistle into a special secret chest in the hall of the Gatchina Palace, writing from above (literally): "To disclose to the heir to the throne no earlier than on the hundredth day from the minute of my death."

From that day on, the courtiers began to notice strangeness in the behavior of their master, Pavel often arrived in a state of deep thoughtfulness, moments of blues were found for him, he began to be afraid of everything, even his shadow. According to the favorite Lopukhina, it was the prediction of the hermit Abel that made such a strong impression on the emperor, because they concerned the death of Paul. And unnatural death. But this did not save the sovereign from a terrible fate. The conspiracy with the participation of the heir to Paul, the eldest son of Alexander, was aimed at the murder, which took place on the night of March 12 (old style) 1801.

Abel predicted a war with Napoleon


New predictions for a new ruler

And again, the subsequent ruler Alexander I ordered Abel to be rescued. But the recluse once again could not restrain himself and again folded the prophetic scripture, where he reported about the upcoming war with the Gauls, about the siege and massive conflagrations in Moscow.

Abel predicted that the king (Napoleon) would come on June 12 (old style), 1812. He will be strong and domineering and will enter the gates of Moscow. He will loot all the churches and a terrible fire will break out, from which the whole city will burn.

The newly elected sovereign did not believe Abel, but, just in case, ordered him to be imprisoned in the Solovetsky dungeon, they say, let him sit there until the predictions come true.

The terrible prophecy came true again, and at the beginning of 1813, the Elder Prophet Abel was free. Based on his bitter experience, the monk decides to leave Russia. First, the monk went to Jerusalem, and the flood to the Athos monastery. In the last years of his life, the old, exhausted life and undermined by diseases, Elder Abel came to his homeland. But before his death, he again predicted that the youngest of all the brothers of the heirs, Nikolai Pavlovich (Nikolai the First), would sit next to the throne. And again everything came true, and again everything happened again.

The last confinement and death of Abel

The monk also prophesied his death


When Nicholas I became ruler, the fortuneteller Abel was sent to prison. So in captivity, Abel not only spent half of his conscious life, but also met his death. Some sources say that he was killed by a prison guard, as punishment for another prediction that was disagreeable to the ruler. Other facts claim that lung disease, dampness, beatings and mistreatment of prisoners killed Abel. The world did not immediately become aware of the death of the predictor.

It happened in 1831. But historical data suggests that Abel died two years before the date indicated in the books. There is no confirmation of this statement, but history has not preserved precise data, facts about death, and about the cause of death. Only a small entry was found in the books of the casemate that the prisoner under number such and such died. There is no exact information about the death and the cause of death.

The monk also prophesied his death. He predicted both his imprisonment and his violent death.

Predicting the future over time periods

How many books with predictions he wrote, no one knows for sure. Medievalists name at least three, although not a single one of them has survived. Only fragments of references to them remained.

For example, if you recall the predictions for the heir to Paul I, then it was read, but was perceived as a joke or a practical joke. However, in January 1903, when a salute shell hit the gazebo. Where Nicholas II was at that time did not cause him the slightest harm. After this event, the emperor uttered one phrase (literally): “Until the beginning of the 18th year, I am free in my decisions, and I have nothing to fear! If, I can now believe Abel ….

And so it happened. The last ruler of Russia, Emperor Nicholas II, was shot together with his family in his own house in 1918. So the time of the reign of the Romanov dynasty came to an end.

Elder Abel's prophecies about the future of Russia until 2017 (XXI century)

The prophet prophesied the following:

Boris Yeltsin will be in power in Russia, then he will resign, and then Vladimir Putin will rule. He also wrote about the appearance of the second Boris, called the giant titan. The country under his rule will be on the verge of collapse, many disasters await it. But soon Boris will leave, and in his place will appear "a man of short stature." Abel also prophesied the appearance of the sovereign-ruler, who will take office three times. According to the monk, a century of prosperity and well-being awaits Russia.

Abel wrote about the appearance of the second Boris


Although the monk's predictions about the time after the removal of Putin are very ambiguous. Abel prophesied that there would be 10 kings, described the image of a faceless sword-bearer who would shed blood and even expose the country to decay. There are also references to a man with unclean skin (as history has shown here it is said here about Zyuganov) and a "tagged" man (in which one can guess Gorbachev).

The monk predicted difficulties for Russia that will overtake her in the 21st century. He described this period of difficult trials. One of the main figures in the political arena in Russia will be a certain Lame, who with all his might will hold on to the government chair. Mentioned in his predictions and the Golden-haired Lady with three chariots and the "Great Potter", whose merit will be the unification of the country and reckoning with all the villains. Experts believe that the monk prophesied, without realizing it himself, a crisis for Russia, which began in 2017, i.e. all the monk's prophecies were about the 21st century. There are opinions of some researchers that it is at this time that the end of the military conflict in the east of Ukraine will come.

Abel's predictions about the end of the world

The last predictions of the monk Abel date back to 2892. According to interpreters, this time can be considered the end of the world. Most likely, in his last book, the monk mentioned the coming of the Antichrist. Lines from the scriptures tell of the darkness into which the world will fall for a whole thousand years, that all humanity will turn into a herd, which will be ruled by a certain shepherd. After a thousand and 50 years, all the dead will be resurrected, and living people will change, become renewed, different. All humanity will be divided according to perfect deeds, according to sins. Accordingly, some will live forever, while others will perish.

Interpretation of Abel's predictions by experts of the XXI century

A lot of information about the coming times in the world community and Russia as a great state was kept in the security service. Among this information were the prophecies of the monk Abel about Russia and the world for the XXI century.

Certain facts became public only during the collapse of the Russian state. Here are some of them:

- “Seventy years of desolation and flight of demons” is a fact of the power of the democratic party after the collapse of the Soviet regime, and “sheep's guises” are the former belonging of the former to the communist party.

- The well-known prediction of the monk about the second Boris, who will be tall, and he will be marked (marked) - this is a comparison of the manager with Boris Godunov. Later, many understood what this prophecy referred to, because in Russia at that time Boris Yeltsin came to power. Abel prophesied both his spontaneous departure and his replacement with a man with a "black face" on the shoulders of a giant. The facts have shown that Vladimir Putin, who came to Yeltsin's place, was just of short stature.

- The monk described in his predictions a man of short stature, even literally "half bald." These prophecies with characteristics were frequent and too detailed, so today researchers compare them with truthful facts such as: the origin of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in which Georgian blood flows through the maternal line.

- Further - the mention of various wars and military conflicts: the war in the Promethean mountains, that is, the current war in the Caucasus, the third Tauride war and the Crimean war are also taking place.

- The monk Abel also prophesied about the unreasonable young man, whom today researchers recognize as Dmitry Medvedev. The soothsayer also warned of a sad end for those who seek power. They, according to the monk, will break on a bear's head and paws (this is the modern party United Russia) and the emblem of this party is a bear. Elder Abel's prophecy concerning the future of Russia after Putin's rule causes many controversial opinions. The monk predicted the rule of ten kings who would bring misfortune to the state. This is the contradiction - some researchers interpret such a prescription as the collapse of the Russian Federation, others - on the contrary, the strengthening of its power through the coming to power of strong rulers.

- The monk also foresaw the appearance on the political arena of the great sword-bearer and the man from the swamp. But not a single expert undertakes to interpret this prophecy, since such characters have not yet been observed in a modern state of the 21st century.

- The next controversial prophecy of Elder Abel is the appearance of a man with a long nose. It is he, according to the monk, who will be hated by everyone around him, but he will be able to rally around himself the great power of the people. Now experts interpret this prediction as follows: in the guise of a man with a long nose, everyone saw the leader of the Communist Party - Zyuganov. Experts interpret the prediction about the repeated mention of the Marked Man in a rather unusual way. Most researchers agree that Gorbachev will be in the government chair for the second time.

In the guise of a man with a long nose, everyone saw the leader of the Communist Party - Zyuganov


- No one can even guess about whom the monk spoke about the Lame Man, who would cling to power with all his might. To date, there is no one like that in the government.

“The Great Lady with Golden Hair” - this is how a monk literally described a woman. Now many experts argue over this candidacy, although many of them insist on the identity of Yulia Tymoshenko, since Abel represented Ukraine as part of the Russian state. There was one more prediction of Elder Abel about the "Great Potter", who united Russia, and unleashed anger on "robbers and thieves." The researchers still cannot come to one opinion regarding this prescription.

Many of the prophecies of the monk Abel came true, some were confirmed in passages. If you continue to believe the prophet, then Russia, starting from the XXI century, will go through difficult times. Abel foresaw a special year in the history of the state - 2024 (XXI century). This year is indicated on the icon of the Nativity of the Virgin, which is kept in one of the Russian monasteries. It was written according to the predictions of a monk. The prophet Abel ascent to the throne of the blessed king, from the moment of whose reign the greatness of the state will begin. Let's see, time will tell.

A lot of data about the life of the monk Abel has been preserved, his predictions are recorded, but who he really was: a skillful swindler or a real soothsayer - we can only guess. History does not know the exact answer.
