Concepts Of Genetics In The Mythology Of The Canadian Indians - Alternative View

Concepts Of Genetics In The Mythology Of The Canadian Indians - Alternative View
Concepts Of Genetics In The Mythology Of The Canadian Indians - Alternative View

Video: Concepts Of Genetics In The Mythology Of The Canadian Indians - Alternative View

Video: Concepts Of Genetics In The Mythology Of The Canadian Indians - Alternative View
Video: Sugar: The Bitter Truth 2024, October

Today, somehow unexpectedly, without effort on my part, I was thrown out of my body, and began to carry me up to the stars. The land was not visible due to dense clouds that extended to the very horizon. There, between the clouds and the starry sky, everything was flooded with silvery light, an almost full moon. And not a single break in the clouds. They look like something artificially created, similar to the decorative fog that musicians often used on stage in the past.

I wanted to fly higher, to the Moon itself, in order to examine it closer, especially from behind, but I was carried away, like a leaf torn off by the wind from a tree, horizontally above the ground. And I realized that I was flying to Canada.

I found myself in a dense forest on the shore of a lake with black water. A man sits motionless by the fire, and looks at the water, which reflects the setting sun. It's strange. It's colder here than in Pskov. Frost, and a lot of snow. But the lake is unfrozen, and the man is dressed lightly, out of season. Alone in the woods, the car is not visible nearby, and he is in a sweater and a denim vest over it. On the head is a felt hat with brim. I get closer and I see his dark face. I think it's an Indian. The face is so dark that no matter how strong I am, the devil cannot be distinguished.

Without opening his mouth, the man greets me and says something like this:

- It's time for the end. The lake gave a sign that grandfathers and great-grandfathers talked about. Two wooden idols appeared from the bottom. This means that the planet Tikram has entered into interaction with the Earth. Our worlds have crossed, and now the ascension will begin. The elect will be transported to Tikram, the rest will perish.

- Who is elected? And who is destined to perish? Who decides this?

- Not a "world government". It's a matter of blood. The sparks of light that gave birth to people are a sign of being chosen. Not all people have light in their blood. Those whose ancestors were transported to Earth by sparks are the elect. Those whose ancestors were created on Earth will not be saved.

As soon as I had time to think that the words of the Indian were some kind of fascism, a distinct three-time knock on the window sounded, and I woke up in my body. Three in the morning. The window overlooks the front garden. Nobody could knock on this window. I write down the only word "Tikram" on a piece of paper. I won't forget the rest. The word, however, seems painfully familiar. I can't just remember where I could hear about the planet Tikram.

Promotional video:

In the morning I try to find this word on the Internet, but the search does not give any results. All links contain information about the British singer of German origin Tanita Tikaram. Her appearance is by no means European. Poured squaw. And then I see a letter from an old friend in my mailbox. Since he has worked as a doctor for several decades, I will call him: - Doctor.

I begin to read, and I come to the conclusion that it partially says the same thing that the Indian told me. Only the terminology is different. The doctor says DNA, and the Indians call it sparks of light. Read it yourself. It is possible that I jumped to conclusions:

“Without false modesty I can say that now I imagine how our planet was formed, how it all began and what it led to. I can substantiate my words, but for this you need to immerse yourself in physics, chemistry, history and write a lot. You can trace the chain of cause and effect to the moment of the invasion of alien intelligence. Further, an incomprehensible leapfrog of events begins. And the fact that we are all under external control, for me personally, raises no questions.

And the fact is that there were a lot of civilizations on this planet. Researchers cannot make ends meet for a simple reason, they are trying to tie together artifacts from different periods of the planet's history. The only thing that all civilizations have in common is that they were all carbon-based, except for the first. Every day we eat, drink and walk on the answers to our most intimate questions. No mysticism and esotericism. There is a soul, there is karma, incarnation is a fact! The physical side of the processes was not badly described by O. Galitsky, but there are also erroneous conclusions, especially about ether and BVM (higher dimensions).

In short, the key to the door to the past and present of this planet is DNA. DNA is a universal "tool" that is the interface between our physical body and soul. And the fact that we are now living in a civilization in which this DNA is completely degraded does not mean that the DNA instrument itself is not perfect. On the contrary, DNA is such a perfect and advanced tool that it allows biological forms to live forever!

But the fact that our DNA is constantly mutating means only one thing - that, thus, a certain selection of our species is being carried out. This assumption is indirectly confirmed by the fact that it was not for nothing that completely different races were "brought" to our Earth - white, black, yellow and red. If you look at all this from a scientific point of view, then all races, in the infinitely distant past, are "produced" from one progenitor. Moreover, this progenitor should have lived billions of years ago in our Universe, and accordingly, for our biological species, he is the one who was closest to the Creator himself.

In this regard, I get the impression that already in our era, "someone" very powerful decided to cross all races with each other in order to "return" the primordial set of genes that this primordial ancestor possessed and thus, as it were, his "Evolve". That is, all races individually inherited his genes, someone developed some genes better, someone else, depending on the conditions of their development.

Some important genes were generally lost, some mutated beyond recognition. Breeding of the species is in progress. In this regard, forcibly and shorten our biological cycle, in this regard, and "encourage" the development of any, even monstrous mutations. Of course, this does not sound very fun in relation to us, but if you look at our world using our mind, then we must clearly realize that all this leapfrog with various races on "our" planet does not happen by chance, but with a very definite intent …

Now, already looking back at what happened as a result of this "bold" experiment, one can already with a high degree of confidence conclude that the "experiment" has failed - those positive "developments" that each of the races had initially had lost, and new ones, which the "experimenters" so longed for, did not appear.

But the question itself remains open - since our habitat at least does not correspond to the reasonable conditions for the development of civilization. In this regard, we do not have a single rational principle, which would undoubtedly be present, just as it is present in any community that has arisen from a single genus.

Take the same dolphins, or other animals, and it is not at all necessary whether we consider them reasonable or not. The same birds, ants and other insects - all are capable of creating this common unity that unites all members of the genus, and only a modern person, in the light of the above reasons, is not available. This is the main problem of our modern civilization.

So what's the deal? Why did the "experiment" of our Creators fail? After all, we have DNA, the most perfect tool for development and communication with the Cosmos? The answer can be found in the Mahabharata, the Vedas and other legends. The "experiment" of our Creators was interrupted by a force equal to or superior to them. The question arises. But the DNA remained, why didn't we continue our development? If you think about it, the answer, as always, lies in front of your nose.

I will not describe the whole mechanism of this process, since it will take a lot of time. The work of DNA can only be distorted by someone else's DNA, or purposeful, constant radiation! Therefore, microorganisms were "released" on the planet. Previously, there were no putrefactive, no symbiotic microbes, no fungi, no other parasites! They just suppressed the work of our DNA.

And not by introducing it into the DNA chain (although they claim that viruses can do this), but by suppressing the resonant frequency of our DNA with their own frequency. After all, someone was not too lazy and calculated that the mass of all microorganisms on the planet exceeds the mass of all people at times! But the DNA tool created by our Creator turned out to be so stable and perfect that the current "masters" of the planet have to resort to additional methods, such as "jammers", GMOs, poisoning of water and air with chemtrails, etc.

To heighten the effect, even a race of "God's chosen" gray parasites had to be introduced. Which initially were not included in the "experiment", which is reflected in the Bible as "40 years of wandering in the desert." Even a purely philosophical conclusion is amusing. All religions, calling to God, are in fact engaged in fighting against God, trying to destroy the most wonderful gift of the Creator - DNA.

One of the fundamental laws of the Universe is the law of the transition from quantity to quality, and vice versa. So far, we are seeing the opposite process. Even so, we have a good chance of evolving into a completely new species with incredible possibilities. How and what to do for this is a separate and very funny song …"

I asked the Doctor to write separately about this "funny song", so I hope to continue.

Author: kadykchanskiy