Who Left A Human Skeleton On The Moon? - Alternative View

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Who Left A Human Skeleton On The Moon? - Alternative View
Who Left A Human Skeleton On The Moon? - Alternative View

Video: Who Left A Human Skeleton On The Moon? - Alternative View

Video: Who Left A Human Skeleton On The Moon? - Alternative View
Video: China Finds Something Weird on Dark Side of the Moon 2024, June

Mankind in all ages believed that the Moon was inhabited. Only each scientist imagined its inhabitants in his own way. They have not yet been found there. But on the surface of the satellite of our planet, the imprint of the bare foot of homo sapienc and its skeleton were found.

Mysterious Murder

The debate about whether or not American astronauts were on the Moon flared up, possibly also because all the data was too classified. For the same reason, from time to time there are "leaks of information" about "UFOs on the Moon", which the US National Space Agency comments, however, rather sluggishly: neither rejects nor confirms.

Still, NASA released a catalog of photographs. Astronomers took a closer look at them and it turned out that the Apollo 10 crew removed a crater 10 km in diameter, and next to it - a huge cylindrical object with rounded ends and two smaller round objects. Astronauts who flew on the Apollo 16 photographed an object moving above the Moon, also cylindrical in shape, but with pointed ends. But the crew of Apollo 12 managed to capture a strange device in the form of a hemisphere with several lights on the bottom.

The sensation was the statement of the Chinese astrophysicist Mao Kang. He claims to have received two photographs of the lunar surface from a "reliable source in the United States," which clearly show … an imprint of a bare human foot and a fragment of a human skeleton. The scientist suggested: “The Americans are involved in covering up secrets of a global and possibly criminal nature. I have documents proving that the man's footprint on the lunar surface was fresh and that the skeleton undoubtedly belongs to man. The question is, how did the person get to the moon. This is obviously due to the intervention of extraterrestrial living beings. However, we will not know this until the Americans make their classified information available to the public."

The photographs were shown by Mao Kan at a scientific conference in Beijing. Since the skeleton was missing several fragments, the experts decided that the murder of a person took place on Earth, not on the Moon, because tissues do not decompose in an airless space.

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When, on a clear January night in 1610, Galileo Galilei saw the lunar surface in the telescope he had constructed, he did not rush to conclusions. But he suggested that "there are certain life manifestations."

The moon resembles the Earth: the same "seas", "bays", "lakes", mountain ranges. The mountains on our satellite are named like the terrestrial ones - Altai, the Caucasus, the Cordillera, “water” spaces - poetically: the Sea of Nectar, the Rainbow Bay, the Dreams Lake, the Dew Bay. True, there is a swamp of Epidemics, but this is an exception.

At the very top of Selena's head, craters are scattered like carnival confetti. They bear the names of great explorers, many of whom have studied the moon and firmly believed that there is life on it. One of them is named after John Herschel. Fans of science fiction will remember Jules Verne's novel From Earth to the Moon. The character of this work said: “The famous astronomer John Herschel … created such an improved telescope that he could see the moon as if from a distance of eighty yards. Herschel seemed to clearly discern caves on the Moon, in which hippos lived, green mountains bordered by golden lace groves, saw rams with ivory horns, white roe deer and inhabitants similar to humans, but with webbed wings, like those of bats …"

And although such a "picture" is clearly a literary fiction, the opinion of the scientist was, in fact, no less unusual. Herschel believed that “selenite is rarely more than 2 feet and 8 inches (1 foot is about 0.3 m - DL); he has a very flexible, slender body and huge wings over his shoulders, conducive to bold and correct flight. They resemble the wings of an ostrich, but, however, do not have a perfect resemblance to them: their feathers are much longer and at the ends are pointed, like a sea gull. The female population has even longer wings.”

There is also the crater of Plato, who was convinced of the existence of life outside our planet. He believed that the movement of space is cyclically repeated, and at the same time, time turns back, i.e. from the future you can easily go to the past. That is why the crater is named after him, with which strange metamorphoses occur. For example, in the 60s of the XIX century, the French astronomer Flammarion observed seasonal color changes here. And he suggested that there are many plants in the crater, the foliage of which first turns green, and then turns yellow and falls off. And in 1871, the Englishman Birt's telescope "saw" geometric figures at the bottom of Plato's crater, which emitted light signals and moved. Today, abnormal "bursts of activity" continue.


We come to some of the greatest romantics in Moon exploration. One of them, the 18th century astronomer Schröter from Lilienthal, devoted most of his life to sketching the lunar surface. Through a simple telescope, he managed to make out fields, roads, canals and even a city on Selene. Amazingly, a century later, on July 12, 1822, Professor von Gruytusen from Munich near the crater named after Schreter also noticed … the city. Straight "streets" radiated from one point at an angle of 45 degrees. Concentric circles of other streets crossed them. The layout resembled a spider web. There was a "fortress" on the edge of the city.

The name of the mathematician Gauss was simply impossible not to name another crater, because he not only believed in the Selenites, but also tried to establish contact with them. In order for them to understand that there are intelligent beings on Earth, the scientist proposed to cut through many kilometers of clearings in the Siberian taiga in the form of geometric shapes and sow them with wheat. Then do the opposite: plant dark green forest stripes on yellow-golden fields. And finally, the last option: to put mirrors around the perimeter of these huge drawings, which would attract the attention of the Selenites with their brilliance. Imagine the surprise of scientists when Gauss's ideas were implemented … by the "lunar inhabitants" themselves. On November 26, 1956, crossed lines "flashed" on the Earth satellite. Ufologists called the "drawing" the Maltese cross.

Various geometric shapes are constantly found on the moon. For example, the so-called "Medler square" is surprising. Its sides are absolutely straight long shafts about 100 km long.

Many scientists believed that the Moon is the base of alien ships. In 1874, Professor Shafarik of the Prague Observatory stated that he saw an object that was slowly rotating: “It left the lunar disk, i.e. he was not part of the moon - and went into space. What can it be, besides a spaceship?.. In 1912, the American astronomer Hari reported that he was observing an object with a diameter of about 80 kilometers. He flew over the moon so low that the astronomer could even see its shadow. In 1959, members of the Astronomical Society of Barcelona described a dark ellipsoid maneuvering 2000 km above the lunar surface, then disappearing, then reappearing.

During the talks between NASA and the Apollo 11 crew, Neil Amstrong, who has no doubt been on the Moon, is said to have said, “There are large objects here, sir! Huge! Oh my God! Other ships are here! They stand on the other side of the crater and watch us …"

Isn't it true that funny "hallucinations" appear from time to time in such serious people as astronomers and astronauts? Moreover, without saying a word, they often see the same "anomalies".

It is interesting that smaller objects, 150 meters long, scurried or moved in order between large objects. Where was such a threatening and well-organized armada headed? Perhaps in their "hangars" hidden under the lunar crust. The American researchers discovered, with special instruments, at a depth of several tens of kilometers from the lunar surface, huge caves reaching 100 cubic kilometers in size.

The famous astronomer Carl Sagan once said: "The conditions under the lunar surface should be conducive to the existence of life." So it is quite "legitimate" there is a version that the Moon is a huge interplanetary station launched into space in time immemorial by other civilizations. Developing this theory, scientists "frolicked enough". The origin of the craters was explained by a sharp breakthrough of gases to the surface at the junction of the skin segments of the planet-station. And in the location of the craters, a certain order was even noticed, which indicated the line of joints in the structure. There are two versions about the crew of this station: they are either half asleep and waiting for the moment when the time comes to act, or they are already acting. The Japanese shot a ten-minute film, where they literally watched over the flight of some objects over the Moon. While experts agree on one thing:bodies of natural origin would hardly have moved so fast. What is this? Unknown.

Scientists cannot determine how natural the lunar Central Bay, which has the shape of an isosceles triangle, and the famous letter "S", the image of which is clearly visible on the photo of the lunar surface. However, we are confident that in this millennium the Moon will reveal its secrets to us.


Galina ZUEVA, the correspondent of the Segodnya newspaper, asked the director of the Kiev Planetarium Lyudmila Rybko to comment on some of the "lunar secrets". Indeed, she confirmed that the craters change color. According to Lyudmila Borisovna, the Petersburg astronomer Kozyrev made observations and noticed such a phenomenon. And he explained it by the fact that, probably, there is a volcanic eruption - bright lava floods the crater, and it begins to "glow". But this assumption has not been proven either.

As for the cities on the surface of the Earth's satellite, Lyudmila Rybko strongly doubts. Modern telescopes allow you to see the smallest details of the lunar surface, such buildings would certainly be noticed by astronomers. But alas … But she believes in the existence of our “neighbors” in the Universe, “since life on Earth began, most likely, with“embryos”brought to it from space.”

“If there are planets that are in the same conditions as the Earth, then life could appear on them,” says Lyudmila Borisovna. - Now with the help of the Hubble telescope, which is in low-Earth orbit, scientists are observing planets outside the solar system. If earlier conclusions about their existence were made on the basis of calculations, now these are direct observations, that is, people directly see the planets, which means, in all likelihood, we will soon be convinced that life is there as well. I hope so.

TOUR Heyerdahl Saw UFOs

The famous Norwegian sea explorer Thor Heyerdahl claims to have seen a UFO once. It was during the trip on the Ra raft. Here is how the scientist writes about it: “A round pale disc rose above the horizon, which did not come out of the water, but as if from a half-hidden edge of the earth in the form of a ghostly huge moon of aluminum color. The object gradually increased in size. In the starry sky, it looked lighter than the Milky Way, resembling some kind of mushroom in shape; he seemed to pass over us. The moon was on the other side … We have not been able to explain this phenomenon."


The UFO phenomenon has been studied in the USA for more than 50 years, but the results are still unknown, since there is not a single serious scientific work. The astronomer Alan Hynek knew a lot about this. He worked for the country's Air Force - studying anomalous phenomena. At first, Hynek did not believe in "plates" and successfully argued that witnesses saw completely earthly phenomena or that they had hallucinations. But as he accumulated information, he became convinced that not everything can be explained. Moreover, the Blue Book project, which Hynek conducted for the Air Force, he later called "a fraudulent campaign undertaken in order to refute indisputable facts."