Invisible Entities - Co-writers - Alternative View

Invisible Entities - Co-writers - Alternative View
Invisible Entities - Co-writers - Alternative View

Video: Invisible Entities - Co-writers - Alternative View

Video: Invisible Entities - Co-writers - Alternative View
Video: Chris Hedges "American Sadism" 2024, October

Through automatic writing and with the active participation of spirits, some writers well known to the general public also created their works: Stevenson, Walter Scott, Helena Blavatsky. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's amazing abilities were manifested already in early childhood. It was then that the astral world, invisible to ordinary people, opened to her. She, in fact, began to live a double life: common to all and visible only to her.

Madame Blavatsky often talked about visiting her by images invisible to a mere mortal in the guise of people.

More often than all, the majestic Hindu in a white turban appeared before her, always the same. She knew him as well as her loved ones, and called her Patron. Madame Blavatsky claimed that he was the one who saved her in times of danger.

One such incident happened when she was about 13 years old. The horse she was riding, suddenly frightened, carried away. The girl could not resist and, entangling her foot in the stirrup, hung on him. Death seemed inevitable. But at the very last moment, she suddenly clearly felt around her someone's hands, which supported her until the horse stopped …

There is plenty of evidence that even during a lively conversation, she suddenly turned her attention to some object, froze, as if listening to something, and then either a letter or an internal instruction appeared, which she was in a hurry to fulfill. At the same time, none of those present heard any extraneous sounds.

Her work is closely related to her amazing abilities. Thus, Blavatsky constantly and invariably declared that she was not the author of her books, but only an instrument, writing under the dictation of the Masters. As the most striking example, she cites her "Secret Doctrine" with all the quotes and references, which, according to Blavatsky's assurances, was also dictated to her by the Teacher. Because the unique information with which she filled her work, in fact, did not possess. “… How could it have happened that I, before adulthood, you know,” she wrote in a letter to N. A. Fadeeva, - a complete ignoramus, suddenly became a phenomenon of learning in the eyes of people who are really scientists?.. Just think that I, who have studied absolutely nothing in life; I, who had no idea about chemistry, physics, or zoology, now I am writing a dissertation about all this. I enter into disputes with scientists and come out victorious … I do not understand how this is done … Everything I read now seems familiar to me … I find errors in the articles of scientists, in the lectures of Tyndall, Herbert Spencer, Hexley, etc. … professors, doctors of sciences, theologians hustle from morning to evening. They enter into disputes - and I am right … Where did all this come from? Have you replaced me, or what?"

The same can be said about her Isis, which she wrote in 1876. Blavatsky worked in the presence of an American journalist and theosophist Olcott, who assisted her. In the course of this collaboration, Olcott saw many interesting things. So, in the sheets transferred to him for the editorial board, he observed four different handwritings, although the general character of the letter remained unchanged. One handwriting was shallower and smoother, the other more sweeping, the third was of medium size and very clear, and finally the fourth was very illegible. And depending on which handwriting the text was written in, there was also a big difference in the English style: some pages required a lot of corrections, while others did not need processing at all.

When initiates did not write with her hand, they often helped her in other amazing ways. So, about the dictation of the text of "Isis" by the Teachers, she reports in a letter to her sister.

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“Well, Vera,” writes Elena Petrovna, “I am writing to Isis, no, rather not writing, but writing down and drawing what She herself shows me. Indeed, at times it seems to me that the ancient goddess of beauty personally guides me through all the areas of those centuries that I must describe. I sit with my eyes open and, apparently, see and hear everything real around me, and with all that I see and hear what I am writing about. I am suffocating, I do not have enough air, but I am afraid to make the slightest movement for fear of frightening and breaking the spell … Century after century, image after image slowly float out from afar and pass in front of me, as if in a magical panorama …"

When Madame Blavatsky needed extracts from some rare ancient book, the book immediately appeared before her eyes in the "astral light", and she could make extracts …

Even higher powers took care of her health. An example is her sudden recovery in 1886 in Ostend, when, it would seem, no hope of improvement was foreseen. Being in critical condition at night, the next morning she woke up completely different, and met the attending doctors on her feet and with funny jokes. She stated that at night the Master had offered her the choice of either die and be free, or live and finish The Secret Doctrine. Elena Petrovna, as you know, chose the latter.

Blavatsky died in May 1891, almost without any warning illness, in her office chair.

There is quite convincing evidence that the Russian novelist Vera Ivanovna Kryzhanovskaya also created her numerous works not without the participation of spirits. From an early age she was interested in ancient history and the occult, and in the future she often appeared in seances as a medium. In 1885, as Kryzhanovskaya herself later claimed, the spirit of the medieval philosopher and alchemist Earl of Rochester (1647-1680) visited her, allegedly asking her to write historical novels, the text of which he would dictate to her mentally.

And from that time on, Vera Ivanovna periodically plunged into a meditative state and began to reproduce Rochester's mental messages on paper, and in French. Then the texts were translated into Russian by herself or a person close to her.

It is difficult to believe in the existence of a mysterious connection between Kryzhanovskaya and Rochester, but at the same time it is rather difficult to explain the fact that, having a poor command of French, she was able to create many talented works.

Not without the intervention of otherworldly forces and the famous English writer Walter Scott. He himself wrote the following about this phenomenon: "Sometimes it seems to me that my hand is writing by itself, regardless of the head."

And his contemporary H. Pearson reported: “While working on one chapter, he often had no idea what would happen in the next. Fictional characters took possession of the pen, the plot took shape by itself, an overabundance of imagination poured out in a stream of the necessary words, and he did not deign to a second glance to the manuscript, reading it for the first time only when he corrected the text in printed proof."

Scott wrote very quickly. Everyone believed that he was busy working on novels from morning to evening, but that was not at all the case. A contemporary of the writer, William Leidlaw, witnessed how, in his presence, Walter Scott wrote about forty pages of text in fine handwriting in three hours, without corrections and blots.

The prominent English theologian Samuel Nicholson, in his work “Manifest Masterpieces”, described Scott's work as follows: “There is no doubt that our great compatriot was constantly under the influence of some bright essence that guided his work. Contemporaries were right when they considered the creation of so many works physically impossible. Only the highest spiritual impulse, not always realized by the creator himself, allowed this to be done. He was accompanied by the help of higher powers who carried out a special destiny."