Supernatural Phenomena In The Life Of Famous Politicians Of Past Years - Alternative View

Supernatural Phenomena In The Life Of Famous Politicians Of Past Years - Alternative View
Supernatural Phenomena In The Life Of Famous Politicians Of Past Years - Alternative View

Video: Supernatural Phenomena In The Life Of Famous Politicians Of Past Years - Alternative View

Video: Supernatural Phenomena In The Life Of Famous Politicians Of Past Years - Alternative View
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On one of the days of the Second World War, Winston Churchill received three ministers of his cabinet, during lunch, Churchill suddenly had a premonition of trouble. And soon an air raid began. However, the dinner went on, and suddenly the Prime Minister got up and walked into the kitchen, where the cook and the maid were working near a high window with mirrored glass.

“Put lunch on the stove in the dining room,” Churchill instructed the butler and ordered everyone to leave the kitchen and go down to the bomb shelter, after which he returned to his guests.

Three minutes later, a bomb exploded behind the building, completely destroying the kitchen.


Churchill was more than once convinced of the power of intuition and learned to obey it. But during the war, the influence of this force was most dramatic.

For example, in 1941, Churchill used to visit anti-aircraft anti-aircraft batteries during night raids. One day, after watching the guns in action for a while, he went to his car. The next door was open - on this side Churchill usually sat in the salon. But this time the Prime Minister ignored the open door, walked around the car, opened the far door himself and sat down in an unfamiliar place.

A few minutes later, as the car was driving through the dark streets of London, a bomb exploded next to it. The shock wave tilted the prime minister's car, and for a while it moved on two wheels, and then sank to four wheels. They say it was then that Churchill remarked: "It was the pressure of my carcass on this side of the car that prevented it from overturning."

Subsequently, when his wife asked about the incident, Churchill at first said that he did not even know why that night he got into the car on the other side. But then he explained: “Of course I know. When I approached the open door, something told me: "Stop!" Taking this as an advice to bypass the car and sit on the other side, I did so."

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So what did the British Prime Minister do? He listened to his inner voice.

Other statesmen, too, from time to time obeyed their intuition or the psychic abilities of others. Thus, the fate of many peoples depended on the influence of paranormal forces.

For example, it is widely believed that American slaves were freed through the intervention of a young female medium, Nettie Colburn, who delivered a spiritual message to Abraham Lincoln. Young Nettie, in a trance state, was told to instill in the President how important it was to return freedom to the slaves.


Lincoln attended other sessions, and during one of them, the president and his bodyguard climbed onto the piano. It rose with them and did not descend while the melody was played by the medium Mrs. Miller.

When the Cleveland Plane Dealer newspaper published an account of Lincoln's visits to psychic experiences, he was asked if this was true. “The only inaccuracy of this article,” the president replied, “is that it doesn’t tell half of it. The article does not mention many of the wonderful things that I have witnessed."

No one knows how powerful the paranormal influence was on the major Canadian statesman W. L. Mackenzie King, but his diaries definitely testify: he was convinced that he was in contact with the spirits of dead politicians. During his visits to England, Mackenzie King always visited mediums, among whom was Mrs. Geraldine Cummins, famous for "automatic writing."

Franklin D. Roosevelt consulted the telepathic Jane Dixon, known as the "Washington clairvoyant"; and Nancy Reagan often sought advice from astrologers - naturally, trying to protect the interests of her husband during his tenure as president.

It happens that ordinary citizens are visited by an epiphany about the future steps of the presidents. For example, in 1971 in Brooklyn, toy manufacturer Herbert Riff had a premonition that a huge demand for toy pandas would soon appear. Although there was no logic in this, he decided to prepare the factory for the production of pandas and gave the appropriate orders.

In February of the following year, President Nixon paid a visit to China, visited the Forbidden City, and returned to America with two pandas as a gift. No one was prepared for the unusually dramatic surge in demand for toy pandas, other than Raiff. His intuition seems to have tuned in to some aspect of the president's future visit to China, when there was not even an agreement on this visit.

Abraham Lincoln once had a very vivid dream. In a dream, he heard the sounds of sobs and went to where they came from. He entered the White House and found himself in a room where he found a coffin covered with an American flag. Lincoln - in a dream - asked the soldier who had died. “This is the president,” he replied. - He was killed.

A few days later, Lincoln was shot and killed by an assassin. The president's dream turned out to be prophetic.

Some government leaders rely on anticipation when making important decisions, while others believe that they are led by a higher power. Nancy Reagan deeply believes in the power of astrology. In her youth, as a young actress in Hollywood, she often consulted an astrologer and even attended evening astrology courses.


Her husband, actor Ronald Reagan, shared her occult interests. After receiving advice from an astrologer about the most favorable time to take over as governor of California in 1967, Reagan insisted that he would begin reading the oath at midnight - 016 to be exact - and face west.

As governor, Reagan continued to take an interest in astrology. For example, when flying to Washington, he met with the famous clairvoyant Jane Dixon, who always repeated that he was going to occupy the White House. (The Reagans severed ties with Dixon when she refused to predict Ronald's presidency in 1976.)

Nancy Reagan's confidence in the stars grew especially during the years of her husband's presidency (1980-1988). After becoming the first lady of the United States, she spent hours of secret telephone consultations with the San Francisco astrologer Joan Quigley and the presidential aide, bringing the president's exits from the White House in line with the zodiacal charts.

If the stars predicted a good day, Reagan's meeting plan would come true; if a bad day fell out and the president was in trouble, the planned events were postponed to another date.

However, sometimes, to Nancy's annoyance, Reagan's advisers failed to keep him from spontaneous forays - in other words, from trips to baseball games, although the stars advised him to stay at home. She trusted astrology so much that before the summit in Geneva in 1985 she even got an astrological chart of M. S. Gorbachev!