How Ahnenerbe Helped Hitler To Lose The War - Alternative View

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How Ahnenerbe Helped Hitler To Lose The War - Alternative View
How Ahnenerbe Helped Hitler To Lose The War - Alternative View

Video: How Ahnenerbe Helped Hitler To Lose The War - Alternative View

Video: How Ahnenerbe Helped Hitler To Lose The War - Alternative View
Video: Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail - Nazis & the Aryans | History Documentary | Reel Truth History 2024, October

Hitler Ahnenerbe is a mysterious society of the Third Reich. What the SS Sonderkommando was looking for in Stalingrad and why the Nazis came to the Volga in winter in light overcoats.

The winter of 1942-1943 was harsh and frosty. Everyone knows the expression "dressed like a German at Stalingrad." It is enough to look at the photos of the captured Nazis wrapped in dirty rags and stolen shawls, who got into the Stalingrad cauldron in light outerwear that was not at all suitable for the Russian winter to be surprised. How did the well-oiled war machine of the Third Reich allow such an obvious failure? Why didn't you foresee the weather conditions? About this in a special material "VP".


Hitler's Secret Society Ahnenerbe

Hitler, as everyone knows, was a mystic. And he blindly relied on the information provided to him by the specialists of the occult organization Ahnenerbe - "Legacy of the Ancestors." It is reliably known that Ahnenerbe employees as part of the SS 4A Sonderkommando acted in Stalingrad during the battle.


This information is confirmed by historians. During excavations in the vicinity of the hero-city, a ring with a "dead head" and mysterious runes was found. Such a ring could only belong to a member of the Ahnenerbe. He, according to Hitler's behest, "can neither be sold nor bought."

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But what could the employees of the Ahnenerbe do in Stalingrad? This is not Tibet or the vicinity of Cairo, where members of this occult division of the Third Reich were looking for magical artifacts and the entrance to Shambhala?


Do not trust the forecasters Ahnenerbe!

“The Ahnenerbe included up to 50 institutes,” Nadezhda Lozhechkina, a professional translator and guide with forty years of experience, told the VP. - It included archaeological, military, medical structures, including two meteorological institutes. It was forecasters Ahnenerbe who predicted a warm winter in Stalingrad for Hitler, an abnormal thaw.

And in mid-October 1942, Hitler issues the following order: “The preparations for the winter campaign are in full swing. The second Russian winter will find us better prepared. The Russians, whose troop numbers have significantly decreased as a result of the recent battles, will not be able to bring into battle such forces during the winter of 1942-1943 as they did in the last winter campaign. No matter what happens, there will be no more severe and difficult winter. I can vouch for that. Therefore, the Wehrmacht troops came here in light overcoats.

Hitler Ahnenerbe. Acupuncture point of the Earth

Nadezhda Lozhechkina also spoke about several mystical theories explaining the reason for the appearance of the Ahnenerbe officers in Stalingrad, and the bitterness with which the Nazis tried to take the Mamayev Kurgan.

In those days, when the territory of the Volgograd region was inhabited by the Aryan tribes (and the Nazis, as you know, called themselves Aryans, perfect people of the Nordic race), at the top of the Mamayev Kurgan was the sanctuary of the god of war. The place was a large sword stuck into the uppermost point of the mound, which during rituals was watered with intoxicating drinks and the blood of sacrificial animals.

As the "heir to the Aryans," Hitler may have wanted to take possession of this ancient artifact of the god of war, so that success would accompany him in the future in the conquest of the world. Now on the site of this sanctuary is the Motherland.

According to another version, there is an “acupuncture point of the Earth” just under the statue of the Motherland. This is a kind of nerve knot of the planet, influencing which with the latest secret weapon, the Nazis, according to researcher Mikhail Vasiliev, wanted to wipe out the entire Soviet Union from the face of the earth.

“The hypothesis of the Volgograd researcher and psychic Nadezhda Lysukhina is similar to this version,” says Lozhechkina. -

She said that the Earth is a living organism, and certain parts of the relief of our planet are its active points.

According to Lysukhina, Mamayev Kurgan is exactly the solar plexus of the planet.


They were looking for a source of superknowledge. Hitler Ahnenerbe

Ahnenerbe's residence was located in the small provincial town of Weischenfeld in Bavaria. In addition to Hitler, the initiators of the creation of the Ahnenerbe were SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler, SS Gruppenfuehrer Hermann Wirth ("godfather") and racologist Richard Walter Dare.

Ahnenerbe was looking for sources of "special knowledge", those that could contribute to the creation of a superman with superpower, superknowledge. During World War II, Ahnenerbe received carte blanche to conduct "medical" experiments. These are thousands of sadistic experiments: captured soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition, women, children sacrificed their lives on the altar of the genetic and physiological experiments of the fascists!

The effect of various poisons, exposure to high and low temperatures, pain thresholds - these are the main "scientific" programs. And besides, the possibility of mass psychological and psychotropic influence was investigated, work was carried out to create a superweapon. For this, the best personnel were involved - world-famous scientists.

Who got the secret archives?

After the defeat of the Third Reich, the USA and the USSR made titanic efforts to find the Ahnenerbe archives, all kinds of materials, employees, values. What was found was taken out in complete secrecy. Nobody knows what happened next.

But it is known about a serious breakthrough in the field of atomic, electronic, aerospace technologies in the post-war period. By the way, the scientists of Ahnenerbe were just engaged in the development of "weapons of retaliation" - explosives, a few grams of which could sweep an entire city off the face of the earth. Was it not this weapon that the Americans then tested in Hiroshima?

Stalingrad Madonna

Volgograd artist Vladislav Koval painted a picture dedicated to the German icon

… The Mother of God, wrapped in a black cloak, gently holds the child on her strong hand, bending over him. Protected by the warmth of her body and hands, the baby sleeps peacefully. Her motherly embrace protects him from the horrors of life and death. From within the mystical circle, which forms the figure of the Virgin Mary bowed over Jesus, light comes.

Several years ago, the priest of the Volgograd Catholic cathedral, Alfred Manko, turned to Vladislav Koval with a request to make a copy of the drawing of the German pastor and doctor 16? 1st Panzer Division Kurt Reuber "Stalingrad Madonna", made by him on the night of December 24-25, 1942.

- On the back of the school geographic map, as a gift to his comrades dying of cold, hunger and wounds, Kurt Reuber drew a Christmas picture - Our Lady, - says Vladislav Koval.

- This drawing was destined to become an icon, the last hope of salvation for the German soldiers in the Stalingrad "cauldron". These soldiers are no longer invaders, they are just warriors who, most likely, will remain in this trench forever.

But their last hope is faith in God, whom they remember in the last minutes of their lives, and not at all in Adolf Hitler. Is he? then it has absolutely nothing to do with it. German soldiers are pitying, they are wrapped in headscarves, they cease to be brave knights of the Reich. Kurt Reuber painted the legs of the Virgin Mary naked, trying to say thereby that she, just like the German soldiers in the trench, freezes and wraps her baby up, trying to save her from the severe Stalingrad frost. She is with them and among them, in this trench, close and understandable as never before in their lives.

This is a landmark work, says Vladislav Koval, perhaps even sensational. Moreover, it was written on the eve of Catholic Christmas and before 65? anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad.