What Should Trump Do To Start A Nuclear War - Alternative View

What Should Trump Do To Start A Nuclear War - Alternative View
What Should Trump Do To Start A Nuclear War - Alternative View

Video: What Should Trump Do To Start A Nuclear War - Alternative View

Video: What Should Trump Do To Start A Nuclear War - Alternative View
Video: This Is What a Nuclear War Would Actually Look Like (HBO) 2024, June

The journalists became aware of all the steps that the President of America will have to take to initiate the procedure for a nuclear attack. This information appeared against the background of another aggravation of relations between the United States and the DPRK and instantly spread throughout the world.


Before the outbreak of hostilities, the president calls a conference with military and civilian advisers in Washington to discuss possible scenarios. The consultation lasts as long as necessary, unless enemy missiles are already flying towards the United States. In this case, the president can authorize a counterstrike in just 30 seconds.


Suppose the president decides to launch an attack. They will try to dissuade him, but in the end the Pentagon must carry out the order of the commander-in-chief. A senior officer in the Pentagon's war room must officially confirm that the person initiating the nuclear strike is indeed the president.


Within three minutes after the emergency meeting, nuclear submarines and ICBMs are ordered to launch an attack. Senior officers open locked safes using a code provided by the National Security Agency.


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A mutiny in a submarine or at a stationary nuclear missile base is unlikely. To launch the officers only need two participants, that is, even if the majority of the task force refuses to follow the order, it will be executed.


So the rockets are launched. It will take no more than fifteen minutes from the moment the president makes a decision to the launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles. After the start, they can no longer be returned to the base - a nuclear war has begun.