Russian Project - Alternative View

Russian Project - Alternative View
Russian Project - Alternative View

Video: Russian Project - Alternative View

Video: Russian Project - Alternative View
Video: Как устроена IT-столица мира / Russian Silicon Valley (English subs) 2024, June

One of the applications of Tesla's technology has recently been found by the Russians - probably they wanted to try to unbalance the Western world by broadcasting electromagnetic radiation. The project was known as the Russian Woodpecker, but this funny name does not change its deadly nature.

Russian Woodpecker is a series of electromagnetic broadcasts that began on July 4, 1976. It was carried out, apparently, with the help of Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter (UPT), patented by Tesla in 1914. These broadcasts interrupted communications throughout the planet in the range from 3 to 30 MHz, pulses were transmitted at intervals of one tenth of a second. The result was a pulsating knock on the radios, which gave the project the name Woodpecker.

What is the purpose of the "Russian Woodpecker"? There are many assumptions about its purpose - from changing the weather to the mental and emotional destruction of the consciousness of the population. Generally speaking, the "Russian Woodpecker" can have many goals.

We know that the northwestern states of America were constantly exposed to waves of extremely low frequency, set at biological frequencies - in other words, waves duplicating the bioenergy of the population. Thus, the "Russian woodpecker" learns to influence human behavior.

One of Tesla's largest magnification transmitters went out of business after an explosion at a nuclear reactor in Chernobyl, near Kiev, Ukraine, as the reactor was its power source. Some observers believe that the accident at the Chernobyl station may have been staged by Western governments in order to interrupt the broadcasts of "Russian Woodpecker".

In 1978, Spekula magazine provided additional information about the Russian Woodpecker, stating that:

electromagnetic signals of certain frequencies can be transmitted through the earth; entering its surface at an angle of 30 degrees, they form standing waves in the depths of the earth, which in some cases can lead to addition with waves emitted by the molten core of the earth. Thus, you can arrange earthquakes and atmospheric storms in a given area.

Again, the information I cite in this connection is not baseless fabrications. When Tesla tested the transmission of energy at the beginning of the century, it led to power outages and hundreds of forest fires due to the outbreak of thunderstorms.

Promotional video:

Not convinced yet? Well, listen to Dr. Andrew Michrowski, once a technology specialist at the Canadian Department of State and president of the World Clean Energy Association.

Since October 1976, the USSR has transmitted ultra-low frequency signals using several Tesla transmitters. Their frequencies coincide with the frequencies of the impulses of the brain, which is in a state of depression or irritation. Scientific research has shown that signals sent from the USSR modulate the impulses of the victims' human brains.

The signals emanating from the USSR were measured by the Environmental Protection Agency … and assessed as psychoactive (i.e., having the ability to induce a reaction on a psychological level, making the brain defenseless)! The same agency noted that ultra-low frequency signals can be absorbed and re-emitted by power lines with a current frequency of 60 Hz and even amplified by water pipe systems.

The Russians are on the verge of discovering new technologies and weapons that missiles and bombers will leave behind. They will allow them to destroy up to five American cities a day by broadcasting radio pulses. They will be able to bring panic and disease to entire nations.

One of the rarely mentioned side effects of the Russian Woodpecker is ozone depletion, which was discovered in 1977, a year after the Russian Woodpecker went live. There is overwhelming evidence that these transmissions deplete the ozone layer.

One researcher, who prefers to hide his name, said the Russian Woodpecker had an American technological counterpart. It was called the American Circular Saw. During the conversation, this scientist said the following:

The American circular saw is the equivalent of the Russian Woodpecker signal. This is a psychoactive signal, which is formed in such a way as to interact with the human brain, as if superimposed on its work. The government was quite active in the development of mobile systems installed on helicopters, stationary ground systems like the Saw-type transmitter, etc.

I first spotted the Saw signal around 1990. I called the Federal Patent Office and asked if they knew about this signal. I was told that this signal is the American version of the over-the-horizon radar. I asked: "You mean, the version of the" Russian Woodpecker "?" The answer was yes. That is, they admitted that he had the same purpose.

The signal is transmitted at different frequencies. The carrier frequency varies from 4 MHz to 30 MHz. These frequencies never coincide with amateur radio frequencies or international broadcast frequencies. Transmissions are always on overhead frequencies.

By switching from one of these frequencies to another, they create the so-called "Levinson transition", named after Norman Levinson, the scientist who made the math for frequency-time transformations. They are extremely important in the sense that the human brain, body, and consciousness operate on the basis of the time dependence of pulses, the frequency and amplitude of which are modulated by time intervals. You have this amazing modulated signal hopping from frequency to frequency. They have a multi-band transmitter. Only in a given area is the signal arriving in phase.

We believe that this signal has three modes of operation. The first is the search mode. Here they transmit a signal and wait until someone with increased physical sensitivity picks it up and sends an impulse in response. In this way, they can identify such people and determine their location. The second mode is the indiscriminate transfer of functions that impede physical activity. No more, no less. It has the ability to impair the general fitness of the population. A good psychotherapist can easily notice when such a regime is introduced into a person's consciousness. The third regime is aimed at individuals, and we already know six such people …


Documentary evidence that the US military is conducting research into metaphysical theories and is exploring ways to use different belief systems to control the mind. Top secret.

Defense Intelligence Service. Psychotronic weapons: a spiritual channel. Prepared by the US Army Medical Intelligence Service.