Immortality Of Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

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Immortality Of Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View
Immortality Of Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

Video: Immortality Of Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View

Video: Immortality Of Count Saint-Germain - Alternative View
Video: Real Life IMMORTAL: The Count of Saint Germain 2024, June

The personality of the Comte Saint-Germain is so unique that his name is still on everyone's lips. Some researchers argue that this is a mythical figure that never really existed. But many people are absolutely sure of the reality of Saint Germain's existence. Moreover, they believe that the adventurer count is still alive …

The secret of the elixir of immortality

Information about the Count Saint-Germain is fragmentary and scanty. They are based mainly on rumors and speculations that have been going on since ancient times.

Most is known about his life in Paris. In the 18th century, a man of 45-50 years old appeared there, wealthy, eccentric, well-educated. He was presented to the court, where he made a splash with his talents and stories.


The count could casually tell the shocking details of some mysterious event that happened several hundred years ago. At the same time, the listeners got the impression that Saint-Germain himself was a direct participant in the events he described. So, once he shocked the society, accidentally (or intentionally?) Making a reservation: "I always told Christ that he would end up badly."

The shocked listeners soon decided to find out from the count's servant whether it was true what his master said about himself. The old man's answer made everyone gasp: "Excuse me, but I have been in the service of Mr. Count for only three hundred years" …

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Elderly aristocrats whispered in a close circle that during their youth they had already met this man at court, and he had not changed at all since then.

Only one conclusion could be drawn - the count knows the secret of the elixir of immortality, and therefore has lived for more than one hundred years. This version seemed plausible also because Saint-Germain knew chemistry perfectly and studied the works of the most famous alchemists of all times and peoples. It is noteworthy that Saint Germain read the manuscripts of the ancient carriers of knowledge in any language. He was fluent in English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese and many other languages …

Magic mirror of Saint Germain

A lot of mysterious knowledge and skills gleaned from ancient books were attributed to the count, and not without reason - he really could work miracles.

So, in 1757, he took from Louis XV a huge diamond with a crack - this defect significantly reduced the value of the stone, and a few days later returned it to the king without a defect …


The courtiers told each other that the count possesses a huge number of magical things. One of the most amazing among them is the "Mirror of Saint-Germain". Looking into it, people asserted in a whisper, you can see all the events of the future and find out your own destiny.

According to legend, this mirror once belonged to Nostradamus himself, who thanks to him made his famous, amazing predictions. There is an entry in the diary of Catherine de Medici, which claimed that Nostradamus showed her this mysterious object. “There were pictures of some festivities, fires of fires and streams of blood - it was the night of St. Bartholomew … Then the deathbed appeared - a magnificent, royal … The face of a man, but with female earrings and necklaces - it was Henry III. Then a large shadow appeared in the mirror …

The version of the magic mirror can be confirmed by the quatrains of Nostradamus himself. He began the first century by describing a certain bronze tray through which he sees the future … It is not known by what unknown routes the mirror got to Saint Germain, who also looked through it into the future and knew in advance where and why he should come again …

Count Saint-Germain and Russia

The graph's route seems to be breathtaking. Cities and countries flashed, to many of which he arrived under false names and, according to many researchers, participated in intrigues at the very top. Italy, Holland, England, Prussia, India, Russia …

According to some reports, once in St. Petersburg, Saint-Germain took an active part in the coup of 1762, which brought Catherine II to power.


This version is proved by the story of the Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach. The German witnessed Saint-Germain's meeting with Alexei Orlov in 1760, who gave the count increased attention and hastened to retire with him … In the memoirs of another German who served for some time in the Russian guard, there was also confirmation of this version. Once he played billiards with Grigory Orlov, who, being heavily drunk, told about the coup and casually mentioned: “If it were not Saint Germain, then nothing would have happened” …

Another mysterious story connects the count with Russia. In "The Queen of Spades" Pushkin described one of the most beautiful legends about the Count Saint-Germain and his mysterious abilities. As you remember, Hermann heard from his friend the story of how his grandmother, after losing money in Paris and not receiving the amount required for payment from her husband, turned to the Count Saint-Germain for help, and he revealed to her the secret of three cards that help winning fortunes.

Everyone remembers how tragically ended the story of Hermann, who tried to find out the secret of Saint-Germain from the old princess, but few people know that Pushkin wrote this story based on the story of Prince Golitsin, with whom it happened in reality. The prince told the poet that he once lost a huge amount at cards. He complained about this misfortune to his grandmother Natalya Petrovna Golitsyna and asked her for money - to win back.

She did not give money, but gave her grandson the secret of the three cards, which Count Saint-Germain told her in his time in Paris! The grandson put on these cards and won back, but he never played cards again - such a condition was put before him by Golitsina, who at one time made the same promise to Saint-Germain …

Wolf Messing - Saint Germain?

But the biggest mystery in the life of the Comte Saint-Germain is his death. More precisely, its absence. There was information that in the late 70s of the 18th century, the count acquired a castle in Holstein, where he lived in complete solitude until his death, which followed, according to rumors, in 1784.


However, as they did not look for his grave later in the vicinity of the castle, it was never found. And then very strange things began - testimonies of people who met Saint-Germain in the most unexpected places appeared! In 1785, a secret meeting of the Freemasons took place in Paris. The list of participants includes, among others, the name of Saint-Germain …

In 1788, the French envoy to Venice, Comte de Chalon, encountered the "dead man" in the square of St. Mark and tried to talk to him, but the count hastened to leave. In 1793, the Count was seen in Paris by Princess de Lamballe and Jeanne Dubarry …

In 1814, an elderly aristocrat Madame de Jeanlisse met him in Vienna - exactly the same as he was in her youth …

Then all eyewitnesses of the events of the stormy 18th century died, but from time to time there were sensational reports that someone had met a person who was extremely similar to the Count of Saint-Germain and possessed phenomenal abilities. This information appeared in the 19th century and in the 20th …

By the way, the author of these lines was struck by the amazing resemblance of Saint-Germain to the most remarkable sorcerer of the last century - Wolf Messing. Isn't there some kind of mystery hidden here that hasn't been solved yet? Messing died in 1974, but for Saint-Germain, arranging his own funeral must be familiar. And if this is so, then it means that somewhere near us a person who once discovered the secret of the elixir of immortality may well live …


Author: Natalia Trubinovskaya