Will New Expeditions Of Researchers Of Nature Mysteries Go To Evenkia? - Alternative View

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Will New Expeditions Of Researchers Of Nature Mysteries Go To Evenkia? - Alternative View
Will New Expeditions Of Researchers Of Nature Mysteries Go To Evenkia? - Alternative View

Video: Will New Expeditions Of Researchers Of Nature Mysteries Go To Evenkia? - Alternative View

Video: Will New Expeditions Of Researchers Of Nature Mysteries Go To Evenkia? - Alternative View
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Was there a "starry sky" in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory?

At the end of August, the Internet community actively discussed the "sky maps" found in Evenkia. This is what Valentin Degtyarev, a geophysicist from the Urals, called the mysterious drawings in the taiga, having examined geoglyphs on satellite photographs. He suggested that these are traces of ancient civilizations.

The researcher even named the exact coordinates 62.043184, 101.556438, according to which anyone could independently examine these many kilometers of the same type of drawings on an area of 100 kilometers.

- Apparently, this is a schematic representation of the stars of an unknown galaxy. And there are several dozen such stars. In addition, all the stars are in a clear order. They are delimited by equal sectors, a bit like roads. Most likely, these are latitude, longitude and projection along the meridians. And the sectors are composed of star systems. This means that geoglyphs are tied to a certain place. I should also know where it is,”he made an assumption. And he added that the mysterious "star map" must be "hundreds or thousands of years old", as some geoglyphs are half-destroyed.

But soon the passions subsided. Krasnoyarsk scientists began to assure that these geoglyphs are traces of geological exploration. And they appeared about two years ago.

According to Vyacheslav Neskoromnykh, head of the Department of Technology and Technique of Exploration of Mineral Deposits, Siberian Federal University, this is a three-dimensional seismic survey used in the search for oil fields.

- Traces are made by moving equipment along the route of closed lines in all cardinal directions: first in one direction, then in the opposite direction, - he explained.

And he clarified that the proof of this is that there are only two types of geoglyphs with closed lines and rounded ends in a loop.

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Apparently, this earthly explanation is really correct. And in Evenkia, expeditions of researchers will go only to the place of the possible fall of the Tunguska meteorite. It's a pity … It is somehow strange that a geophysicist is not aware of this kind of seismic survey.