Shadows Of Dead Physicists And Ghosts. About The Most Creepy And Beautiful Legends Of Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View

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Shadows Of Dead Physicists And Ghosts. About The Most Creepy And Beautiful Legends Of Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View
Shadows Of Dead Physicists And Ghosts. About The Most Creepy And Beautiful Legends Of Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View

Video: Shadows Of Dead Physicists And Ghosts. About The Most Creepy And Beautiful Legends Of Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View

Video: Shadows Of Dead Physicists And Ghosts. About The Most Creepy And Beautiful Legends Of Krasnoyarsk - Alternative View
Video: 3 Horrifying Cases Of Ghosts And Demons 2024, July

Haunted houses, grave curses and unexplained visions are the most mystical legends about Krasnoyarsk and its environs

NGS. NOVOSTI spoke with the specialist of the Krasnoyarsk excursion agency of the Travelers Center Elena Bershadskaya, who spoke about the most popular legends of the city: colleagues told about them, sometimes members of tourist groups or even casual acquaintances confirmed them: "Legends - they, like anecdotes, are born from life" …

Bandit treasure of the Black Sopka

One of the oldest legend stories that enveloped Krasnoyarsk took place in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Until now, Krasnoyarsk residents say that a bandit treasure is hidden at the foot of the Chernaya Sopka.


At that time, a gang of robbers was operating in Krasnoyarsk. They attacked, robbed, took gold. They put it all here. According to legend, at the moment when the gang was arrested, the leader, the Old Man, was seriously wounded. He was left to die in the hospital. There, out of pity, a boy was courting him. Before his death, the old man revealed the secret of the treasure, told how to find it, and warned: "You will see me there, but do not be afraid, I will not touch you."

Having matured, the guy decided to find the treasure. Let's go for the jackpot in a big company. Having already reached the place, at night one of the travelers saw the ghost of the Old Man. Unaware of the warning, he woke up all his friends in fear, and the whole company fled. After a while, everyone, except the bearer of the secret, died for various reasons. And this guy himself several times tried to find a place, but neither he, nor the others who were told the way, have still failed.

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House of Gadalov (Mira, 90) - the vision of the vigilante

Most of the other legends appeared already in Soviet times. One of these is the legend about Gadalov's house at 90 Mira Avenue. In the 1980s, the Agricultural Institute was already located there (now it is KrasGAU).


Students gathered in voluntary squads. Their duties included, among other things, running through the floors of the building in the evening before leaving. One of the vigilantes went up to the 3rd floor to the laboratory. The young man saw a light breaking through from under the door, and heard voices.

He opened the door ajar and instead of a laboratory he saw an old room: a fireplace, a sofa, an armchair, a table and cups with real brewed coffee. In the 80s, this kind of coffee was almost impossible to find. 3 people are sitting, dressed in the fashion of the last century. One of them is in uniform, two are in civilian clothes. People are respectable - two with beards, one shaved. On the table are caviar, oil, salmon. The guy is standing in the doorway, and these three are communicating with each other, and then they started talking about him: “So the guests have come!”. At some point, a man in uniform insistently hinted that it was time to run. The guard, as he was with a cup of coffee in his hand, rushed out into the corridor. A few days later, the guy came to the KGB, but after interrogations he was advised not to tell anyone about this.

An interesting fact is that in the place that the vigilante saw, as it turned out, there was actually a room for receiving guests of the Gadalov family.

Plundered cemetery under the BKZ

Previously, on the site of the BKZ was the Resurrection Cathedral - the first stone cathedral in Krasnoyarsk, demolished in the 60s. There was a small churchyard near his fence. Only the most worthy were buried there: Commander Nikolai Rezanov, philanthropist Pyotr Kuznetsov.


When the cathedral was destroyed and new construction began, many burials were found in the ground. During the day, archaeologists were officially engaged in excavations; at night, ordinary townspeople also came to look for ancient values.

Among other things, skulls were prized, especially those with teeth. The most ingenious ones polished them, varnished them, inserted red plexiglass into the eye sockets, and installed flashlights from below. Such lamps were sold very expensively, for 30-50 rubles, which at that time was slightly less than the average salary.

Later, strange things began to happen to such craftsmen. One had furniture moving in the house. “After his bed had passed from one wall to another with him, he collected all these skulls and buried them in the same place where he dug them,” says Elena. Another, a medical student, dug up a couple of skulls and just put them in his closet. Then he said that the skulls talk, he heard their voices from the next room. The student specified that he put the skulls with the eye sockets forward, and later, after the sounds heard, the skulls turned out to be turned with their eye sockets towards each other. It ended the same - everything was collected and buried.

The rustle of the ghosts of the Krutovsky house (Karatanova, 11)

The mysticism of this house was discovered in the 90s, when they began to restore it. The story is simple - people who stayed to work in the evenings began to hear some rustles, footsteps, and incomprehensible sounds. Because of the eerie sensations, the team refused to work. In order to continue the work, a priest was even invited, who, according to stories, consecrated the house. After that, the strangeness in him ceased.


Grave secrets of "QUANT"

The modern shopping complex "KVANT" in the Red Army, as it turned out, was built on the former city cemetery. There stood the All Saints Church, where, by the way, Vasily Surikov was baptized. The cemetery was large - it went down to the area of the present street. Ada Lebedeva. This place was already considered the edge of the city. During the war years, a factory was built on the site of the blown up church.


It turned out that the grave story still makes itself felt. The woman, who has been working in the shopping center for a long time, confessed to the guide that from time to time the employees feel horror and discomfort from which they want to escape.

27 shadows of dead biophysicists

27 shadows of dead biophysicists, according to another urban legend, live at a university biological station 50 km from the city, somewhere in the Yemelyanovsky district. They say that at this biological station, experiments on launching rockets were once carried out.


The biophysicists came to this station and everyone died: perhaps from radiation, perhaps from a feast where they allegedly drank rocket fuel by mistake. According to legend, at this place on the full moon they see how 27 shadows come out through the concrete wall and go into the forest.

Once this legend told by Elena in a bus with tourists was unexpectedly confirmed by the driver. It turned out that he had previously taken students to this biological station. And then everyone was warned: if you see shadows, the main thing is not to touch anyone and not to approach them.

Haunted Night at the Museum

In 1913, the Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen visited Krasnoyarsk along the Northern Sea Route. His fellow countryman, scientist Max Moor, came to us already in the 80s. During gatherings with the intelligentsia, he was told in secret that Fridtjof Nansen spent the winter in one of the Krasnoyarsk villages, which means that here, in Siberia, his descendants could have stayed.


Max Moore turned to the archives of the local history museum in search of data for confirmation. He was in the museum late in the evening, except for the watchmen and there was no one left for him. He was leafing through the papers, when suddenly he distinctly felt someone knocking his hand on the shoulder. And then I heard in Norwegian: "Don't go where you are not asked." He paid no attention. Then I felt a tapping on the shoulder again and heard the same phrase in Norwegian: “Don't go!”. Moore turned around and saw a familiar elderly bearded man, who for the third time strictly ordered him to stop digging in documents.

When Max Moore tried to get up, the image of the man disappeared, in him he recognized Fridtjof Nansen, whose ghost, as it turned out, wanders the museum.

The saving light of Karaulnaya Mountain

Not all legends are riddled with fear and horror. According to one version, there is a place in Krasnoyarsk that has the strongest positive energy. Once the light from Karaulnaya Mountain saved a man.


According to the preserved history, the Krasnoyarsk merchant Novikov returned along the Yenisei on a boat with goods. The boat capsized. In the dark, the merchant stopped navigating, began to sink and prayed to God, asking for salvation and promising to build a chapel in return. At that moment, he saw a pillar of light from Karaulnaya Mountain and swam out.

In 1805, he actually built the first wooden chapel on this site. And Krasnoyarsk people still sometimes notice a column of light above the city. Ordinary townspeople honestly admit that they are drawn to this place.

Natalia Ermakova

Photo kultura24.rf (1), Artem Lenz (2, 3, 7), Olga Yartseva (5, 8), johnnorth (Essential Cillection / iStock) (6), from the photo album of the State Universal Scientific Library of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “Krasnoyarsk. History in photographs. 1870-1970 (compiled by the Krasnoyarsk collector, local historian Vladimir Cherkashin, editor - Sergey Koptsev) (4)
