Reverse Journey - Alternative View

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Reverse Journey - Alternative View
Reverse Journey - Alternative View

Video: Reverse Journey - Alternative View

Video: Reverse Journey - Alternative View
Video: The True Science of Parallel Universes 2024, October

An interesting article was published in the newspaper Tomskie Vedomosti in April 1893, which told how, after a long separation, his son returned to the merchant of the first guild Zherdin, who had drowned in the Tom River fifteen years ago, and whom the merchant Zherdin buried at the local cemetery.

The most interesting thing for the readers was that the merchant's son looked like a twenty-year-old young man who had not aged at all, who sincerely believed that he had left his father's house just a few hours ago.

Zherdin's son confirmed that, crossing the river, he fell through the fragile March ice, but was saved by a peasant who was passing by, who warmed the young man, fed him and provided him with clean and dry clothes.

The wanderer Theophilus

As follows from the article, the police department of Tomsk even ordered an investigation into this mysterious return, in which police officers, in the presence of members of the Zherdin family, opened the grave of the merchant's son. Imagine the surprise of those present when they found in the coffin the well-preserved (and this despite the fifteen years that have passed since the funeral) body of Zherdin's son, dressed in a modest dress different from that of the burial.

When the police decided to interrogate Zherdin's son, who had been in the police station since the beginning of the investigation, they did not find the latter in a dark cell with a single small window under the ceiling. Zherdin's son disappeared as mysteriously as he appeared …

As follows from numerous printed sources and oral histories, similar cases have occurred at different periods of human history. Perhaps one of the oldest records of this phenomenon dates back to the middle of the 18th century. In the archives of the Tobolsk Monastery, it is mentioned about a "wonderful wanderer in the attire of a knight who appeared in those lands in about 1760, who called himself Theophilus, who spoke the Old Slavonic languages and made a cross about two fingers". This wonderful wanderer found shelter within the walls of the monastery, where he lived for a little more than two years, after which he suddenly died and was buried in the monastery cemetery.

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Dead man's curse

Another case, already today, is mentioned by a resident of the Pskov region Maria Zheltova and cites the story of her great-grandmother. According to an elderly woman, in 1915, in the village of Sosnovka, in which she then lived, a husband once returned to a neighbor from the Russian-German front, whose body the woman had buried a few months before.

The man was wounded and began to ask his wife, who was numb with horror, to let him into the house. The frightened residents of Sosnovka, who knew that the woman's husband was buried in the local cemetery, drove the intruder away. Leaving, the soldier, in whom the woman nevertheless recognized her husband, threatened the once native village with terrible punishment. At the beginning of 1916, the village was completely destroyed by the advancing enemy troops.

Inhabitants of the "damn swamps"

Yuri Mikhailovich Spiridonov, now living in Novosibirsk, spoke about the incident that happened in his rifle unit, which took part in the hardest battles near Rzhev in 1942. It was then at the location of the Soviet troops on a rainy August evening, sentinels detained an unknown woman dressed in beggarly rags, with chains on her legs, and muttering something in an unfamiliar, but clearly not German language. Its appearance was all the more mysterious because it literally arose out of thin air on a small patch of solid soil, surrounded on all sides by impenetrable swamps.

Spiridonov happened to accompany the stranger to the commander's dugout, during which he was amazed at her strange demeanor and noticed how frightened this woman was by the objects, people and buildings around her. For interrogation of the detained from the headquarters of the division, "special officers" arrived, who by the evening of the next day took away a strange woman in an unknown direction.

After the war, when Yuri Mikhailovich was driving through the places where his combat youth passed, one of the inhabitants of that very village near Rzhev, surrounded by swamps, told the old soldier that things that were completely inexplicable from the point of view of common sense often happen in their area. Swamps among the local population are considered the habitat of all evil spirits that can harm a person. A lot of the villagers mysteriously disappeared in those "damn places".

After the war, residents have repeatedly witnessed strange phenomena. In particular, as if more than once the villagers saw Soviet and German tanks passing through the swamp, heard the chatter of machine guns and automatic bursts, and once a wounded soldier even wandered into their village, knocking on the windows of houses and asking for help, but none of the frightened residents answered his call …

Psychiatrist's notes

The Yekaterinburg psychiatrist Ekaterina Stepanovna Terentyeva, during her almost forty years of medical practice, several times had a chance to encounter patients who claimed that they lived in a different time era. So, in 1968, a teenager who spoke Russian very badly was admitted to a neuropsychiatric boarding school for a young doctor Terentyeva with a diagnosis of malignant schizophrenia.

From his incoherent speech it still followed that he was "the count's servant Vanka Grushin from Khlopunovka." The teenager said that he went swimming, and then ended up in an unfamiliar place. The young patient's words were indirectly confirmed by the information in the medical file, according to which he was found by police officers at a small railway station near Sverdlovsk without any documents. The teenager was very scared and could not clearly explain where he came from and who his parents were.

On another occasion, Ekaterina Stepanovna met with a similar patient in the mid-eighties. Then a man was taken to a boarding school for compulsory treatment, who claimed to have been in a plane crash in 1973 in the Ufa region. The man said that the burning passenger plane was about to crash into the ground when he lost consciousness. He woke up in an unfamiliar city in a hospital ward in 1985.

The man did not remember what happened to him in a large time interval of twelve years. Ekaterina Stepanovna decided to apply hypnosis to her unusual patient in order to extract from the dark corners of his subconscious a grain of at least some information. As a result, Terentyeva managed to learn very little. In particular, while in a state of hypnotic sleep, the patient said that shortly before the plane with the panicked passengers was to hit the ground, he had a sudden and very severe headache.

At some point, the man felt a terrible cold, the sounds surrounding him suddenly disappeared, there was absolute silence, and he lost consciousness. The next picture captured by the patient's brain is the ceiling of the hospital ward, where he was taken shortly before …

Unique abilities of the Atlanteans

According to the Novosibirsk researcher Dmitry Gorodetsky, all the known facts of this kind of mysterious appearance of unusual people can be attributed to two categories. In some cases, the appearance of the ghosts of people who once lived. And such facts, according to Gorodetsky, are the overwhelming majority. In other cases, eyewitnesses actually encounter real people who have mysteriously transported decades and centuries into another era. Many researchers name various reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon.

This is the presence of certain geopathogenic zones, sudden and short-term fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field, the influence of alien forces and even the impact of man-made sources. Dmitry Gorodetsky suggests that in such cases, we can also talk about the manifestation of some paranormal abilities of the human psyche.

In extreme conditions, special mechanisms are activated in the subconscious of a person that can change the material nature of the human body, as well as its spatio-temporal environment. Perhaps these unique abilities of the representatives of the modern human race are weak echoes of the amazing gift that our ancestors - the first inhabitants of planet Earth - Atlanteans and Boreas, who were considered direct descendants of the gods, fully possessed.

However, the current level of development of human consciousness and science does not yet allow studying the phenomenon of mysterious returns and giving answers to questions that have worried and frightened humanity for centuries.