11 Teenagers From School In Argentina Suddenly Became Possessed By Demons - Alternative View

11 Teenagers From School In Argentina Suddenly Became Possessed By Demons - Alternative View
11 Teenagers From School In Argentina Suddenly Became Possessed By Demons - Alternative View

Video: 11 Teenagers From School In Argentina Suddenly Became Possessed By Demons - Alternative View

Video: 11 Teenagers From School In Argentina Suddenly Became Possessed By Demons - Alternative View
Video: 10 Possessed People Caught on Tape 2024, June

11 young people, aged 17 to 19, from a high school in the small Argentine town of Santiago de Salavina, one after another fell to the floor during lessons and began to convulse. Their classmates were very scared of the incident.

To find out the reason, psychologists, doctors and priests were immediately called, and the locals are sure that the boys and girls were possessed by demons. Parents of teenagers also think that it was not without black magic or spirits that entered the bodies of their children.

The press got a video of one of the "sick" girls, over whom, apparently, an exorcism session is being conducted. At first, the girl does not react in any way, but then she begins to twitch and wriggle "like a snake." The rite of exorcism is performed by someone Julio Alis, who calls himself a healer-healer. He believes in demons who want to take possession of people.


One of the victims describes the incident as strange. She says that at first she had a headache, then she felt sick, and then she fainted. Then she started having involuntary convulsions when “the body did not belong to her” and that at that moment four people could hardly hold her back.

Dr. Maldonado examined the victims and found that their clinical neurological condition was normal. He says that all the attacks happened only during class and that this is more like a case of mass psychosis than a ghost possession.

The school is located in a rural area and there are a lot of people who believe in ghosts and superstitions. People in the area lived long before the arrival of the Spanish on the mainland.


Promotional video:

After the doctor, the priest Lazaro Leiva went to the injured young people. He talked to them and read Bible passages to them. When he began to spray holy water, the teenagers began to fall to the floor and shake in convulsions. Then they calmed down and the priest performed an anointing ceremony for them.

The priest believes that the devil exists and he wants to get close to these teenagers, but he (the priest) will not allow this and will protect them.

So what was it? Obsession? Mass hysteria? In any case, this phenomenon had many witnesses and it is definitely not called a mass hallucination.