Mysterious Object At The Foot Of The Tatras - Alternative View

Mysterious Object At The Foot Of The Tatras - Alternative View
Mysterious Object At The Foot Of The Tatras - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Object At The Foot Of The Tatras - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Object At The Foot Of The Tatras - Alternative View
Video: Freaky Clips That'll Have You Questioning Reality 2024, June

Two researchers working on behalf of the FICI (Fundacin Instituto Biof'sico) in Argentina said they found unnatural levels of radioactivity, microwaves, electrical charges and vibrations emanating from the interior of the earth. Dr. Omar Hesse and Dr. Jorge Milstein took measurements in the mountains near Cachi in Argentina in June 2004. They concluded that these emissions are not natural, but rather come from some kind of device operating deep underground.

Vibrations clearly indicate that electric waves are generated at a depth of many kilometers underground, that is, there is a source of electric current. And this, in turn, according to Dr. Hesse, means that some machines are working there.

This site in the mountains was not chosen by chance. He was chosen because it was there that local resident Antonio Zuleta made four films in 2002. The dispassionate camera captured strange, fast-moving lights that seemed to disappear at the same point.

“We must return to this location with highly sensitive instruments,” Milstein said. - The mountain range stretching from La Poma to Gaiafat is one of the hottest spots on the planet in terms of extraterrestrial activity. Both researchers believe that they are dealing with manifestations of activities on our planet of extraterrestrial civilization. In their opinion, in the Andes it is likely

invasion of alien spaceships. The landing of starships is depicted in many rock paintings and reliefs made by the ancient inhabitants of the Andes.

Researchers have not yet reported anything new.

Similar measurements in the Polish and Slovak Tatras could yield interesting results. In particular, an incomprehensible object was found near the village of Vikartovece in the Low Tatras. There was a flood in this area - a small river overflowed, and a wide ravine formed, at the bottom of which a strange object, never seen before, lay. It is difficult to attribute it to any specific class of objects created by nature.

The village of Vikartovece, with a population of 1,600 people, is located at the intersection of 48 ° 56 'N and 20 ° 10' East. It lies in a picturesque valley overlooking the Koziy Ridge, which blocks the view of the High Tatras from the north. The find lies two kilometers to the west, towards the source of the Hornad River. It was opened by workers during excavation work on the construction of a hydraulic structure. In the deepest part of the ravine, they saw an object protruding from a sheer rock, in the form of a regular ellipse. The top layer of the ellipse was clearly visible on the rock. The substance that this object consisted of differed in density and texture from rock. It resembled some kind of shell, melted under the influence of high temperature.

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A group of researchers from the city of Kosice arrived at the site of the discovery of the mysterious ellipse, which brought with them not only shovels, but also a small mobile laboratory. A team led by Martin Schuster took samples of the object's substance from its surface and from the inside, as well as pieces of surrounding rock. With the help of an excavator, the researchers dug out part of the object, but then interrupted work due to the danger of the collapse of thousands of tons of earth and rocks. It was not possible to get under the object from below, a stream interfered. The Bratislava group did not manage to do much either: they got to the bottom of the object, but this caused a landslide.

- There, in its place, this object seems to us even more mysterious, than samples of a substance in the laboratory, says Dr. Valenchik. - Appeared

complex layered structure, there are traces of high temperatures and geophysical anomalies. We managed to partially excavate the object. He has a very impressive size. We examined a nearly ten-meter thick multi-layered object resembling the shield of the giant Cyclops.

- On the spot, we were able to find out, - says Dr. Schuster, - that the water

I made a ravine in the slope 0.5-3 meters deep, 3-5 meters wide.

At the bottom of the ravine, a strange object is firmly stuck in the sandstone. The water probably destroyed the protruding part of the object, so we found from the edge

only ferruginous minerals, possibly of natural origin. The object itself gave the impression of a very old iron structure. Initially, it was empty, because it is filled from the inside with the same soil as around the ravine. The shell had a thickness of two centimeters and was perfectly smooth on the outside, black, with clear signs of stratification. In some places, holes can be seen that resemble volcanic craters. On the underside of the shell, there were many notches; it had grown together with the rock. The measured portion - 2.6 meters below the surface - was 3 meters wide and 1 meter high.

Chemical analyzes of the substance from within the object showed a relatively high content of heavy metal salts compared to soil and rock samples.

This is especially true for the content of elements such as iron, manganese, lead, cobalt, nickel, chromium and titanium. The number of detected elements is from one to five percent. Interesting fact: geological surveys in the region of the Koziy Ridge led to the discovery of rich deposits of lead and uranium ore. And the Geiger counter, with which the expedition from Kosice checked the mysterious object, did not show an increased level for the sake of activity.

“Our analyzes don't say anything about the presence of uranium,” says Dr. Schuster. - Found forty elements, the content of which in the samples was about 0.001%, but uranium was nowhere to be found. And this is in a place where its industrial production is planned! Let's not forget that the places here are deaf and wild. There could well have been something deliberately hidden from human eyes. If it was a thermal "cover", then the object covered by it is located somewhat lower, in a sandstone rock, moreover, it has long been flooded with underground waters …

How this object could have formed, if it is of natural origin, is still completely unclear. An explanation of the mystery of the elliptical object in the Low Tatras will probably have to wait a long time …