Ufologists Argentina Have Laid A Time Capsule For Upcoming UFO Researchers - Alternative View

Ufologists Argentina Have Laid A Time Capsule For Upcoming UFO Researchers - Alternative View
Ufologists Argentina Have Laid A Time Capsule For Upcoming UFO Researchers - Alternative View

Video: Ufologists Argentina Have Laid A Time Capsule For Upcoming UFO Researchers - Alternative View

Video: Ufologists Argentina Have Laid A Time Capsule For Upcoming UFO Researchers - Alternative View
Video: UFOs: Retired Navy Commander Describes His Sighting In 2004 | The Overview | NBC News 2024, June

Despite the fact that 70 years have passed since the crash of the flying saucer in Roswell in 1947 and the appearance of nine UFOs in Washington state, which was observed by pilot Kenneth Arnold in the same year, attention to these events has not faded.

Whether the mystery of these mysterious objects and thousands of other UFOs will ever be solved is still unknown, but ufologists around the world, hoping for this, painstakingly collect the testimonies of each eyewitness.

So the Argentine UFO Research Group (ICOU) took a big step in this direction by placing photographs, videos and other materials proving the existence of UFOs in a time capsule that will be opened in 2117. The message to future generations was posted in the community of Masimo Paz, located in the Argentine province of Santa Fe.

The initiative was spearheaded by Luis Burgos of the Argentine UFO Foundation, one of the founders of the ICOU group. In an interview with Más Allé del Misterio, he reminded readers that in the summer of 1947, Argentina also witnessed significant events related to the appearance of an unidentified flying object. On July 10 of that year, a "mysterious red ball" was recorded over the San Martin Park in La Plata.

Luis Burgos stated that "not all UFOs are extraterrestrial objects." He is confident that "this mystery will someday be solved, although it is very frivolous to predict the possible date of such an event."

Voronina Svetlana