The Mysterious Circle In The Swamps Of Argentina - Alternative View

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The Mysterious Circle In The Swamps Of Argentina - Alternative View
The Mysterious Circle In The Swamps Of Argentina - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Circle In The Swamps Of Argentina - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Circle In The Swamps Of Argentina - Alternative View
Video: This Mysterious Rotating Island Has Finally Been Explained 2024, June

The mysterious object found in the swamps of Argentina was initially found on Google Maps and was mistaken for an artifact that arose from an incorrect scan of the area, but later it turned out that this was not the case, and the island actually exists.

The lake has perfectly flat shores forming a well-defined circle. There is also a huge floating island in the lake, occupying about 4/5 of the lake's surface. The island has the same perfectly round shape as the lake, and the island is constantly moving relative to the coast, which is why the water in the lake looks like a crescent moon.

What could it be?

The find belongs to the American hydraulic engineer Richard Petroni. He discovered the island earlier this year and immediately contacted his colleagues: Sergio Nespilerm and Pablo Martinez, who were also interested in the find, after which all three went on an expedition to discover the mysterious place.


Anyone can see the unusual island right now. It is enough to go to Google Maps, enter the coordinates 34 ° 15'07.8 ″ S 58 ° 49'47.4 ″ W and switch to satellite mode.

The island itself is located in Argentina, in the delta of the swampy Parana River. And the first time, Richard and his colleagues did not manage to get to the island - too swampy terrain prevented, but the second helicopter visit was successful, and scientists were finally able to see an unusual place.

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The island was named Eye, its diameter is 118 meters, and it is located on a slightly larger water surface. As it turned out, the locals have known about the existence of the island for a long time, but they do not risk approaching it, since they believe that an ancient deity lives there.


After examining the archives of Google Maps, Richard Petroni came to the conclusion that the island already existed in 2003, at the time of the launch of the service. And satellite images at different periods of time indicate that the island rotates on its axis and changes its position. At the moment, Richard is assembling a third, this time ground expedition to study the Eye, armed with special geological equipment. In addition, the team of geologists also accepts donations: for 5 thousand dollars you will be the first to find out the latest details about the island, and for 10 you can go to Argentina and personally explore the mysterious place.

By the way, ufologists believe that research is not necessary. Even without them, they are already sure that the island is a hatch cover of a spaceship or an entrance to a secret underwater alien base.


The first expedition was unsuccessful and did not reach only 900 meters from the round lake, sinking into the surrounding swamp. But the second attempt was crowned with success.

“We found the water to be incredibly clear and cold, which is very unusual in the area. The bottom is solid, unlike the surrounding marshes. The island in the center of the lake is moving. We don't know why, but he swims,”the director said.

To unravel all the secrets of the lake, the film crew decided to return here as part of a scientific expedition together with geologists, biologists, ufologists, equipped with scuba gear, unmanned aerial vehicles and other equipment for analyzing water, soil, plants. In addition, the team plans to make a film based on the supernatural stories told by the locals about the place.


The history of mankind goes back more than one millennium, but scientists still do not know the answers to many questions. Artifacts found during archaeological excavations make experts wonder if the search for truth becomes more interesting.

Where it's cold, round islands of ice form

It seems, at least outwardly, that the round Argentine island is akin to those that appear on water from ice in winter. Round ice islands are mysterious, but more common. The internet is full of photographs of this phenomenon.

The diameter of the ice circles is also considerable. And they rotate too. And they are formed, as a rule, on rivers. It is possible that the ice circles are traces of "flying saucers" - after all, scientists have not yet clarified the mechanism of their appearance. There are only hypotheses that in winter the islands form ring-shaped currents - whirlpools that the current swirls.


The Argentinean "Eye" is located, though in a swamp, but in the river delta. What if he was formed by some kind of hidden in the depths?

Who knows, maybe both the icy round islands and the "Eye" appeared due to more mysterious forces - those that form circles of fallen cereals. They are also called English circles.


It is hoped that another expedition to the mysterious island in Argentina will help figure it out.