The Birth Of Great Ideas: What Is It Connected With? - Alternative View

The Birth Of Great Ideas: What Is It Connected With? - Alternative View
The Birth Of Great Ideas: What Is It Connected With? - Alternative View

Video: The Birth Of Great Ideas: What Is It Connected With? - Alternative View

Video: The Birth Of Great Ideas: What Is It Connected With? - Alternative View
Video: WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson 2024, October

What we have now: electricity, the Internet, various mechanisms and electronic devices are not unusual for humanity. We are already accustomed to these benefits of civilization. But there was a time when all this seemed fiction and fiction, and only thanks to the birth of people who "made fairy tales come true" was it possible to realize the most unimaginable ideas and dreams.

Despite the fact that there are a huge number of people on the planet, only a few out of millions are capable of influencing the course of history and science, and no one is given to know by what principle the choice of geniuses is made. A child who in the future will be able to change the world can be born in any family, regardless of the wealth or intelligence of the parents, but most often such people are not understood by contemporaries, since their ideas and actions can cause amazement and wariness of others. And although the abilities of inventors even five hundred years ago are surprising and admirable, there are relatively few blank spots in their biography.


At the same time, ancient civilizations that have disappeared from the face of the Earth have left us so many mysteries and secrets that they cannot be solved by the most "bright" minds of mankind. For example, everyone from school years knows that the first Adams and Eves did not know how to make fire, used stones and sticks as weapons, and instead of talking they said something inarticulate.

And suddenly (by archaeological standards) very little time passes, and now the Dogon tribe has an accurate map of the location of the stars and has an idea of the structure of the star system of Sirius, the Indians of pre-Columbian America create the most accurate calendar calculated to our time, and the ancient skulls found by archaeologists have traces trepanation. It's hard to believe that our ancestors who have not yet gone very far from monkeys (if they were) acquired this knowledge by trial and error, and the first question arises: then who? The answer is unequivocal: it means that they had mentors with highly developed technologies, and, most likely, who came to Earth from other planets.


Many legends of antiquity contain references to the "gods" who came to people, who shared some of their knowledge with primitive races. And now the second question: why?

Of course, the version about disinterested help and spreading the beacon of knowledge among the aboriginal savages sounds very nice, and maybe this was actually the case. At the same time, it is known that the customs of ancient peoples were not distinguished by gentleness and kindness. And bloody sacrifices to all kinds of deities were not at all a curiosity. Therefore, traces of mysterious operations found on the bones of ancient people may well be the consequences of some medical experiments that were carried out by aliens on unknown earthlings' organisms. And maybe it's not for nothing that some myths contain direct indications that the "gods" who sympathize with people were punished by others (for example, like Prometheus).

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But still, humanity was given a chance to develop along its own path, and endowed with imagination, intuition, and sometimes paranormal abilities, people could create turning points in the development of humanity as a whole. The invention of a spear, a bow, a wheel - all this made a person's life more comfortable, and gradually people began to be interested not only in the problems of ensuring everyday life, but also in somewhat abstract objects: the ability to rise into the air, dive under water, and light up artificial light. For centuries, the ripening seeds of ideas poured out on the soil prepared by many generations of "plowmen", and extraordinary people were born who made great inventions. Such geniuses include Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Mendeleev, Tesla and many others.


Leonardo da Vinci showed an extraordinary talent for inventing, and it was he who, back in the 15th century, made the "projects" of an aqualung, parachute, helicopter and even a tank, and the portable ladder, which is still used by rescuers in case of fires, was also Leonardo's idea, although it was intended for the storming of fortresses in a war. In the centuries that followed, inventions poured out like a horn of plenty and were constantly improved.

In 1609, Galileo Galilei first looked at the sky with a telescope, since then this device has improved so much that it allows you to observe the processes taking place in the distant depths of space.


The microscope, invented in the 17th century by Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, has now "grown" into powerful electron microscopes, allowing you to take incredible pictures at the molecular level. And X-rays, telegraph, telephone, radio and television have become indispensable in the life of every person.

However, even in this period of the 19th and 20th centuries, it is necessary to mention the brilliant inventor, whose abilities bordered on the mystical - this is Nikola Tesla. Wireless transmission of electricity, numerous experiments with artificial lightning and plasma, the invention of electric cars and stealth technology - this is not all that this outstanding and eccentric scientist was capable of. One of his experiments was aimed at establishing a communication system between the earth and the Cosmos, and he practically succeeded!


Tesla's ingenious ideas were so extraordinary and unusual that, despite our "advanced" technologies, scientists fail to achieve the results that Tesla was able to achieve in his laboratory. It seems that the physicist drew these ideas from unknown information channels, which have been talked about quite a lot lately. Only a few get access to this unified energy-information system of the Universe. Some see images from the future, some can “tune in” to the brain frequencies of the people around them (telepathy), and some are able to draw previously unknown knowledge from there.

The system of information channels permeates all galaxies, and accordingly space and time, and therefore everything in the Universe is closely interconnected. So it is likely that thanks to some abilities, people like Tesla, Leonardo da Vinci, Wanga and Wolf Messing could "connect" to invisible transmissions from the etheric space.


It is possible that the first inhabitants of the Earth were able to consciously take information from Space, but if then it was a normal phenomenon, now it is an exception to the rule, and for the most part people with such extraordinary abilities have difficult fates.