The Three Flood Hypothesis - Alternative View

The Three Flood Hypothesis - Alternative View
The Three Flood Hypothesis - Alternative View

Video: The Three Flood Hypothesis - Alternative View

Video: The Three Flood Hypothesis - Alternative View
Video: Is the house of history built on foundations of sand? | Graham Hancock | TEDxReading 2024, October

Already many ordinary people have begun to pay attention to the fact that the first floors of buildings that are more than 200 years old are covered with soil, and common sense suggests that the reason for this is not the notorious "cultural layer" or "subsidence of buildings." And, of course, our ancestors could not deliberately "build like this", given the excessive complexity and absurdity of such construction. And the floors themselves, filled up all over the world, are completely unlike standard underground basements, not to mention the fact that in many places there are several such underground floors.

For any sane person, the inadequacy of the explanations of the priests of official science about all this no longer raises any doubts. And what do alternative researchers tell us about this, what versions do they put forward? For what reason did these buildings turn out to be covered with soil? Let's give the floor to the author of the ASPIK channel, a member of several expeditions of independent researchers of the real past in Russia and neighboring countries - O. Pavlyuchenko. Here's what he says about this in one of his videos:

Of course, the dating of these three floods is very approximate, but the very fact of their presence in our not-so-distant past for many alternative people no longer raises any doubts. The hypothesis of V. Maksimenkov, which connects these catastrophes with planetary wars and the consequent falls of various celestial bodies, is also of undoubted interest. So many independent researchers came to the conclusion that the last flood of the middle of the 19th century was associated not with a wave of megatsunami, but with the fallout of a large amount of water, clay and some other rocks from a comet or some other celestial body that collapsed in the Earth's atmosphere.

Of course, all of this is just the hypotheses of independent alternative researchers. But these hypotheses explain much more logically many of the "shoals" and inconsistencies in the official version of history. including the presence of a unified architectural "antique" style of old buildings around the world and their filled ground floors, as well as the ubiquitous level of the ground and plots of paintings by ruinist artists who actually painted from life, and did not fantasize at all.

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