The Real Cause Of The Flood Of 1824 In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

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The Real Cause Of The Flood Of 1824 In St. Petersburg - Alternative View
The Real Cause Of The Flood Of 1824 In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: The Real Cause Of The Flood Of 1824 In St. Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: The Real Cause Of The Flood Of 1824 In St. Petersburg - Alternative View
Video: Самое разрушительное наводнение в Санкт-Петербурге 1824 года. 2024, October

We all know from the history of the catastrophic flood of 1824 in St. Petersburg. But closer inspection reveals that perhaps the peak of the cosmic catastrophe occurred in mid-November. And it was she who caused much greater destruction throughout the earth than just destruction in St. Petersburg.

History teaches us that on November 7 (November 19, old style) a monstrous wind blew in the morning that blew a lot of water from the bay. The storm raged and the water level in St. Petersburg rose by more than 4 meters. For now, I will copy a short description from the site:

It is also worth adding that the Southwest wind was blowing. The pressure was at an all-time low. Also note that the storm did not rage for so long - literally half a day.

The storm was so strong that it smoked the granite embankments and even threw a steamer from Bert's factory into the city. The evidence also indicates that the roofs were blown down like paper, the brickwork of houses was smashed, the wooden structure was simply blown away. You can imagine what kind of power it was! This is probably how tropical hurricanes are now.

Promotional video:

Moreover, the uniqueness of that flood in terms of the height of the rise of water is indicated by the fact that Peter was saved then, that it had been fortified for more than 100 years, canals, sewerage and water supply were created. Berg V. N. and describes that if there was such a flood under Peter 1, the height of the rise of the water was not 4, but 7 meters!

Many poets, impressed by this flood, wrote their works.

In general, a lot of things remained in the memory of the flood. But why did such a short-term storm of the highest strength arise? The wind just blew and caught up with a wave from the bay. Yes, this is how all the floods occur in St. Petersburg, and everyone thought that the wind was just blowing very strong - which means that the flood was a little stronger. But upon careful comparison of the facts, it turns out that this is not entirely true.

In his book about the floods that happened in St. Petersburg, Berg V. N. made one curious footnote:


Oh how! Also southwest wind. A storm that old-timers don't remember. And the same numbers! Only here is the other end of the world - North America. By the way, there is nothing surprising about the data from California - this is a Russian colony, the sources of which lie in the center of Russia - the city of Totma.

Most likely, the data on the wild storm off the coast of San Francisco was delivered by our magnificent navigator of that time Otto Von Kotzebue. He was just in the San Francisco area in September-November 1824 and this is what he wrote:

And here too - the waves washed away everything from the shore, the wind blew away the roofs. Kotzebue was an experienced sailor and this was his second round the world (on the ship Enterprise). He has seen many storms, and if he said so much about it, he says that the storm was catastrophic.

Few people know that in England on November 22-23, 1824, one of the catastrophic storms happened, which literally destroyed everything in the Devon area. Researchers of that storm indicate right away that it is very close in dates to the St. Petersburg flood. But the dates do not exactly coincide, but in fact it is not surprising.

Because there was some confusion at that time with the Gregorian and Julian reckoning. And many agree that the storm was at the same time as the St. Petersburg flood. I, too, have this opinion, because in the first place, the same storm could not appear all over the planet at the same time - it is still a wave of events, and the fact that there was confusion is also a fact.

The Great Storm in England is described as follows (I will use Google translator, because I was lazy to interrupt the text by hand - Google conveyed the meaning in full):

This quote is from of this article. Read it, there is a lot written about this storm.

It is important here that the wind is still southwest, there was a tsunami and hail and rain. Well, oh, the strength of the wind was catastrophic. This disaster destroyed the fleet off the coast and changed the coastline of the island. The damage was colossal.

A lot of details are still on the link …, I took an illustration of a storm off the coast of England from there


It also indicates that a storm of unprecedented strength hit the east coast of the current United States, which also caused catastrophic destruction on the coast. And there, too, a southwest wind was blowing.

It is noteworthy that on November 15 in Edinburgh (which is in the north of England) there was a great fire:


Something caught fire there, but the cause of the fire was in the monstrous southwestern wind

“The wind at this time was extremely gentle and came from the south west so that the flames which issued from the windows were at first directed towards the front of the eastern tenement which was for some time considerably endangered But this house being separated gable and … „

As a result, the fire extinguished the downpour with snow and hail, which saved the remains of the city.

I was interested in what could be the cause of such a hurricane south-west wind, huge storms on the coasts, at least of the entire northern hemisphere (it's a pity there is no information about the southern hemisphere, it seems that the colonies did not report much to the old world in terms of weather anomalies).

It is worth noting that there are numerous references to incredible winds and storms along the entire northern coast of Europe.

John Holmes in 1843 published the book "Eclectic Museum", where, in particular, in the chapter "November Meteors" he describes the following facts

On November 12-13, 1824, a bright meteor (Fireball) was seen in Mainz, after which there was an earthquake, which was recorded not only in Mainz, but also in Tuscany (which is in Italy). All this was accompanied by a thick fog.

Also, an earthquake was recorded on the island of Meleda.


In 1887, also in the USA, Daniel Kirkwood published a book, which included, among other things, a list of the most significant space accidents of the 19th century in the book Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.


On November 27, 1824, a fiery meteor the size of the moon was observed in Prague. Moreover, only the 1824 meteor was noted with at least some dimensional comparison - it means there was a huge meteor.

In general, in the 19th century there was the science of meteorology - the science of observing meteors, meteorites and other things that fall from the sky. It was later that they began to talk about the weather, because almost stopped falling. And this is not surprising. Magically, from 1800 to 1850, huge meteors or small debris fell from the sky almost every day. Incredible atmospheric phenomena were taking place! What is worth the next mention:

“In 1822 on the 12 13th November phenomena were strikingly various were seen not only throughout Europe falling stars innumerable at Orenburg Russia bnt at Warsaw and Koln lightnings Odessa a meteor like the aurora and Lottich a flash from which unfolded a kind of curtain of liaht and then itself up again and glistened in the brightest colors of the rainbow On the day occurred one of the most eruptions of Etna On the 17th November „

Who wants to - push the text into google translator))

Bskamalov noted a lot about notes from the science of meteorology.


In general, in the first half of the 19th century, not only a huge number of meteorites fell and there were many weather anomalies, earthquakes, etc., but at the same time there were a number of major volcanic eruptions such as Etna and especially Tombora in 1815. The eruption of Tambora was comparable to what is now expected from a volcano in North America.

And then, somewhere after 1850, all this disappeared like a hand and humanity continued to live more calmly.

I do not post scans of numerous books with the registration of meteors, atmospheric phenomena and other / other things - believe me - there are just kilotons of information! There is a lot of information on the events of November 12-25, 1824. I don't have enough time to cover everything and make a calculation. But it's obvious to me that all these storms and stuff (in particular Peter) were caused by one incident. And this incident was in space, which I will summarize in the conclusion.


I believe that the flood of 1824 in St. Petersburg was a particular of one general planetary catastrophe, which was caused by the passage of a huge body by the earth, maybe a planet or something similar to it. It necessarily had the power of attraction. And since it was a stretched earthly action, about 50 years - by cosmic standards, this is zilch - one instant. It was this flying planetoid that contained a cloud of many large and small debris around it, which was observed around the world in the period 1800-1850. Which caused a lot of destruction and changed the landscape of the planet, these include incredible lakes (the area after the bombardment) east of the Urals (look at least in the Chelyabinsk region).

The flight past the earth of the planetoid caused the incredible power of volcanic eruptions.

The peak of the passage of a huge body past the earth was November 1824, when the atmosphere was disturbed by gravity, which caused catastrophic southwestern winds around the world, causing huge storms.

Assuming there was an atomic strike in 1812. I believe it was a coincidence for that war. One of those millions of asteroids, meteors, meteorites that ironed the earth just flew to Moscow.

So perhaps the earth escaped a cosmic catastrophe in 1824. And the flood in St. Petersburg is the least that could happen. We were lucky.