Noah And The Flood - Alternative View

Noah And The Flood - Alternative View
Noah And The Flood - Alternative View

Video: Noah And The Flood - Alternative View

Video: Noah And The Flood - Alternative View
Video: The Best movie explaining Noah's Flood Ever made ! 2024, October

The biblical story of the Flood is found in one form or another among almost all ancient peoples. Traces of the Flood remained practically throughout the entire planet, and therefore this topic has never become obsolete at all times and is relevant to the present day.

The story of Noah could not leave indifferent the creators of modern cinema. Among the cinema novelties of 2017, presented on the portal, a significant part takes its plot from the epic events of the past, including legends and traditions. One of the interesting works in this regard is the motion picture "Noah". The main role in the film was played by Russell Crowe, undoubtedly a talented and bright actor. It should be noted that the author used different sources as sources for the plot, since the interpretation of the Flood legend (especially in the second half of the film) is fundamentally different from the biblical one.

The Flood The essence of the story in the Book of Genesis is that God, having made a decision to severely punish humanity, still calls people to repentance, showing immediately the way to their salvation. Righteous Noah, having received from the Lord the revelation about the Flood and the Ark for salvation, built it for 120 years in front of the entire ancient world. But no one took Noah seriously, continuing to sin. The result is known - only Noah's family of eight people was saved from people, as well as animals and birds, which, by the will of Almighty God, independently appeared in the Ark, a couple of each species.

In the antediluvian world, hardly anyone knew about the pouring rains, because according to the Bible, in those days, "steam watered the face of the earth." Therefore, the downpour, which rained for forty days, seemed complete fantasy. But the most terrible thing was the "discovery of the sources of the great abyss", which ensured the arrival of water from underground sources for five months. The catastrophe almost completely destroyed the traces of ancient civilization, leaving only such ancient monuments as pyramids, megaliths and the ruins of ancient temples and cities for the thought of descendants.
