Day Of Dazhdbog And Marena - Alternative View

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Day Of Dazhdbog And Marena - Alternative View
Day Of Dazhdbog And Marena - Alternative View

Video: Day Of Dazhdbog And Marena - Alternative View

Video: Day Of Dazhdbog And Marena - Alternative View
Video: Славянская богиня Мара (Марена, Морена). Сущность Марены в магии. Мара в практике Прямых Порталов. 2024, October

December 12, according to the national Calendar, is the day of ParaMon. “Para” is the highest-senior (hence the paraatma, and the ancestor and great-grandfather), and “MON-MAN” is a person, that is, the image of this name literally means “the oldest of people”. And who among us is considered the ancestor of our Clans. The ancestors called themselves nothing less than Dazhdbozh's grandchildren.

We are watching “The Word about Igor's Regiment …:“Then, under Oleg Gorislavich (Prince Tmutorakansky), strife was sown and grew. The lives of Dazhbozhi's grandchildren were dying. " “The word about Igor's regiment …” is echoed by the “Velesov Book”: “Behold the souls of our ancestors from Iriya see us. And there Zhalya cries for us, speaks to us - as if we neglect, Rule, Navu and Yavu. We neglect this and despise the true, and are not worthy to be Dazhdbog's grandchildren … "," So we pray to the gods and have our pure souls and bodies, and may we have life with our forefathers in Gods, merging into one Truth. We will be Dazhbogov's grandchildren”,“We are Dazhbogov’s grandchildren - divine favorites”. That is, it turns out that the name Dazhdbog, when adopting Christianity, was replaced among the people by the name Paramon, consonant in the image of significance. But in ancient times it was not just a holiday of Dazhdbog, it was the Day of Dazhdbog and Marena.

Dazhdbog's wedding with the Goddess Marena

Traditional Slavic holidays are associated with nature and the events taking place in it, they contain and conceal a deep essence and meaning. The ceremonies that our great Ancestors-ancestors performed once upon a time are called to ensure peaceful coexistence and harmony with Mother Nature, communication with our KIND Slavic Gods. Therefore, each Slavic holiday is a ritual action, timed to honor a particular Deity of the Slavic pantheon and a concomitant event that occurs in nature.

As a rule, Slavic holidays are accompanied by cheerful and wide-ranging festivities, songs, round dances and various fortune-telling, youth gatherings and brides' bride shows. The celebration of the day of Dazhdbog and Marena is timed to calm nature and the onset of winter cold. (Marena, Marana, Marina, Morena, Marmor (lat.), Morgana (Brit.), Marrow (Shotl.), Marya (Latvian.), Morrigan (Irl.), Marysya (Belor.), Marica (Italy.)) - Great mother goddess. The sacred tree of the goddess - Hornbeam, Currant. MARENA (Mara) - Goddess of Winter, Night, Eternal Sleep and Eternal Life. Very often she is called the Goddess of Death, who ends the earthly life of a person in the Explicit World, but this is not entirely true. The goddess Marena does not stop human life, but gives the people of the Race Eternal Life in the World of Glory.

She is in charge of changes in human lives, and family well-being. It is believed that the Great Goddess Marena has Ice Halls in the far north of Midgard-Earth, in which She loves to rest after wandering around Svarga the Purest. When the Goddess Marena comes to Midgard-earth, all Nature falls asleep, retires, plunging into a long three-month sleep. But besides observing the rest of Nature on Midgard-earth, she also observes the life of people. And when the time comes for people to set off on a long journey to other Worlds (when death-change of dimension comes), the Goddess Marena gives instructions to each deceased person in accordance with his earthly Spiritual and worldly life, as well as in accordance with the received creative experience, in which direction him to continue his posthumous Path: to the World of dark Navi or to the World of Glory. The goddess Marena is the Patroness of the Fox Hall in the Svarog Circle, she is the wife of Tarkh Dazhdbog (Dazhbog, Daibog, Dazhbo, Even, Dacbog (Western Slav.), Dabog, Daba, Dagda (Celtic), Dajbog (Serb.), Dagbra (Brit.), Dagda (Irl.), Tarh, Toora (Fin.), Tuuri (Karelian), Taar (Est.), Syakhyl-Torum (Mansi.), Tarhunt (Het.), Tor (Scand.), Taranis (Celtic)) - God of light, goodness, blessings, rain, snow, patron saint of weddings, nature, wealth, giving, help.

The meeting of Dazhdbog and Marena was always accompanied by various rituals. They embodied this when they sculpted the Snowman and the Snow Maiden on this day. The fairy tale about the Snow Maiden melted in summer is an echo of sad memories of the past winter and all the joys that she so generously brought us. In those regions of our homeland where there is very little snow (Kuban, Ukraine), straw idols are made - sometimes the size of a child, and sometimes they are set in a chosen place in the real height of a person, and a table with various snacks and drinks is placed next to them. Then they light a big fire and start jumping over it in pairs (well done with girls), holding small dolls in their hands. In the evening of this day, feasts are held, at which the reconciliation of those who quarreled are sure to take place, because Mara and Dazhdbog are responsible for peace and goodness in human birth.

Promotional video:

Games and songs continue until dawn. Small dolls are then put in the hut, for the whole winter, in the hope of saving themselves for the near future from illness and death, and, of course, from other everyday troubles.

The tale of Dazhdbog and Marena

There lived in Svarga the Most Pure Dazhdbog Perunovich, and he had three sisters: one goddess Magura the virgin warrior, the other goddess Tara (Zarya), the third goddess Devan (Zevana). He married all his sisters and was left alone, and he became bored.

He got ready for the road, got on his horse and rode off, and now he sees - the army lies in the field - a beaten strength. Dazhdbog asks:

- If there is someone alive here, answer! Who defeated this great army? One of the living responded to him: - All this great army was beaten by the beautiful goddess Mara Morevna. Dazhdbog set off further, ran into the white tents, came out to meet him Mara Morevna, beautiful:

- Hello, Dazhdbog, where does it take you, by the will of al-by-will? Dazhdbog answered her:

- Good fellows do not drive captively!

“Well, if it’s not in a hurry, stay in my tents. Dazhdbog is glad for that, he spent two nights in tents, and fell in love with Mara Morevna and married her. Mara Morevna the beautiful took him with her to her heavenly Hall. They lived together for a while, and she decided to take a walk, she began to get ready for the war. She leaves all her household to Dazhdbog and orders:

- Go everywhere, look after everything, but you can't look into these caves!

But he could not bear it, and as soon as Mara Morevna left, he immediately rushed into those forbidden caves. Dazhdbog opened the door, looked - and there was Koschey the Immortal hanging there, chained on twelve chains. God Veles deprived of his strength. Koschey asks Dazhdbog:

- Have pity on me, give me a drink! For ten years I have been tormented here, I did not eat, I did not drink, my throat was completely dry! Dazhdbog handed him a whole bucket of water, he drank it and asked again: - I won't pour one bucket of thirst, give me more! Dazhdbog brought in another bucket. Koschey drank and asked for a third, and when he drank the third bucket, he took his previous strength, shook the chains and broke all twelve chains at once.

- Thank you, Dazhdbog! - said Koschey the Immortal. - Now you will never see Mara Morevna as your ears! -and in a terrible whirlwind flew out the window, caught up on the road to Mara Morevna, beautiful, picked her up and carried her away. And Dazhdbog bittersweetly worried about her, equipped his horse and drove off on the road:

One day he goes, another goes, and on the third he got to Mary Morevna. She saw her sweetheart, threw herself on his neck, burst into tears and said:

- Ah, Dazhdbog! Why did you not obey me, went into the forbidden caves and released Koshchei the Immortal?

- Sorry, Mara Morevna! Do not remember the old one, we'd better go with me until we see Koshchei the Immortal, maybe he won't catch up! They gathered and left. And Koschey was on the hunt, in the evening he tosses and turns home, under him a good horse stumbles. - What are you, unsatisfied nag, stumbling? Ali, do you smell any misfortune? The horse answers.

- Dazhdbog came, took Mara Morevna away. - Is it possible to catch up with them? - You can sow wheat, wait until it grows, squeeze it, grind it, turn it into flour, cook five ovens of bread, eat that bread, but then we’ll keep up and go, and then we’ll be ripe! Koschey galloped, caught up with Dazhdbog. They fought in a fierce battle, the horse of Dazhdbog hit Kashcheyev's hoof and he fell from his horse. This time he defeated Koschey Dazhdbog.

- Well, - he says, - the first time I forgive you, for your kindness, that he gave me water to drink, and another time I will forgive, and the third time beware - I will chop them to pieces! Took Mara Morevna from him and took her away. Dazhdbog sat down on a stone and was saddened. But there was nothing to be done and he again turned back for Mara Morevna. Koschey the Immortal House did not happen.

- Let's go, Mara Morevna! - Ah, Dazhdbog! He will catch up with us. - Let him catch up, we will fight with him again and then we'll see who will defeat whom. We packed up and left. Koschey the Immortal returns home, under him a good horse stumbles.

- What are you, unsatisfied nag, stumbling? Ali, do you smell any misfortune? - Dazhdbog came, took Mara Morevna with him. - Is it possible to catch up with them? - You can sow barley, wait until it grows, squeeze, grind, brew beer, get drunk, get enough sleep, but only then go to chase - and then we will be ready! Koschey galloped, caught up with Dazhdbog:

- After all, I told you that you will not see Mara Morevna as your ears! And again, in a fierce battle, he defeated Koschey Dazhdbog, because under him is a wonderful, heroic horse. He took Mara away and took her home. Dazhdbog was left alone, twisted, but all the same he returned again for Mara Morevna. At that time, Koshchei did not happen at home.

- Let's go, Mara Morevna!

- Ah, Dazhdbog! After all, he will catch up, he will chop you into pieces. - Let him chop! I can not live without you. We packed up and drove off. Koschey the Immortal returns home, under him a good horse stumbles. - What are you stumbling about? Ali, do you smell any misfortune? - Dazhdbog came, took Mara Morevna with him. Koschey galloped, caught up with Dazhdbog, and again with the help of his magic horse overpowered him, chopped his body into small pieces and laid it in a tar barrel, took this barrel, fastened it with iron hoops and threw it into the blue sea, and took Mara Morevna to his place. At the same time, the silver of Dazhdbog's sons-in-law turned black, - Ah, - they say, - apparently, trouble happened!

They turned into birds and flew to save Dazhdbog. The eagle threw himself on the blue sea, grabbed and pulled the barrel to the shore, the falcon flew after the living water, and the raven after the dead. All three flew into one place, smashed the barrel, took out pieces of Dazhdbog, washed and folded them as needed. The raven sprayed with dead water - the body grew together, united, the falcon sprayed with living water and- Dazhdbog shuddered, stood up and said:

- Oh, how long I slept! - I would have slept even longer, if not for us! - answered the sons-in-law. - Let's go now to visit us.

- No, brothers! I'll go look for Mara Morevna. He comes to her and asks:

- Find out from Koshchei the Immortal where he got himself such a good horse. Here Marya Morevna found a good moment and began to question Koshchei. Koschey said:

- Over the distance (that is, beyond the 27 planets of our solar system), in the thirty palace, beyond the fiery river dividing the worlds (the border between the worlds looks like a fiery river), grandmother Yaga lives, she has such a mare on which she is around every day flies around the world. She also has many other glorious mares, I was her shepherd for three days, I did not miss a single mare, and for that Yaga gave me one foal.

- How did you cross the river of fire (the border between the worlds)?

- And I have such a scarf - as I wave to the right three times, a high, high bridge will be made, and the fire will not reach it! Mara Morevna listened, and told everything to Dazhdbog, and took away the handkerchief and gave it to him. Dazhdbog crossed the fiery river and went to Baba Yaga. He walked for a long time without drinking or eating. He came across an overseas bird with small children. Dazhdbog says:

“I’m taking pictures of one chick. - Don't eat, Dazhdbog! - asks the overseas bird. - In some time I will be useful to you. He went on and saw a hive of bees in the forest. “I'll take some honey,” he says. The queen bee responds: - Don't touch my honey, Dazhdbog! I'll be useful to you for a while. He did not touch it and went on, a lioness with a lion cub meets him. - I will eat even this lion cub, I want to eat so much, I already felt sick! “Don’t touch it, Dazhdbog,” the lioness asks. “In some time I will be useful to you. - Well, let it be your way! He walked hungry, walked, walked - and he saw Baba Yaga's mansion.

- Hello, grandma! - Hello, Dazhdbog! Why did you come - of your own free will, or out of need?

- I came to earn your heroic horse. Baba Yaga looked at the fellow, and she liked him so much that she wanted to keep him with her so that she could help her with the housework. And she decided to give him an impossible task.

- Please, Dazhdbog! After all, I don't have a year to serve, but only three days, if you save my mares, I'll give you a heroic horse, and if not, then don't be angry - you will stay with me forever. Dazhdbog agreed, Baba Yaga fed and watered him and ordered to get down to business. He had just driven the mares out into the field, the mares lifted their tails, and they all scattered across the meadows, before Dazhdbog had time to raise his eyes, they completely disappeared. Then he became sad, sat down on a stone and fell asleep. The sun is already at sunset, and then an overseas bird has arrived and wakes him up:

- Get up, Dazhdbog! The mares are now at home. Dazhdbog got up, returned home, and Baba Yaga is making noise and shouting at her mares: - Why did you come back home? - How could we not come back? Birds flew in from all over the world, almost pecked out our eyes.

- Well, tomorrow you do not run in the meadows, but scatter in the dense forests. Dazhdbog slept through the night, the next morning Baba Yaga said to him: - Look, Dazhdbog, if you don’t save the mares, if you lose at least one, you will stay here forever! He drove the mares into the field. They immediately lifted their tails and fled through the dense forests. Again Dazhdbog sat down on the stone, grieving and fell asleep. The sun sat down behind the forest, when a lioness came running to him and said:

- Get up, Dazhdbog! The mares are all collected. Dazhdbog got up and went home. Baba Yaga- Golden leg, more than ever before, and makes noise and shouts at his mares: - Why did you come back home?

- How could we not come back? Fierce animals from all over the world came running, almost tore us apart.

- Well, you will run in the blue sea tomorrow.

Dazhdbog slept again the night, the next morning Baba Yaga sends him to graze mares:

- If you don’t save yourself, you will stay with me forever. He drove the mares into the field, they immediately lifted their tails, disappeared from sight and ran into the blue sea, standing in the water up to their necks. Dazhdbog sat down on a stone, slowed down and fell asleep. The sun went down behind the forest, a bee flew in and said:

- Get up, Dazhdbog! The mares are all gathered, but when you get home, ask Baba Yaga for the lousy foal that is lying in the manure. Take it and leave the house at midnight. Dazhdbog got up, came to the mansion, and Baba Yaga is making noise and shouting at her mares:

- Why did you come back? - How could we not come back? Bees have flown in from all over the world, and let us sting from all sides to the point of blood!

- Well, okay, Dazhdbog, you managed to complete my task, choose the best stallion.

- I don’t need the best, give me the lousy colt - which is lying in the manure. - No, I cannot give this to you, tomorrow I will choose the award for the service myself. But when Baba Yaga fell asleep, then at midnight Dazhdbog, without waiting for morning, took a lousy colt from her, saddled it, sat down and galloped to the river of fire. I drove to that river, waved my handkerchief three times to the right, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a high, glorious bridge hung over the river. Dazhdbog crossed the bridge and waved his handkerchief to the left side only twice - there was a thin, thin bridge across the river! Baba Yaga woke up in the morning - you couldn't see a lousy foal! She rushed in pursuit, flies at full speed on an iron mortar, drives with a pestle, sweeps a trail with a broom. I flew up to the river of fire (the border between the worlds), looked and thought: "Nice bridge!" And drove across the bridgebut as soon as she got to the middle, the bridge broke off, and Baba Yaga ate back her legs. And Dazhdbog fattened a foal in the blue meadows of Svarga the Purest and became a wonderful horse from him. Dazhdbog comes to Mara Morevna, she ran out and threw herself on his neck:

- How were you resurrected into your body with vitality, even I can’t control it? - So and so, - says Dazhdbog.

- Come with me.

- I'm afraid Dazhdbog! If Koschey catches up, I'll be chopped up again.

- No, it won't catch up! Now I have a glorious heroic horse, like a bird flies. They got on their horse and drove off. Koschey the Immortal is tossing and turning home, under him the horse stumbles.

- What are you, unsatisfied nag, stumbling? Ali, do you smell any misfortune? - Dazhdbog came, took Mara Morevna away.

- Is it possible to catch up with them?

- Not! Now Dazhdbog has a heroic horse better than me.

- No, I will not resist, - says Koschey the Immortal, - I will go in pursuit. For a long, short time, he caught up with Dazhdbog, jumped to the ground and wanted to whip him with a sharp saber, and at that time Dazhdbog's horse hit Koshchei the Immortal's hoof with full swing and smashed his head, and Dazhdbog finished him off with a club. After that, Dazhdbog decided to destroy Kashchei's lair, where the dark forces gathered (Luna Lelya). He created a heavenly fire, made a great kroda, and burned Koshchei the Immortal at the stake and sent his very ashes into the wind. So that no one can collect his body into one. Mara Morevna got on Koscheev's horse, and Dazhdbog on her own, and they went to visit first to Vodan, then to Svyatobor, and then to Khors. Wherever they come, they are greeted with joy everywhere:

- Ah, Dazhdbog, and we did not expect to see you. Well, it’s not for nothing that you were busy, you cannot find such a beauty as Mara Morevna in the whole world!

They stayed, feasted and went to their heavenly Hall, came and began to live and live for themselves, drink honey, and give birth to children. From whom came the family of the Slavs Dazhdbozh's grandchildren.

We can draw a conclusion about Marena's good disposition from the epic about Dobryna and Marinka, and although it was written in Christian times and they try to present Marinka, personifying Marena, in a negative light, an intelligent person immediately sees who is who.

A story about Marinka and Dobryna: I was walking once Dobrynya (in this myth he is the personification of Christianity that came instead of Vedic culture, by the way, that was the name of the uncle of Prince Vladimir Yasno Solnyshka, the brother of his mother Malka, the son of a rabbi who baptized Novgorod with fire and sword), but looked into the alley where Marinka the sorceress lived (the personification of the powers of the goddess Marena). On the window of her beautiful tower (beautiful housing speaks of her good character), adorned with pitched pearls, two doves are sitting. Dobrynya (Dobran) threw up his bow, a kalena arrow whistled, but he did not hit the doves, but hit the window. An arrow broke through his glass and flew to the Marinkin tower. She broke her, her crystal mirror (that is, the impudent Dobran damaged the good of Marinka). Marinka went out onto the high porch, and began to reproach Dobrynya (as any Slavic woman would do). And he replies to her: "Nothing, you won't do to me, but you will try to choke on me like that" (he is so impudent, well, of course, he has no conscience). He said and walked away from the Marinkin yard. Marinka felt hurt (any normal person will feel hurt). She lit the stove, threw Dobran's traces into the fire and began to say: "How hot the firewood burns, with those brave traces, the cold heart of the fellow Dobrynya would also flare up and his soul and conscience would awaken in him." At the same hour, Dobrynya took on melancholy and he went to the Marinkin yard and began to break into the oak door (again, he did not knock culturally, but began to break). And Marinka from behind the door answers, "Go away, the uncouth redneck (that is, Marinka realized that his conscience had not awakened)."he has no conscience). He said and walked away from the Marinkin yard. Marinka felt hurt (any normal person will feel hurt). She lit the stove, threw Dobran's traces into the fire and began to say: "How hot the firewood burns, with those brave traces, the cold heart of the fellow Dobrynya would also flare up and his soul and conscience would awaken in him." At the same hour, Dobrynya took on melancholy and he went to the Marinkin yard and began to break into the oak door (again, he did not knock culturally, but began to break). And Marinka from behind the door answers, "Go away, the uncouth redneck (that is, Marinka realized that his conscience had not awakened)."he has no conscience). He said and walked away from the Marinkin yard. Marinka felt hurt (any normal person will feel hurt). She lit the stove, threw Dobran's traces into the fire and began to say: "How hot the firewood burns, with those brave traces, the cold heart of the fellow Dobrynya would also flare up and his soul and conscience would awaken in him." At the same hour, Dobrynya took on melancholy and he went to the Marinkin yard and began to break into the oak door (again, he did not knock culturally, but began to break). And Marinka from behind the door answers, "Go away, the uncouth redneck (that is, Marinka realized that his conscience had not awakened)."with those brave traces, the cold heart of the brave Dobrynya would also flare up and his soul and conscience would awaken in him. " At the same hour, Dobrynya took on melancholy and he went to the Marinkin yard and began to break into the oak door (again, he did not knock culturally, but began to break). And Marinka from behind the door answers, "Go away, the uncouth redneck (that is, Marinka realized that his conscience had not awakened)."with those brave traces, the cold heart of the brave Dobrynya would also flare up and his soul and conscience would awaken in him. " At the same hour, Dobrynya took on melancholy and he went to the Marinkin yard and began to break into the oak door (again, he did not knock culturally, but began to break). And Marinka from behind the door answers, "Go away, the uncouth redneck (that is, Marinka realized that his conscience had not awakened)."

Then Dobrynya got angry, grabbed a log in the girth of the thickness, knocked out the oak doors, went to Marinka's tower (like that, the number, knocked down the doors and broke into someone else's housing). She began to bewitch (naturally, any person must defend himself by all means available to him, and Marinka could not fight with swords with him) and wrapped Dobrynya in a bay round, saying: “It's too early for you to be a man, be like a beast until your heart wakes up conscience and love ". And she let him into the open field. After a certain time, she herself turned into a swallow-twitch, flew into the open field, sat on the horns of Dobryna and asks: “Did a living human soul arise in you, Did you have a desire to marry me Marinka (to get eternal life as the Goddess Morena gives human souls a life that continues in the worlds of Slavi and Rule)”. Dobrynya answered:"I'll take you to marry Marinka and repay you for your care." Marinka wrapped Dobrynya with a white fellow, they returned to Kiev, and when it was time to go to bed, Dobrynya took a sharp saber and took off Marinka's wild head. Dobrynya lit a scorching fire and burned Marinkino's white body (this is how the Inquisition paid off the Vedic faith of our ancestors with the help of vile deception, for good) …

And dark times came in Russia, there was no one to give the souls of the Slavs eternal life in the purest Svarga (the worlds of our Ancestors and Gods) and they became slaves of foreign Gods. But the time has passed, Veles came (the current era of Veles since 2012) and MARA heard his voice (after all, our Goddesses are immortal, and the Goddess of eternal life Mara only left our World from Dobran's actions): “Rise Mara to earth. The time has come for the mortal harvest (change of dimension)”. And Mara Svarogovna rose up, and walked on the ground all in tears. Perun the Thunderer asked her: "Why are you crying Mara?" Mara answered him: “I walked through the lands of Inderiya along the Hvarun mountains, along the land left by the Gods. There are many sins there. There is no honor for the elders from the young, and the children do not listen to their father, the brothers fight among themselves, all indulge in lust, indulge in grievous vices, all the estates are confused,revered in those lands relics and do not glorify the Light Gods, reject the Almighty. " Perun Marene replied: “Wipe your burning tears. We will open the seven firmaments - water will rush to the Earth and cleanse it of filth, and the all-destructive fire will destroy darkness and purify human souls”.

According to Slavic Astrology, now we have the era of the Wolf, the orderly of nature, whose patron is God Veles. And already, as the Ancestors predicted, the Marena Star is approaching our Solar System (in the terminology of Agni Yoga this is the Urusvati star, belongs to the class of brown dwarfs) and we are already beginning to feel its purifying radiation, so we should not be surprised when the world begins to change getting rid of from the villains.
