Names Of Power And Their Influence On The Fate - Alternative View

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Names Of Power And Their Influence On The Fate - Alternative View
Names Of Power And Their Influence On The Fate - Alternative View

Video: Names Of Power And Their Influence On The Fate - Alternative View

Video: Names Of Power And Their Influence On The Fate - Alternative View
Video: Sun 101 | National Geographic 2024, October

In occultism there is a concept of names for power. In ancient times it was believed that knowing the "real" name of a person, you can control him - send damage, subdue the will, make him fall in love. That is why in everyday life people used the "everyday" name, while the "real" was kept secret. Similar rules apply to the names of deities.

By chanting the holy name, one triggers the action of a certain force. Take the Bible, for example. In the New Testament, you can read about how Jesus' followers used His name to cast out evil spirits and perform miracles.

Even a person who does not recognize a religious teaching can use the help of the divine name. The ancients believed that there is a certain sacred Name that bestows unlimited power. Such ideas were widespread among many peoples of the Earth.

There is a god above the gods, whose name alone makes the demons tremble, the heavenly bodies cease to shine, and even the Horseman of Death retreats in fright. Even the gods bow before this name …

In the seventh century BC, archaeologists found an Assyrian tablet that told how one powerful god Ea was asked by his heavenly "colleagues" to drive away terrible monsters. Their choice was due to the fact that Ea knew a certain powerful Name, before which the mentioned monsters retreated and to which even the deities obeyed.

However, in the study of the magical "Name of Absolute Power" the Jews advanced farthest, who also try to find the way to God. They claim that the real Name of God can be found in the Old Testament. According to legend, the world itself arose because the Creator embodied his Name in it.

The power of the Tetragrammaton

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The ancient Jews tried not to use the divine name unless absolutely necessary. They had great respect for the Tetragrammaton - YHVH (Yod - He - Wow - He). It is believed that the name of the Almighty is really four-letter, and that the same number formed the basis of the structure of the universe. Many magicians claim to be able to pronounce it correctly, but they do not share their secrets. The sacred letter combination is used in various magical ceremonies, for example, to pacify demons.

The ancient magicians did not stop at the biblical names, they changed the already received ones, rearranged the letters, trying to find the most important thing. In the early Christian era, mystics also used names that consisted of twelve, forty, twenty, and even seventy-two letters.

Summon the demon Samael

In the fifteenth century, a legend appeared that the Jewish mystic della Raina decided to subdue the powerful demon Samael and his assistant Ammon. The ritual was performed, and the inhabitants of the Underworld appeared, forcing the wizard's friends present at the ceremony to flee with loud screams.

But the mystic himself did not succumb to fear. He approached Samael and crowned him with a copper crown with the Name of God from forty-two letters. The demon recognized the wizard as the winner, but with flattery persuaded him to burn the herbs to celebrate the event. The naive Kabbalist gave in, completely forgetting that this is an act of idolatry. As a result, the summoned evil entities managed to escape.

What the Holy Name is capable of

No less interesting is the most cumbersome, 72-letter name. According to legends, with his help Moses led his people out of Egypt, forcing the sea to part.


Many modern occultists believe that the name of Christ is more powerful than others. And yet, the mystics were not limited to this, they continued to study ancient grimoires, where other deities are mentioned. The power of their names, according to occultists, is so great that if you write them on parchment and throw them into a fire, the fire will go out.

The Bible itself describes cases when in the Name of the Lord the sun stopped, demons were cast out and other miracles were performed. As for the description of the manifestations of the names of power in other sources, some of them can work, and some do not carry any semantic load. Quite often, ancient people invented stupid or difficult-to-pronounce names for their gods so that the enemies could not pronounce them and spoil the divine power.

Word in magic

It is worth noting that sorcerers had a great fondness for musical rhythms and sound. The ancient magicians created quite useful spells for toothaches, broken bones, or even to prevent an enemy from firing a gun. Sacred divine names were “interwoven” into these conspiracies.

Several spells help to pacify demons. Such formulas should be rolling and rhythmic, helping the magician to bring himself to ecstasy. Sorcerers and shamans in ancient times often howled like wolves during magical rites in order to hypnotize themselves faster. The even tone was practically not used when casting spells.

Correct pronunciation of magic names becomes a sign and a guarantee of a high level of magic. The famous mystic Aleister Crowley claimed that he knew such a pronunciation of magic names that could destroy the entire Universe. Most likely, he meant the opposite pronunciation of divine names.

The forbidden name of God formed the basis of the world, and therefore its distortion is an act of destruction of the universe. It is also stated that the true name of the Creator is the name of Lucifer, read on the contrary. Whether it is true or not, it is not known for certain - disputes between mystics continue to this day.
