The Biggest Prison Is Inside Our Consciousness - Alternative View

The Biggest Prison Is Inside Our Consciousness - Alternative View
The Biggest Prison Is Inside Our Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: The Biggest Prison Is Inside Our Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: The Biggest Prison Is Inside Our Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: Inside Look Into The Most Disturbing Security Prisons 2024, October

The parasitic satanic force, which has seized power over the consciousness of people, has built a vicious pyramid of power on our planet and came up with the "rules of the game" according to which ordinary people should hump their whole lives, dragging out a miserable existence for the sake of a secure life of social parasites from the world "elite" located on the upper levels of this pyramid. But is it worth humanity, like a herd of mindless sheep, to continue playing other people's games according to the rules invented by forces hostile to humanity? And if people send all these "rules" away, then the entire parasitic satanic pyramid will invariably collapse. This is the only way to destroy the prison of consciousness into which social parasites have driven us, because it is held mainly by the efforts of the people themselves.

And I must say that, imposing their rules of the game on humanity, the parasitic satanic forces most of all succeeded in "training" ideal slaves from the people of Western civilization, turning them into a society of thoughtless and law-abiding tolerant informers who themselves support the ever-increasing police totalitarianism of their states and the abolition of the last constitutional rights and freedoms. They themselves make sure that no one goes beyond the "corral" that their "shepherds" have installed for the "rams".

What awaits humanity in the future totalitarian-police global state of the "new world order" can already be seen in the police terror perpetrated in the United States, where private prisons are vitally interested in prisoners, and corporations - in the cheap labor that is supplied to them. these are private prisons. And, it is not surprising that such a business, profitable to everyone except the prisoners themselves, is quite successfully flourishing. At the same time, those who were lucky enough to live in this "western paradise" not as tourists know very well that the level of rampant snitching in Western countries (and especially in the USA) is many times higher than even the most difficult times in the life of the USSR.

So it turns out quite a typical example of how people trained by the parasitic satanic system, themselves support the walls of the prison in which they were imprisoned like brainless cattle in a corral. And if some "black sheep" tries to fight off such a "herd", then the trained "guards" of the system immediately come into play, believing that the "shepherd" is driving the flock not for "slaughter" or "barbecue", but for that to lead "to fields with delicious grass and water."

By the way, in real herds, specially trained leaders are also used just so that they bring their fellows with them to the slaughter. The same thing actually happens with people who thoughtlessly trust different "authorities" and blindly follow their "leaders" and "shepherds". They are also satisfied with massacres in the form of revolutions, riots, wars, terrorism, artificially created epidemics, disasters, cataclysms, etc. And do you know why all these troubles continue to happen to humanity? Because it itself continues to participate in these "games" of parasitic satanic power.

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That is why, in order not to get to the "slaughter" or "shish kebab", one must stop being mindless "rams" voluntarily following their "leaders" into the "stall" of the "new world order". It is necessary to send away the parasitic satanic system with its bloody games and socially unjust laws, and instead establish our own rules corresponding to socially just societies of the "golden age", according to which the results of its labor will be used by humanity itself, and not by anti-human structures parasitizing on its body.

And all that parasitic rot, which does not want to accept the new rules of the game, will need to be swept away with a nasty broom from this planet in order to stop the further degradation of humanity and its subsequent death. And all that is needed for this is to destroy those walls of the prison of consciousness that we ourselves have erected under the influence of the predator-consumer imposed on us lifestyle and the corresponding false "values" and unnecessary stereotypes of behavior within the parasitic matrix.

Author: michael101063