A Strange Artifact From A Museum In Turkey - Alternative View

A Strange Artifact From A Museum In Turkey - Alternative View
A Strange Artifact From A Museum In Turkey - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Artifact From A Museum In Turkey - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Artifact From A Museum In Turkey - Alternative View
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This mysterious artifact is from the Turkish Archaeological Museum of Antakya. For the first time, information about this exhibit was provided by a team of alternative history researchers from the LAI.


The artifact is a fragment of unknown purpose, made of obsidian. Obsidian is difficult to handle, but at the same time fragile, so making everyday objects out of it is not the most logical idea.


If we ignore chips and other damage that was not originally on the artifact, then its processing can be called prohibitive for ancient times and the capabilities of people. You can also see parallel grooves on it, which could not remain from primitive tools. They testify to the use of unknown ancient technologies.


According to the official version, the item was called a bowl. But besides the incredible processing quality, the artifact has too many various elements that are simply not needed for a regular bowl …