In The Jurassic Period, Did People Fly Into Space? - Alternative View

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In The Jurassic Period, Did People Fly Into Space? - Alternative View
In The Jurassic Period, Did People Fly Into Space? - Alternative View

Video: In The Jurassic Period, Did People Fly Into Space? - Alternative View

Video: In The Jurassic Period, Did People Fly Into Space? - Alternative View
Video: Could Aliens 65 Million Light Years Away from Earth See Dinosaurs Alive? 2024, October

In South America, archaeologists have discovered frescoes on stones made by representatives of a mysterious civilization that existed 70 million years ago. They depict strange plots: how people tame giant lizards, perform complex medical operations and even … fly in spaceships. What is this - a hoax or an unknown history of mankind?

Who created the stone library?

A collection of 11 thousand stones is kept in the recently opened museum in Plaza des Armas in Ica, located 350 km from Lima, the capital of Peru. These stones - from very small, fist-sized, up to 200-kilogram boulders - are covered with finely engraved drawings on all sides. The plots boggle the imagination: as if the events that took place on Earth millions of years ago are unfolding in front of us.

Here people are hunting dinosaurs. Some shoot arrows at the lizards, others swing at the animal with a metal (!) Ax. The latter are prancing astride a Triceratops, and a blanket is thrown over the reptile's back, and the riders hold smoking pipes in their hands. Another stone depicts a man flying on a pterodactyl, urging him on with a club. An even more shocking pattern: the development of a stegosaurus that lived on Earth 18 million years ago - from a calf to an adult. What kind of ancient biologist watched the development of monsters so carefully? Or another mystery: ancient tablets depict a brain transplant - an operation that still remains fantastic!

Antiquity hunters

The first mentions of finds in this area of Peru of stones with strange images date back to the 16th century. The Indian chronicler Juan de Santa Cruz Pachacuti wrote in his chronicle (1570) that many stones with engraved drawings were found in the Chinchayunga area (now Ica). Since the early 1960s, Ica stones have been actively sold on the black market for antiques in Peru. Antiquity hunters - vaqueros - sold them for a pittance. But over time, counterfeits began to appear: prices for this product increased. Now many sellers do not hide the fact that they are selling fakes. They can be distinguished with the help of a microscope: correct, clean lines of the pattern are clearly visible on fakes, while traces of the activity of microorganisms are visible in the grooves on genuine stones.

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Ancient cosmodrome

According to some researchers, all the stones were initially placed in a strictly defined order, which made it possible to use them as a library. But the Pacific coast of Peru has over time been exposed to giant waves, winds and other natural phenomena that have stirred the stone "pages".

Who is the author of this intriguing narrative in stone?

- According to one of the largest collectors of Ica stones, professor of medicine, dean of the medical faculty at the University of Lima Javier Cabrera, the stone library was left behind by the ruling elite of the ancient civilization, having learned about the inevitability of a global catastrophe, says the candidate of historical sciences Anton Zhitov. - Knowing about the imminent collision of the asteroid with the Earth, they decided to leave information about their civilization to the future inhabitants of the planet, to warn about possible disasters. Leaving a message, they … flew to one of the planets of the Pleiades constellation. This hypothesis is indirectly confirmed by several Ica stones, which depict drawings of the Nazca desert, called by ufologists "the alien cosmodrome." The plateau itself, streaked with gigantic drawings, which scientists still cannot give an intelligible explanation, is located only 150 km from the city of Ica. Maybe the mysterious lines on the Nazca plateau were created by the same civilization that left us the stone library?

Stronger than granite

- Couldn't representatives of this highly developed civilization find a better material than stone? - I doubt it.

“They didn't know who would populate the planet after the cataclysm,” Zhitov explains. - Some biologists argue that if the current homo sapiens had not conquered the planet, then its masters might have been octopuses. It is unlikely that they could perceive digital or alphabetic information. And the story in pictures can be understood even by primitive creatures. The use of stones as a carrier of information has advantages. The stone does not undergo oxidation like metal. After the disaster, it is unlikely that something like computers or diskettes would have survived, and these andesite stones are almost as strong as granite. And they can be protected from natural disasters by hiding in storage facilities dug in the ground.

Treasured pantry

- Dr. Cabrera (he died three years ago at the age of 77 - Ed.), Who devoted almost his entire life to the study of these stones, - Zhitov continues to tell, - was convinced that man is an older species that lived next to those huge monsters who reigned over the animal kingdom during the secondary and tertiary periods. People had to fight the lizards for dominance on Earth.

- But who inhabited the planet before us: our ancestors or "stray" aliens?

- In the drawings on the Ica stones, a person has a disproportionately large head, which refers to the body as one to three. The head of a modern person is related to the body as one in seven. (By the way, the museums of Peru have preserved giant skulls, so unlike the heads of Homo sapiens. - Ed.). The unusual ratio of proportions in the structure of the skeleton most likely proves that those living in antediluvian times were not our ancestors. It was a different civilization. By the way, according to some researchers, there were six or seven different civilizations on Earth.

“But all history textbooks claim that there were no humanoid beings millions of years ago on Earth! I try to argue.

- Yes, the official science ignores the existence of this ancient library, considering it a collection of forgeries, says Zhitov, because the images on them cast doubt on our knowledge of the appearance of man 250,000 years ago. However, laboratory tests are contrary to modern scientific dogma. Dr. Cabrera sent 33 stone samples for examination to Mauricio Hochshield Mining Co. In the conclusion of the geologists, it was indicated that the patina (a film of natural oxides) covers both the surface of the stones and the lines of the drawings, which indicates the antiquity of the samples - at least 60 million years. Later, similar expert opinions were obtained from the University of Bonn (Germany) and the University of Lima.

Before his death, Dr. Cabrera accidentally discovered a real "storehouse of stones" in Cerro Corrado, one of the spurs of the Andes. They, according to Cabrera, contain tens of thousands of stones depicting antediluvian life. An expedition is going there now. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" will tell about her findings.


Mikhail GERSHTEIN, Chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society:

- Could Ica stones be fake? Most probably not. At first, when there was no excitement around them, forging stones was simply unprofitable: they paid pennies for them. In addition, Dr. Cabrera himself excavated and also found painted stones: the hoaxers were hardly so far-sighted as to know exactly where Cabrera was going to dig. And, of course, the volume of the collection is embarrassing: in order to create so many stones (today it is about 50,000 - Ed.), A whole army of mystifiers had to work on them, and one of them would surely let slip. To put an end to the disputes around the Ica stones, it is necessary to conduct new excavations with the obligatory participation of three specialists - an archaeologist, a geologist and a soil scientist. If they find that exactly the same stones are under an untouched layer of soil, then the originals really exist. It remains only to compare their photomicrographs with photomicrographs of modern counterfeits in order to determine the difference and finally separate the originals from hoaxes "on a given theme."

Svetlana KUZINA