"Men In Black" A Real Threat To UFO Researchers - Alternative View

"Men In Black" A Real Threat To UFO Researchers - Alternative View
"Men In Black" A Real Threat To UFO Researchers - Alternative View

Video: "Men In Black" A Real Threat To UFO Researchers - Alternative View

Video: Was President Roosevelt In Possession Of Extraterrestrial Technology? | UFO: The Lost Evidence 2024, October

One of the issues related to UFOs, which is not touched upon as much as it should be, is the facts related to the persecution of researchers by a mysterious group of "men in black".

I am referring specifically to those involved with UFOs who have made statements intended to keep other researchers from digging too deep into the subject - for the sake of their physical health and sanity.

In many cases, these are former researchers; people who stumbled upon something that made them not only quit ufology, but also encourage others in the field to quit too.

Frederick Holiday, author of many UFO research papers, claimed to have seen "Men in Black" off the coast of Loch Ness, Scotland in 1973.

Roland Watson, an expert on the Nessie phenomenon, says: “Things took an even stranger turn when Holiday's partner Randall Jones did the radical thing when he destroyed his UFO work in 1980 and walked away from the topic.

This came after a series of personal experiences, which, he said, "it was too scary to talk about." Why did he do it? What were the experiences that instilled fear in him, and did the death of his fellow researcher Ted Holiday a few months earlier add to his fear and for his life?

Ever since Randall died in 2003, this is no longer certain. "Pew warned people to stay away from UFO objects."

Ray Boych, a researcher of the UFO phenomenon, said: “I always thought that one of the most important things is that if you have children or teenagers, do not encourage them to participate in this topic. Keel was a fairly inveterate atheist. But he understood that at some level there is something, in a sense, transcendental over us, which can, at least, "spoil" us.

Promotional video:

And this can lead to a lot of damage. I would not consider myself a theologically liberal or a theological fundamentalist. My convictions are firmly orthodox and based on my understanding of the Bible as the infallible Word of God. But there are things that we are simply not ready to deal with with a mechanistic, naturalistic worldview.

There are evil forces out there that will be happy to take advantage of almost any opportunity we give them. And so we need to be very careful. I tend to think that this is what happened to Albert Bender, but he may not have been so careful.”

And speaking of Albert Bender … he was the man who almost single-handedly discovered the phenomenon of people in Black in the early 1950s. He was also a direct witness to the appearance of these mysterious people.

Not only that, Bender largely retired from ufology after writing his 1962 book Flying Saucers and Three Men in Black.

In the end, he completely abandoned the topic. Even today, the full story of Bender's departure from ufology remains shrouded in mystery. It is noteworthy that Bender himself, back in the fifties, warned his colleagues about the dangers of studying the UFO phenomenon.

Now let's take a look at the work of John Keel, best known for his books The Prophecies of the Moth Man and Operation Trojan Horse.

In a review of the latest book of 2017, Andrew Griffin wrote: “Keel says that 'black magic' is often associated with this phenomenon, and some people have such frightening experiences that they leave it forever.

In fact, Keel tells his adult readers who are parents to warn their children against ufology altogether.

'I have hundreds of cases in my archive, some of which have been investigated by qualified psychiatrists, when young men and women possessed by the UFO phenomenon were subjected to frightening visits from these visions, accompanied by mysterious black cars that suddenly appeared and disappeared, and were scared to such an extent that they gave up their UFO chase. Many contactees report similar experiences „

Gareth Medway drew on the experience of a UFO researcher named Brian Little-Andrews from Coventry, England. Medway said Little Andrews had a series of strange events in the 1960s, and one particularly bizarre incident in October 1968. On that very day, Medway wrote, he "returned home and saw a man standing by a nearby garage."

Lyt-Andrews said of this man: “his face glowed with an orange light, and as I watched it turned into the face of an old man before my eyes.”

Medway stated that: “After that he started to experience problems and receive threatening calls. He soon abandoned the UFO investigation."

In 2018, Lyt-Andrews finally stepped out of the shadows, years after he retired from UFO, and said, "I want to publicly warn all amateur teenagers that this is not something that can be done easily and safely."
