What's Wrong With The Egyptian Pyramids? - Alternative View

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What's Wrong With The Egyptian Pyramids? - Alternative View
What's Wrong With The Egyptian Pyramids? - Alternative View

Video: What's Wrong With The Egyptian Pyramids? - Alternative View

Video: What's Wrong With The Egyptian Pyramids? - Alternative View
Video: What was the Great Pyramids Original Purpose 2024, July

It seems like a strange question! What's wrong? They stand and stand. Falling apart slowly.

̶B̶u̶d̶e̶t̶e̶ ̶i̶ ̶n̶a̶s̶ ̶n̶a̶ ̶K̶o̶l̶y̶m̶e̶ If you walk around - take care of your head. Catching an ancient shard on your head would be a shame. To see the entry in the obituary “killed by low-quality ancient plaster, the guilty were punished 5K years ago, in a natural way” - is simply shameful. Not to show descendants - they will laugh.

Of all the unusual structures on Earth, the Pyramids have always seemed the most uninteresting to me. Rises from blocks are built by all children of the world. The pharaohs, in addition to the cubes, also had slaves, so they built themselves larger pyramids.

I bet many tourists in Giza, at some point, also begin to be more interested not in the pyramids, but in how, for example, getting off a camel without paying the Bedouin rogue $ 50, while keeping a leg. They talked about the pyramids at school, but about the Bedouin camel, no.

Let's see what amazing things are found in stone cemeteries who disagree with the official version. And let's try to do it right off the bat. Without retelling the course of history. After all, everyone remembers school textbooks with pictures of slaves, driving on wheelbarrows through scaffolding, blocks hollowed out in the rock?


If the Pyramids were, as in the figure, hollow with rooms, pools, playrooms, I would still understand. Well, like you're lying, mummified. Your organs are nearby in a basin. Awoke. Was like. He scolded the priests on the phone that they had not applied enough balm. I swam and played. Tired of - finished the balm and went to lie down forever.

The Great Pyramids are made up of 2.5 million perfectly aligned blocks

Well, okay. Not impressive. I've always wondered why people are delighted that a razor blade does not fit between blocks. The opposite would surprise me. There, for thousands of years, a huge mass from above has been pressing - it is surprising that they were not compressed into a single whole. Everyone would shout about the fabulous seamless method.

Promotional video:

The blocks weigh from 2.5 to 10 tons each. From this amount, 25 Empire State Buildings can be built

What is the problem? So they built it. Count the skyscrapers of the beginning of the century in America, the level of the Empire State - for sure there will be more than 25. The weight of the blocks, but not light. But not outrageous either. Remember that a cubic meter of water is exactly one ton. This does not prevent you from filling all sorts of tanks for showers and watering in the country.

The Great Pyramid was originally covered with limestone. According to Mark Antonius (as I remember yesterday, we were talking over a cup of ancient Roman tea), it was visible from a distance of 160 kilometers and shone like a precious stone

This speaks only of the good eyesight of Mark Antonius and the high-quality illumination of the Earth by our yellow flashlight. Now, if only with gold and diamonds.

In the XIV century for the construction of Cairo (the city below), 150K blocks of 10 tons were pulled out

Here are the bastards. BUT! So you can still operate with ten-ton cubes. The technical means of the XIV century were not much ahead of the ancient Egyptian ones.

It is believed that the main cone was erected for the pharaoh Cheops (Khufu - Khufu). True, no one knew about this until 1837, when a tablet with his name was found in the so-called burial chamber inside the pyramid

Egyptologist Zecharia Sitchin discovered that the inscription was fake. He received a letter from a certain Allen Pitsburg. He said that his great-grandfather had witnessed fraud. He didn't like it. The rest didn’t like what he didn’t like, what they liked, and they kicked him out. Zachariy decided to check and found out that the name Khufu (Cheops) was even spelled incorrectly (Khufu - Rhufu)

Well, yes, with faces, portraits, names, confusion is always going on around the Pyramids. We also discussed this when we talked about "Life and the unusual adventures of a guard cat." But you know what? Kim Basinger is not even dead yet, and half of the Russian-speaking population in the 90s, who studied behavior in bed from the movie "9 ½ Weeks", still call her Basinger. True, she is not a pharaoh either.

This is not a warehouse worker at the Pyramids. This is Zechariah
This is not a warehouse worker at the Pyramids. This is Zechariah

This is not a warehouse worker at the Pyramids. This is Zechariah.

The "sarcophagus" of Cheops (Khufu) is half the size of the pharaoh himself and is hollowed out right in one of the stones. The Queen's Mortuary Chamber is sealed with huge stone blocks and there is not a single sarcophagus in them. This is explained by the fact that the queen was cremated. And this is impossible, because for a smooth transition to the next world and reign in the afterlife, it was necessary to mummify

Yes. Somehow not very smooth. To rebuild such a healthy fool for the glory of yourself, then take shelter in the corner of one (out of 2.5 million) pebbles, folded in half. The queen was also unlucky. Although, perhaps, she so tired Cheops during his lifetime that he personally gave all the servants a box of matches, and the ministers - a lighter, with instructions.

When I see such cuts, then of course no cemetery comes to mind. An electronic device, perhaps
When I see such cuts, then of course no cemetery comes to mind. An electronic device, perhaps

When I see such cuts, then of course no cemetery comes to mind. An electronic device, perhaps.

The pyramids are considered the tombs of the pharaohs, but NO MUMMY, in any of the Great Pyramids of Giza, has been found

Here I hung for a minute. Oh, no, already two. I don't have enough competence to discuss this now. I'll be back with a new note when I can handle facts.

  • No one knows the meaning of the word Pyramid. Its roots are not found in any language in the world. The etymology is unknown.
  • None of the claims of historians about the Pyramids and their construction have been proven.

Well, that's clear. It's a story. There is little strong evidence in it. And especially straight ones. So, fantasies on the topic. Although it is impossible to say categorically that “all” words of historians are fictions. The statement - "The pyramids are in Egypt" are also used by historians. There is no need to doubt loyalty.

  • The Egyptians did not have knowledge of geology in modern volumes, and they could not calculate such a structure so that it would not collapse or sink in the sands. Modern civil engineers find it acceptable to submerge a building in the ground in the area of 15 centimeters per year. The official version gives the Pyramids 5K years old, although there is evidence of 10K. The main "fool" weighs 6,350,000 tons - immersion in the soil 1.5 (one and a half) centimeters.
  • One of the main achievements of the modern construction industry is the accuracy of construction and the minimum deviation on each side of the building (15 cm). The Pyramids have this parameter, only 0.75 cm.
  • Mathematicians claim that for the construction of the Pyramids, formulas were needed, discovered several millennia later.

Well, here I think scientists have long embarked on their favorite dance about human Alzheimer's and lost technologies. Every time I hear it, I wonder why everyone takes this for granted? For example, the last time the restorers complained about the lost technologies, while restoring the Victory Arch. It was, damn it, just a couple of years ago.

One of the most surprising characteristics of the Pyramids is their geographical orientation to the cardinal points (N-S, E-W). They also correlate correctly with "True North" - the geographic location of the North Pole, not the magnetic one pointed to by the compass

If you look for the North Pole using a compass, be careful, always double-check the path calculation with other tools. For example, the tips of the local inhabitants and the thickets of moss on the sides of the stumps. The latter show the direction especially correctly, floating on the ice floes of the Arctic Ocean.

But, seriously, the geographic North Pole can be calculated from the Sun and the Moon, if you stick a stick correctly.

The construction of the Pyramids shows an excellent knowledge of astronomy. The builders could calculate the day, year, equinox. We were aware of the sphericity of the Earth, understood its longitude and latitude

What does science say about this? AND! Lost and forgotten over time knowledge. Sorry, I forgot.

Research has discovered on the tops of the Pyramids energetic vortices that modern science is only just getting to control

Well, all sorts of air vortices, any long body forms, the question is where and how to use them to obtain energy. What to stick into the roof of a skyscraper in order to forget about connecting to power grids? Especially, I think, are waiting for Russian construction companies, for which this is one of the problem areas. The absence and high cost of supplying wires leads to "sealing construction" and the concentration of construction on a small area, in the presence of endless expanses of the country. And yes, development is underway.

In 1813, the astronomer Richard Procter fished out in the ancient archives that the Pyramids correspond not only to the cardinal points, but also to the stars. They have also been found to respond to radio pulses and cosmic microwaves. Above the so-called burial chamber in Cheops, granite slabs were laid. 5 pieces. They are arranged in layers with voids separating them. End with a V-shaped lid pointing upwards

I have no idea what it is, but it is superfluous for the tomb. I'm talking about granite slabs now. Radio engineering concepts are available to me. In general, everything is superfluous there, for the "Tomb"

The official version says that the Main Pyramid (Cheops-Khufu) was built for 20 years. Groups of 100K people worked. They took turns every three months. Enthusiasts calculated that in this case, only 3.5 minutes were allocated for the installation of each unit. When working 24/24, 7/7, 365/365, that is, without stopping

Not enough, it will be !!!


I, something is lost! Who is doing what in the picture? What kind of bars? Where does the ramp lead? Who stood on whom?

The building belongs to the Fourth Dynasty of the Pharaohs of Egypt, which, as they say, was actually very peaceful and was not spent on the maintenance of the army. But even if we imagine that everyone there was armed to the teeth, then there was simply not so much neighbor in the area to conquer and enslave them. To recruit the required number of slaves, it was necessary to devastate 8K kilometers in a radius

This fact and, in general, the small number of people on the planet at that time, seems to me one of the strongest arguments against the official version.


Look, the artists do not have the patience to draw a thousand slaves, and this is easier than recruiting them alive in a not very busy world.

Historians say that slaves lifted huge blocks to a height using a system of "ramps" and "scaffolding", which were then dismantled. Enthusiasts again grabbed their calculators and calculated that only "forests" had to be built for 300,000,000 (eight zeros). Then they set off in search of the wreckage. Not found

If you look at the appearance of a standard historian, it is clear why he could be mistaken in his guesses about the method of construction - he was hardly holding something heavier than a soup spoon in his hands. To be honest, I have never been a builder either, but the figure described by the “enthusiasts” looks huge.

Historians say that round logs were used to deliver the blocks from the quarry, on which the stone was rolled. The only accessible forest in Egypt at the time was Date Palms. In addition to the fact that there were few of them, they also bore fruit. They were used as agricultural plants. It is unlikely that the dates would cut everything out and suck their thumb, feeding on pride in the future Pyramid

It would not have been possible to buy either. 25 million logs, the most imports of Egypt in the history. Well, the stone roads of that time are not too adapted for the movement of massive loads on primitive means.

Reappears in my memory, something from school, about "wooden round timber". Well, what do you want? According to the official version, the Alexandrian column was delivered to St. Petersburg and moved over the surface in exactly the same way. And nothing rolls! (What an interesting pun!)

This is what !!! In the official version, the Alexandrian column, when reloading it from ships to the embankment, accidentally fell and was about to roll off into the Neva! BUT! 500 gallant soldiers, who jumped out of nowhere, like two from a casket, caught her with their hands and did not let the good go to waste.

Let’s omit that in the real world, 500 soldiers do not appear out of nowhere and do not coherently, without guidance and training, catch a granite monument. But that's okay. I hope everyone was in St. Petersburg? Pillar on Dvortsovaya, have you seen? It's all granite (officially)! If I were a millionaire, for the sake of interest I would arrange world sports competitions among historians. Teams of 500 people per country. Sport, one - catch the Alexandria Column! I would even give them some practice.

Historians believe that the blocks for construction were carved from the rock in the quarries

It would be interesting to look at the scientists themselves at such work, and then ask them to polish and align each block to the millimeter.

Enthusiasts are not ready to imagine for such a case, even potential alien-builders and suggest that the blocks were cast from megabetone. Some see traces of formwork and other evidence.

Those who do not believe in the triumph of the slave system and its construction efficiency, argue that there is not a single image, drawing, artifact or inventory list that tells about the construction of cones. At the same time, 3K documents of those times about everything else dangle around.

If this is true, and I, as in the case of mummies, cannot say anything, then everything becomes really mysterious.

Personally, I have always been interested in three (or so) questions:

Where to recruit so many people for construction, if you are not in China of the 21st century, but in the Egyptian desert at minus 3K from AD? I could not answer, even imagining myself as a dozen pharaohs.

Why build a huge tomb, and make passages inside the size of a ventilation shaft? It is not enough to build them, and not in the center!


How should a crowd of admirers make their way to the body (corpse) here?

Usually, all ritual buildings, where everyone is piled up to emphasize the greatness of the deceased, place the birthday person in the center, and not on the edge in the aisle for the servants. Many even arrange long-term presentations of the body to the people, to prove the victory of the spirit and idea over the mortality of the body. Why is this in connection with the demonstration of the corpse, a separate question. The Egyptians, on the other hand, didn't even have to do anything, they already practiced embalming.

Why did the subsequent pyramids shrink and not enlarge? This was the first thing that gave in nurturing pride - to build longer, wider, higher than that of its predecessor. The stone did not end, people multiplied, trees grew, Egypt did not wither, that is, everything became easier. The European comrades of the royal families are indignant!

And if all of the above was not viable, then I do not see goal-setting! What the fuck?

Answers: it is a whim to try on "who is longer", in this particular case with the Pyramids, they do not inspire me. There is too little focus on your personality for whispers. For pathos, it is illogical to reduce subsequent "burials".

Enthusiasts and those digging in an alternative direction have their own thoughts on both the purpose and the construction. They, damn it, go so far from the Guise themselves that it even becomes somehow uncomfortable. But more on that in the following notes.

By the way, did you know that Cairo in the Seleucid-Arab language is Mars?