"Ruling USA Illuminati Build New World Order" - Alternative View

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"Ruling USA Illuminati Build New World Order" - Alternative View
"Ruling USA Illuminati Build New World Order" - Alternative View

Video: "Ruling USA Illuminati Build New World Order" - Alternative View

Video: Coronavirus: The conspiracy theories spreading fake news - BBC Newsnight 2024, June

Baptist priest and tycoon Lindsay Williams, who is a member of the famous Bilderberg Club, which includes representatives of the world's elite, gave the press a sensational interview. In it, Williams told about the plans of the mighty of this world, in particular, the American government, and the prospects that await humanity in the very near future.

It is believed that the Bilderberg Club, which Williams is alleged to be a member of, originated in 1954, when the most influential people from all over the world gathered for talks at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Dutch city of Osterbek … Since then, these meetings have become annual and are held in different places.

According to Williams, at the head of the political and business elite of the world is the secret society of the Illuminati, known since the Middle Ages. The Bavarian Illuminati Order was founded in 1776 in Ingolstadt by the philosopher, theologian and law professor Adam Weishaupt. There is a version that the Illuminati still secretly rule the world and that they should be blamed for various cataclysms, political and economic crises.

The Illuminati are preparing a banking crisis

Now the Illuminati are supposedly preparing a full-scale banking crisis. This will happen within two years. And no amount of investment will save people from collapse. The only way to keep your savings is to invest them in gold and silver.


If you have a mortgage, try to pay it off as soon as possible, Lindsay advises. It is better to sell spacious real estate and buy more modestly, otherwise you risk being left homeless at all!

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Almost every major bank in the world is controlled by the Illuminati, Williams said. They buy up small banks to keep financial control in their hands. The US President and Congress are also controlled by the Bilderberg Club. They are now trying to pass cybersecurity and carbon tax laws through Congress.

Here are some more facts reported by Williams. The American authorities have passed a hidden bill that controls the use of firearms, euthanasia and a few other things.

The US also hides its dependence on China. Many years ago, at the initiative of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission, the United States was forced to surrender the Panama Canal to China. All the Greek ports are now in the possession of China. This country is the world's largest producer of natural mineral resources. She owns half of the production of these resources in Australia, many mines in Africa, the Middle East, the United States and Canada.

In fact, China has a 90 percent monopoly of all rare earth minerals. It produces 80 percent of all weapon components for the US Army. In addition, China can trade in any kind of international currency.

Russia also poses a threat to the United States as the largest producer of oil and gas resources. But the United States is unlikely to start a war against China or Russia, since the entire processing industry of America is located in China again!

So far, the globalists are planning to provoke a crisis in the Middle East. To this end, Goldman Sachs Bank, City Bank and the International Monetary Fund are preparing financial paralysis for Iran. Computers with viruses are specially sold to Iranians to destroy their financial system.

Illuminati and Project Devil

But the most shocking information concerns the Devil's Mesia project (Devil's Messiah). “Project Devil is coming in - we must get rid of God to open the way for the New World Order,” Williams said.

It is with the "devilish" project that the propaganda of homosexuality, pornography, debauchery, black magic, which has been conducted recently, is associated, Williams adds. The Illuminati are thus trying to prepare humanity for the coming of the Antichrist and the establishment of the "One World Religion" (One world religion).

So far, control over the church has been established. The National Council of Churches is today funded by Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford funds. They advocate for the worldwide unification of Christians in religious communities. Priests in the United States and some other countries are prohibited from speaking out, for example, against homosexuality, and in case of complaints about a cleric's lack of tolerance towards gays, local authorities have the right to close the church.

“They are deliberately destroying civilization,” Williams says. - With the help of the Bilderberg Club, full-scale control over your money, your house, your car, over your whole life is carried out!"

Is this a collection of regular conspiracy horror stories, or is there a grain of truth in the words of a seriously ill billionaire? If we analyze the political events of recent times, the idea of secret control no longer seems so delusional, so many actions of those in power look so strange and absurd … Or is it really quite different people who have power?



Baptist priest ordained as a missionary in Alaska in 1971. Served as a chaplain in Alaska in the early 1970s during the construction of a long pipeline there. Allegedly, he became close friends with some representatives of the world elite.


Since then, he (on his deathbed, by phone and in the course of personal meetings) has been regularly "leaked" information about the plans of the world elite, indicating key events and some macro indicators (spread in the percentage of price increases, the value of raw material prices, etc.). According to the "referees" who keep track of the correctness of the forecasts announced by him, 75-80% of them come true.

Lindsay Williams, in particular, predicted a drop in oil prices to $ 10 (this was his first prediction - back in the 1980s). From the recent forecasts for oil, he predicted a drop in prices from $ 147 to $ 50, and that for about 2.5 years the price will stay within the range of $ 50-80. Indeed, in the second half of 2008 - the fall stopped at $ 44; the time-price framework of the forecast was also maintained.

He also predicted the events in the Middle East in 2011 (during the radio broadcast on 5/11/2010, he predicted the “Middle East crisis in 4-5 months” - which came true in 3 months; although he was not named a specific country (s)). In the past, the media and the public didn’t believe him every time, but he was always right. Therefore, now his interviews are a "hot topic". Characteristically, Williams encourages viewers to freely distribute his information, and deliberately does not protect it with copyright, so it is freely available on the Internet.

Apparently, the priest is used as a mouthpiece for structures close to the Vatican. There are videos on the Internet in which he is directly accused of promoting the Vatican's plans. Meanwhile, it is supposedly important for the clans of the world's elites to declare their plans before implementing them ("event architects"). By this "they" demonstrate the level of their power and declare themselves ("mark the territory" and liken themselves to God: "said - done"). It should be noted that in the historical past, such customs were not observed in the Vatican.

At the same time, none of Williams for divulging the plans of the elite is eliminating or hindering his propaganda, i.e. he does appear to be the policy spokesman for one of the behind-the-scenes groups. He does not speak more than what is allowed and / or said to him and does not delve into his own conclusions ("parrot"), and he himself recalls what happened to J. Kennedy, who "decided to argue with them."

As a priest, he does not criticize the social order and moral aspects of the actions of his patron-informant friends; does not call for something (for example, opposition to them); his behavior is akin to an open-mouthed gaze at a giant who is about to crush him like a beetle. Some part of the information broadcast by him may be "misleading", something in his forecasts may be information pumping of future events (when everyone is waiting for some event, it happens). However, the situation is serious: there is a public announcement of the program to establish a New World Order (NWO) in the world.
