Vatican And Aliens - Alternative View

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Vatican And Aliens - Alternative View
Vatican And Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Vatican And Aliens - Alternative View

Video: Vatican And Aliens - Alternative View
Video: The Vatican's Take on Aliens? 2024, June

One of the sensational news in February 2013 was the information that 85-year-old Pope Benedict XVI, who ascended the Holy See in April 2005, decided to leave his high post for health reasons.

It has long been known that the Church, in particular the Catholic Church, is interested in the problem of the possibility of intelligent life outside the Earth and the probability of the existence of highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations. We decided to find out in more detail how the retiring pontiff and his inner circle relate to this problem. And that's what turned out.

Holy fathers about extraterrestrial life

“For believers, the Universe is evidence of the unity of God and the Holy Trinity - from interstellar spaces to microscopic particles. Everything that exists ascends to a single being, which in its diversity and plurality of elements is in a state of immeasurable harmony,”Pope Benedict XVI said during a prayer on the day of God's Angel, June 11, 2006.

According to ufologists, the pope's statement can be interpreted as an acknowledgment of the existence of extraterrestrial life. A week passed, and during the service dedicated to the rite of communion - the Eucharist, the Pope again touched upon this topic, speaking briefly but very meaningfully: "The action of the Eucharist is not limited to the boundaries of the Church, its significance and value have cosmic dimensions …"

The public statements of another high-ranking church hierarch, the famous demonologist and researcher of Christian miracles, Rev. Corrado Balducci, are very consonant with the statements of Benedict XVI. This man attracted the attention of ufologists by the fact that on May 7, 2006, during an interview on the UFO problem in one of the programs on Italian television, he unexpectedly showed a previously unknown photograph depicting a group of white spherical objects flying in a cross-shaped formation. Monsignor Balducci commented on this shot:

"Now even the Holy Church can no longer ignore the existence of UFOs and at the same time quote a biblical psalm relating to the universe and its creatures, in other words, to extraterrestrial beings."

Promotional video:

He confirmed his position at a conference in Catania, where he was introduced to the participants as "the Vatican's assistant on ufology issues."

Such events and statements suggest that in the field of ufology the Church possesses very extensive information, but does not make it public.

"Insider" information

As for the mysterious photo, Corrado Balducci did not give any details about it. However, there is information that this is a frame of a video taken on August 14, 2005 by a certain Stephen Barnes in Pensacola (Florida), and that the Vatican archives contain a copy of the said film, as well as other ufological materials.

This information was obtained from the researcher of anomalous phenomena Cristoforo Bar-bato from Naples, who managed to lift the "veil of secrecy" after a series of Internet contacts with a priest-ufologist. Here is how Barbato himself writes about it:

“In 2000, I worked in Rome as a correspondent for Stargate magazine. where in a series of articles he presented the results of his research on a number of mysterious events related to the Church.

Soon after the appearance of these publications, I began to receive emails from a person who called herself “her man” in the Vatican, and explained “coming out” to me by her interest in my research. The man's letters indicated that there was an intelligence service in the center of the Catholic Church, which my correspondent called the Vatican Information Service (Vatican Information Service).

A year after the beginning of our contacts, he told me that he himself is a member of the WIS and works in Rome as part of a certain Vatican structure. Later I was able to verify this - the correspondent's statement turned out to be true.

In the end, we met. During this meeting, in addition to oral information, I received various materials, and later - a video sent by mail, which captures the process of convergence with the solar system of the hypothetical Tenth planet (also known as planet X, Nibiru, Marduk). This film was allegedly filmed in 1995 from an automatic interplanetary station (AMS) sent into space as part of the Siloe program, launched in the 90s. The images captured by the AMC equipment were redirected to a "secret" radio telescope, which is located in the United States and which is operated exclusively by specialists in the service of the Vatican. Probably, this radio telescope is located in Alaska, in the area of abandoned oil refineries."

Personal meetings with brothers in mind

And after a while, the "informant" told Cristoforo Barbato that the WIS arose as a result of a meeting of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower … with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization! The meeting allegedly took place at Muroc Airfield in February 1954, and was also attended by the then Bishop of Los Angeles, James McIntyre.

Immediately after "close contact of the third kind," the bishop departed for Rome to report to Pope Pius XII of this incredible incident. After McIntyre's message, the Pope ordered the creation of the very WIS, whose task was to collect any information about the activities of extraterrestrial beings. And Bishop McIntyre, having returned to the United States, became the main coordinator of the operation to transfer the collected information to the Vatican.

But that's not all. From the above-mentioned sensational reports, it follows that there were direct contacts between ISV employees and representatives of the extraterrestrial race of the Nordic type, natives of the Pleiades star cluster in the Taurus constellation. At the same time, space aliens warned earthlings against contact with aliens of a different race, with whom the Americans had met earlier in the California desert.

These meetings with the Pleiades took place in the United States, as well as - twice - on the territory of the Vatican Gardens, at the Vatican Academy of Sciences. Pope Pius XII took part in the meetings.

All information concerning the mentioned contacts has the highest level of secrecy in the Vatican, corresponding to the American category Cosmic Top Secret ("space top secret").

The deplorable fate of the astronomer monk

There are many statements about UFOs and extraterrestrial civilizations of another prominent Vatican, George Coyney, a monk and astronomer, director of the Vatican Astronomical Observatory in the American city of Tucson (Arizona).

However, his judgments are contradictory. So, in January 2006, at a press conference for journalists of the Italian agency ANSA, he said that “at the moment there is no scientific confirmation of the existence of extraterrestrial life … But if such confirmation appeared, it would only mean that the Lord God is the creator of everything of existence.

And here is what he also wrote on the pages of the Finanziere magazine in March 1999:

“… It is possible to consider the possibility… of the existence of worlds in which life such as on Earth could arise. We … already have sufficient knowledge about the origin and evolution of the Universe to - on the basis of mathematical data processing - assert that up to 1017 planets very similar to the Earth can exist in space …"

However, in 1995, in an interview with the Catholic newspaper Avvenire ("The Coming"), Padre Koyney commented on reports of UFO sightings:

“A UFO is an unidentified flying object. But in almost 95% of cases, these flying objects turned out to be very well identified … As a rule, these were airplanes, balloons, meteorological balloons, gas accumulations, natural refraction of light and other optical phenomena … Therefore, UFOs should be attributed not to the field of science, but to the field of science fiction.

In the same interview, his reverend expressed himself very skeptically about the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life. And two years earlier, Koyney's father not only rejected the possibility of extraterrestrial life, but also criticized the SETI program (the search for alien intelligence), calling its funding "a waste of money."

Apparently, a consequence of the uncertainty of George Coyney's position was the Vatican's decision to dismiss him from the observatory and retire, allegedly for health reasons.

The new head of the observatory was the Argentinean, father Jose Funes, who does not deny the possibility of life on other planets. In particular, he expressed his point of view on this issue on August 26, 2006: “Until now, we have no evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms. Regardless, if aliens do exist, then this does not pose any problem for theology, since they are also God's creatures … And I do not think that we have ever felt a lack of work in this field."

Vatican telescopes

In December 2006, the Polish magazine Stupeni Orakula reported, citing the English newspaper The Sunday Times, that for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church, the Vatican is participating in the project to create an astronomical observatory in the American state of Arizona. The Roman curia has allocated 30 million euros for the construction of two powerful telescopes, with the help of which it will be possible to observe the farthest corners of the universe, including clouds of cosmic dust, potential sources of new planets. Observations and research using new telescopes will be carried out by clergy astronomers.

It is not easy to answer the question why the Holy Church became interested in space. Perhaps she wants to discover new worlds and civilizations that will help her turn to the "true faith."

Vadim Ilyin

"Secrets of the XX century" March 2013
