Alien Conspiracy? - Alternative View

Alien Conspiracy? - Alternative View
Alien Conspiracy? - Alternative View

Video: Alien Conspiracy? - Alternative View

Video: Alien Conspiracy? - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains Alien Visits, UFOs, and Other Conspiracies 2024, June

Over the past 50 years, the governments of the world's leading countries have been hiding the fact of the alien presence on Earth.

Extract from the resolution of the International Symposium "Natural and space anomalies, problems of global ecology and the survival of Mankind." The initiators and organizers of the event were the Ural Roerich Foundation, the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, JSC Permturist, and the City Society of Ufologists. The general sponsors of the event were PNOS and the Perm City Administration. More than 20 cities of Russia, near and far abroad, including scientists, ufologists, representatives of culture, press, radio, television and a number of religious denominations, sent their representatives to the Symposium. About 200 participants were registered: “67 years have passed since the Third Appeal of the Interplanetary Observer Coalition to Humanity, which sounded in 1929 on the radio in the main languages of our planet: English, Chinese, Russian and Spanish. The governments of the countries left the Appeal without comment, and the press was quick to present it as a radio joke, similar to the one staged by radio correspondents who put on a play based on the novelWarrior of the Worlds by H. G. Wells.

Although Mankind was given 50 years for reflection, in Russia this text became widely known only in 1991, after the publication of the book "Asgard - the City of the Gods", when the deadlines for an answer had already passed. Judging by this document, the observers sent to Earth by the Interplanetary Coalition did not have complete and reliable information about the situation on our planet. Over the past 50 years, the governments of the leading countries of the world have been hiding the fact of an alien presence on Earth, and most importantly, their ties with an alien civilization that has completely controlled humanity for many millennia.

Ufologists of the world have a huge amount of facts indicating that this kind of control is detrimental to people. That is why the governments were discrediting scientists, researchers and politicians who were investigating the alien presence, as well as the destruction of all facts of visiting our planet by other alien civilizations that are members of the Interplanetary Coalition of Observers. Individual members of the governments of various countries tried to tell the people the truth, for which they paid with their lives. Thus, the President of Grenada was ousted from his post as a result of a military coup only because he raised the issue of the alien presence before the 33rd session of the UN. US Security Secretary James Forestallthrown out of the window of a skyscraper just because he insisted on publicizing information about the links of the US government with an alien civilization. The list of the dead politicians and scientists who opposed the alien control over humanity is very long … "However, from the really long list of those who died at the hands of the" black government "we will focus on one person, perhaps not the most outstanding in the opinion of ordinary people, but not from the last list who want to convey the truth to humanity. Milton William Cooper, in the common people - Bill- a person whose biography in all sources is written very succinctly, briefly and controversially. A mysterious person, not accessible to everyone. A person of a strong but very complex character. Writer and highly professional, "sharp" radio journalist. According to members of the Clinton White House administration: "The most dangerous radio commentator in America." His friends, former colleagues, colleagues retained the deepest respect both for his military and, subsequently, for his writing professionalism. With the appearance of a kind, soft-bodied person, his fighting abilities, reaction, and also the ability to flawlessly wield various types of weapons aroused the admiration of those around him. People who knew Cooper well called him a true patriot of America. Bill Cooper was born on May 6, 1943, into the family of a military pilot. He graduated from Uyamato High School, Japan in 1961 and joined the United States Air Force. In 1965 he was honorably transferred to the reserve. However, at the end of the same year, Cooper received an offer to join the Navy. As part of the Navy, he fought in Vietnam, received the rank of foreman of the first class. He was awarded the medal of honor of the participant in the hostilities of the Navy with the sign "For valor" ("V" from the English word "valor") and the medal "For military merit, valor and heroism." Upon returning from Vietnam, he was transferred to the Department of Naval Intelligence. Possessed the highest security clearance (Q, SI). In 1975 he was transferred to the reserve with honors, and upon completion of the service he settled in the state of Arizona. Engaged in writing and radio journalism. He opened a radio show on a short wave of 7.415 MHz called "Hour of Time". He was also a frequent guest and presenter on Christian Radio Worldwide in Nashville, Tennessee. In partnership with other researchers, he devoted a lot of time to disclosing the crimes and crimes of the US Internal Revenue Service, which caused serious discontent among the richest Jewish families in America, who,in fact, they were the founders of the tax system at the beginning of the 20th century. The results of the investigations were repeatedly made public on the radio. As a result, Cooper was repeatedly subjected to tax audits, provocations and even attempts by the IRS to fabricate several criminal cases against him on the basis of alleged financial crimes. Milton first spoke publicly at the International Meeting of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) on July 2, 1989 of the year. In his speech, Cooper presented to the world the shocking facts of what is happening behind the scenes of the American and other governments. Cooper clearly explained why what is happening in the world and what forces are behind it all. He was one of the firstwho was not afraid to write the anti-Zionist study "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" about the conspiracy of Jewish Masons to seize unlimited power by concentrating world capital in the hands of a small group of Jewish Freemasons and the destruction of most of humanity. In this work, Milton openly named the organizations, as well as the names of the main authors of human misfortunes. With this speech, Milton Cooper actually signed his own death warrant, as he swung at the invisible government over all the governments of the world. However, there is good reason to believe that he was a member of the International Order of DeMolay and, perhaps thanks to the tutelage of the order, was able to continue his political and journalistic activities until 2001. In 1991, Cooper published his only book, Behold A Pale Horse ". The book, written with great talent, became an underground self-published bestseller in America and remains so to this day. Some American publishers, even after the death of William Cooper, are afraid to print his bold book, and the second part - flatly refuse. Either because of their ignorance and unwillingness to know, or perhaps because of their adherence or even belonging to the Masonic-Jewish order, in particular to the Satanic "black government", in general. Another fact is interesting thatand perhaps because of their adherence or even belonging to the Masonic-Jewish order, in particular, and the satanic "black government" in general. Another fact is interesting thatand perhaps because of their adherence or even belonging to the Masonic-Jewish order, in particular, and the satanic "black government" in general. Another fact is interesting that Bill clintonpersonally (apparently, having received instructions from above from the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, etc.), he became interested in the person of Milton William Cooper and requested his personal file from the FBI director. The FBI director, in violation of US law, handed over a personal file to the president of the country. In the early 90s, Cooper filed a lawsuit against the FBI director. This high-profile case was repeatedly highlighted in the press under the name "Filegate". Opponents of Milton Cooper claimed that what he wrote was not true, since the author did not provide the public with any facts to support his words. Others declared him not a completely mentally normal person. The American media did their best to understate Cooper's talent as a journalist, writer and lecturer. The author of this article has carefully studied a large part of the publications in the American media about William Cooper. It is safe to say that all of them,with a few exceptions, they are similar to the shouting and swearing of the Odessa bazaar trader. You never get tired of wondering what kind of metamorphosis can happen to venerable professionals of the pen. Many articles, crossing all the frames of journalistic ethics, look like cheap dirty libels. Well, with the published opinions of world renowned researchers such as David Icke, metamorphoses of a different nature also occurred: “This requested article does not exist.” In fact, every day, for 12 years, the halls were packed with listeners, and each of his radio shows ended with a long line of phone calls.

If William's research and creativity were so insignificant, why was the US federal government so nervous? Why was the content of many articles written by well-known people of good repute removed? Why for 11 years Cooper was afraid to be arrested on the basis of, albeit false, but still criminal cases, "concocted" by meticulous Jewish accountants of the Tax Service? After all, the first case was brought against him back in 1990. True, then the Internal Revenue Service could not prove the guilt of the defendant Cooper and lost the court. But later, several new cases were fabricated.

There are quite definite and well-founded answers to these questions by many American and British ufologists. They feared to kill Cooper because of his popularity and recognition. And it was not such an easy task - to kill a well-trained naval intelligence officer. They were afraid to arrest him, because they knew that all the criminal cases were fabricated and if the truth came out, the legal harassment could result in a big political scandal. In addition, Cooper was a very direct person, that is, a bad diplomat. He could “lose his temper” and name the sources of his information. And it is possible that this could end with a complete exposure of the "Bilderberg", "Illuminati", "black government" and the fact that every American Administration has been subordinate to them over the past 45 years. Roughly speaking, judging only by a piece of information,which will be presented below, it would be the end of the American Empire. Below is the original speech by Milton William Cooper at the MUFON international meeting on July 2, 1989 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The speech was conveyed in direct speech to avoid emotional interference by the author of this article (given with minor abbreviations).

Foreword “Many of the sources of information used in this study are still top-secret. However, I am ready to swear an oath in court of any level that I personally read or was orally acquainted with them in 1970-1973. I could provide the first and last names of approximately 38 U. S. Navy intelligence officers who are also familiar with the documents used in this study and can confirm that this is true, unless the documents belonging to the Navy are the original disinformation. For the purpose of chronological alignment, I also used some publicly available materials that are not possible to verify. Therefore, for the sake of objectivity, I propose to consider all the material as a hypothesis. I firmly believe that aliens are the same reality as the fact that by their nature they are the offspring of Satan. Their presence is the only missing piece in the entire complex enigma, helping to unify disparate mystical facts and place all events in chronological order. The vast majority of historical and modern evidence, facts and evidence support the hypothesis set out below. The Alien Presence is a Fact In the post-war years, the United States government was confronted with a chain of events that, far beyond imaginable, could change its future, as well as the future of all mankind. These events were so incredible that it is almost impossible to believe in them. Stunned President Trumanin light of the events that took place, the entire high command felt completely weak, and this after the United States won the most destructive and costly war in history. The United States was the only country to create and use the atomic bomb. The new weapon had the potential to destroy any enemy and even the planet Earth itself. At that time, America had the best economy, the most advanced technology and the highest standard of living. One can only imagine the degree of confusion and deep concern of the United States government elite, who learned that an extraterrestrial spacecraft, piloted by creatures that resemble insects in the representation of humans, crashed in the New Mexico desert. Between January 1947 and December 1952, at least 16 alien ships crashed or landed were discovered. 65 dead and one living alien were recovered. Of these (UFOs) 13 were in the United States: 11 were discovered in New Mexico, 1 in Arizona, 1 in Nevada. One spacecraft crashed in Norway and two in Mexico. There were so many UFO sightings that, given the availability and quality of reconnaissance equipment and trained personnel, it became impossible to thoroughly study and investigate each UFO sighting. The UFO was discovered on February 13, 1948, on a plateau near the Aztec settlement in New Mexico. Another UFO was found on March 25, 1948, at the White Sands Proving Grounds in the same state. It was 100 feet (approximately 30 meters) in diameter. A total of 17 aliens were recovered from both flying objects. But the more important find was the many parts of human bodies stored in both UFOs … These shocking finds became the most secret secrets in world history. We encountered technologies unknown and incomprehensible to us: mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and others. UFOs are powered by a small reactor the size of a basketball and use clean energy to study this phenomenon in December 1947, a special group of the best scientists in the country was organized. She was involved in the secret project "Sign" - "Sign" (Sign), later - in December 1948, renamed Project "Grad" - "Malice" (Grudge). 16 volumes of scientific research accumulated at the end of the Gradge project and it was renamed the Blue Book project - Blue Book. Blue Teams were created to locate and transport UFOs, capture living or dead aliens, and clean up evidence. They later became Unit Alpha and all received special training under the Pouns and Pluto projects. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was specially created by Presidential National Security Decree in late 1947 solely to deal with Aliens: The National Security Council was created to oversee the CIA and the activities of aliens. Only after a series of meetings of the National Security Council, the scope of the CIA was later expanded and the organization also began to specialize in conducting covert operations at home and abroad.capturing living or dead aliens and cleaning up evidence. They later became Unit Alpha and all received special training under the Pouns and Pluto projects. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was specially created by Presidential National Security Decree in late 1947 solely to deal with Aliens: The National Security Council was created to oversee the CIA and the activities of aliens. Only after a series of meetings of the National Security Council, the scope of the CIA was later expanded and the organization also began to specialize in conducting covert operations at home and abroad.capturing living or dead aliens and cleaning up evidence. They later became Unit Alpha and all received special training under the Pouns and Pluto projects. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was specially created by Presidential National Security Decree in late 1947 solely to deal with Aliens: The National Security Council was created to oversee the CIA and the activities of aliens. Only after a series of meetings of the National Security Council, the scope of the CIA was later expanded and the organization also began to specialize in conducting covert operations at home and abroad. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was specially created by Presidential National Security Ordinance in late 1947 solely to deal with aliens, and the National Security Council was created to oversee the CIA and alien activities. Only after a series of meetings of the National Security Council, the scope of the CIA was later expanded and the organization also began to specialize in conducting covert operations at home and abroad. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was specially created by Presidential National Security Ordinance in late 1947 solely to deal with aliens, and the National Security Council was created to oversee the CIA and alien activities. Only after a series of meetings of the National Security Council, the scope of the CIA was later expanded and the organization also began to specialize in conducting covert operations at home and abroad. Only after a series of meetings of the National Security Council, the scope of the CIA was later expanded and the organization also began to specialize in conducting secret operations at home and abroad. Only after a series of meetings of the National Security Council, the scope of the CIA was later expanded and the organization also began to specialize in conducting secret operations at home and abroad. The birth of a secret secrecy December 9, 1947 at the insistence of Secretary of the Supreme Military Council Forestal, Marshall, Patterson, and the Director of the State Department's George KenanTruman signed Order NSC-4 "Information Measures for the Coordination of the Intelligence Service." Forestal, Marshall, Patterson, and Kenan were members of the Council of Foreign Relations. In addition to Order NSC-4, Order NSC-4A was issued, which allowed the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency not to report to the Supreme Military Council on current covert operations or projects. The CIA director could report on such operations / projects only after their completion. Order NSC-4A allowed the Director of the CIA to conduct covert operations and open covert projects without the approval and approval of the Supreme Military Council. Also allowed the CIA to conduct secret psychological operations to misinform the American people about UFOs. How many knows what that means? I will explain: this meansthat the CIA received complete freedom to conduct any covert operations in the United States and abroad, and since the adoption of NSC-4A, they were not required to report to anyone, not even the president. The only binding clause in Attachment NSC-4A was that all these operations or projects did not run against the interests of the United States. Later, Temporary Orders NSC-10 and 10/1 supplanted and replaced NSC-4 and NSC-4A, expanding the powers and capabilities of the CIA. on planning and conducting covert operations. These orders allowed illegal actions and abuse of power if they did not contradict the interests of the country's national security. The reaction of the relevant structures to the appearance of these orders, in the light of the shocking events in the late 40s, was surprisingly mild. At the Supreme Military Council, no one voted against. The Executive Coordination Group was created with the aim of analyzing the operations that have taken place only upon their successful completion. If the operation failed, the president and the government did not want to know about it. Thus, the US President has created a protective barrier between himself and the current covert operations / projects. In the event of a failure, information leak or an international scandal, the US president could fearlessly tell Congress and the public that he was hearing about what was happening for the first time in order to avoid impeachment. In the future, this protective barrier was used by intelligence agencies to keep all subsequent US presidents from interfering in their affairs. They did what they saw fit and reported to the President only what was beneficial to them in order to receive more funding from Congress. In accordance with the order NSC-5410/1, a secret scientific council was created. It invited scientists, whose knowledge was used temporarily as needed. Later, order NSC-5410/5 approved the members of the permanent scientific council. All the secret executive orders described above served 4 years later as the basis for the creation of "MAJESTIC-12" (MJ-12). The first victim of secrecyJames Forestal, US Secretary of Defense, was an idealist and deeply religious man. Although he was listed as the 3rd candidate on the original list of "Mighty 12", he was strongly against secrecy in matters of UFOs and aliens. He firmly believed in the need for the public to know the truth. Forestal began to talk about the incident to the leaders of the opposition party, as well as the leaders of Congress. Nobody believed him. Some politicians took Forestal's information as a bad joke, while others looked at him with concern as a person who had a nervous breakdown and recommended taking a vacation. Truman, having learned that Forestal was giving out state secrets, demanded his immediate resignation. However, he later replaced the requirement with an order to undergo psychiatric and preventive treatment at the Betsida Naval Hospital. By Truman's order, family visits to Forestal were banned. On the day of discharge from the hospital, May 22, 1949, early in the morning, CIA agents came to the Secretary of Defense in the room on the 4th floor. They tied a sheet around James' neck, strangled him to a state of unconsciousness, and then, tying the other end to a battery, threw him out of the window. Forestal's secret diaries were confiscated by the CIA and kept in the White House for a long time. During this time, they were rewritten by specialists and later, solely due to public demand, published in a refined form. The original was submitted to the CIA and later published by an agentand then, tying the other end to a battery, they threw it out of the window. Forestal's secret diaries were confiscated by the CIA and kept in the White House for a long time. During this time, they were rewritten by specialists and later, solely due to public demand, published in a refined form. The original was submitted to the CIA and later published by an agentand then, tying the other end to a battery, they threw it out of the window. Forestal's secret diaries were confiscated by the CIA and kept in the White House for a long time. During this time, they were rewritten by specialists and later, solely due to public demand, published in a refined form. The original was submitted to the CIA and later published by an agent Whiteley Striber in the form of the fantastic book Majestic. Alien Biological Species A living alien captured during the 1947 Roswell crash on the recommendation of Dr. Vannevar Bushwas named Extraterrestrial Biological Entity (EBE) - alien biological individual (IBO). During the first year of detention at a secret military base, during interrogations, the IBO, as a rule, lied. He only answered the questions he wanted to answer. He did not answer questions that he didn’t like. A year later, it began to open up a little. The information they provided to the CIA agents was overwhelming to say the least. Later, this information was included in the documentation of the Yellow Book project. Many photographs of the IBO were taken by agents. I, among many others, was one of those who saw these photographs years later, in the early 70s. In 1951 IBO fell ill. The medical staff was unable to help him, as no one had enough knowledge about the nature of these individuals. Managed to find outthat the nutritional-respiratory system of IBO had a chlorophilic basis, like plants. Many physicians, biologists, botanists and entomologists were invited to consult. Botanist, doctor Guillermo Mendoza was able to provide partial medical and botanical assistance. He was engaged in medical supervision of IBO until June 2, 1952, the day of his death.

In early 1952, the secret service began sending signals into space. Initially, it was conceived to find out how to provide assistance to ISO, and at the same time to establish contact with the aim of acquiring alien technology. This was the beginning of Project Sigma. No replies were received from space. But the project was saved and the signals were sent in the hope of establishing interplanetary contact.

Creation of the National Security AgencyBy secret order dated November 4, 1952, President Truman created the super-secret National Security Agency (NSA). The main task of the NSA was to decipher the language of the aliens and begin to communicate with them. The second task was to listen and analyze all types of messages at home and abroad, emanating from electronic devices in order to collect classified information, both terrestrial and space. The third task was to keep in the strictest secrecy and prevent the spread of information about the presence of aliens on Earth. The tasks assigned to the NSA were a continuation of the Sigma project, which, as you can imagine, was completed very successfully. The organization was so secret that until recently 1 person in every 50 thousand knew about its existence. Today the NSA is tasked with maintaining communications with the station on the moon and other classified space objects. The NSA is exempt from all laws unless the text of those laws specifically stipulates that the NBA must comply with them and be responsible to them. above again. This means that we have an organization in the country that does what it wants, where it wants, and in any way. She is not responsible for what she did, does not obey anyone and legally stands above any US law. Today, the NBA has become the leading service among all the intelligence services of America. It receives 75% of the funding allocated for the activities of all the country's special services. And you all know perfectly well the American proverb: "where money goes, power lives there."which poses a mortal danger to America. The CIA director has some power, but not as much as you think. The NSA Director has the greatest and unrestricted power (in the United States). Even though the Cold War was in full swing, it was a Cold War for everyone else, but not for the government elites. President Truman informed the Soviet Government of all the details of what happened in Roswell and continued to inform about the development of these events in case the alien presence becomes a threat to humanity. Mutual US-Soviet plans were developed to protect the planet, as well as international plans that included the major countries of the world. The main problem, however, was how to keep these plans completely secret. It was decided to create an independent organization,which would be able to stop the leakage of classified information about aliens from governments and the media. As a result, back in 1952, a secret society was created, which later (in 1954) was called the "Bilderberg Group". The group held its first official secret meeting only two years after its creation at the Bilderberg Hotel in the small Dutch town of Osterbeek. The main headquarters of the Bilderbergs is located in Geneva, Switzerland. Today the headquarters of the bilderberg club is in New York, at the premises of the Carnegie Foundation. The Bilderberg Group, which included the richest representatives of the planet, set itself the task of creating a "New World Government". Today these people control absolutely everything on the planet. The United Nations Organization, created by them, from its founding to the present day, was and remains just an anecdote (Cooper means that under the motto of helping countries, in fact, the UN was created to control the world). President's mistake

In 1953, the new president took over the White House. He was a man accustomed to a clear structural organization with a bottom-up reporting system. His method was division of responsibilities and collegial management through consultation. He made major decisions only when his advisers could not come to a mutual opinion. His usual manner was to read the documents, listen to opinions and approve one of them. People from the president's entourage said that the president’s favorite statement was “Just do it any way you can”.

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General Dwight David Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief of the United Armed Forces, full five-star, became PresidentDuring his first 1953, at the oval office of the White House, at least 10 new flying disks that crashed were discovered and recorded along with 26 dead and 4 living aliens. Four UFOs were found in Arizona, two in Texas, one in New Mexico, one in Louisiana, one in Montana and another UFO in South Africa. Hundreds of UFO sightings have been recorded. Why have many UFOs crashed? Because out of fear of their superiority, we were afraid to make peaceful contact. The American Air Force accidentally found out that a beam of radio emission directed from radars incapacitates UFOs. So we started shooting down everyone we could.

In assuming the presidency, Eisenhower knew that he had to deal with an alien problem. He knew he had no right to tell this secret to Congress. At the very beginning of 1953, he turned to his friend and comrade, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Nelson Rockefeller. Eisenhower and Rockefeller began to develop a secret structure that would deal with the alien question. Such a structure was to be created and start working in a year. Thus, the idea for the MJ-12 (MAJESTIC-12) was born.

Nelson's Uncle Windsrop Aldrichhe was the one who convinced Eisenhower to run for president of the United States. The entire Rockefeller family and along with them the entire Rockefeller Empire supported Ike. Thus, Eisenhower belonged to the Rockefeller family in heart and soul. However, asking Rockefeller for help in the alien issue was Eisenhower's biggest mistake, affecting both the future of the United States and the future of all mankind. A week after being elected president. Eisenhower appointed Nelson Rockefeller Chairman of the Presidential Committee of Advisers. Rockefeller became responsible for planning and reorganizing government structures, which is what he had dreamed of for a long time. When Congress approved the position in April 1953, Nelson was named Under Secretary of the Department of Health. Education and Social Security. Minister was Ovita Kalp Hobby. Incredible eventIn 1953, astronomers discovered large objects in space that were moving in the direction of the Earth. They were mistaken for large asteroids. As we approached the Earth, it became clear that these are artificially made objects that could only be interplanetary ships. Sigma has intercepted alien radio communications. Approaching the Earth, huge objects hung in an even chain along the line of the Equator. The intentions of their arrival were unknown. The participants of the Sigma project and the new Plato project by radio, as well as using a binary computer language, managed to contact the aliens and discussed the landing site and personal contact with representatives of an unknown planet. The meeting took place in the desert. The movie Close Encounters of the Third King is a fantastic version of real events. The members of the "Plateau" project were tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with the aliens. One member of their team was left hostage pending their return and the signing of a formal interplanetary treaty between this race and the Earthlings. At the same time, something else unusual happened in the United States. Another race, aliens very similar in appearance to humans, landed at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida. They easily contacted and successfully negotiated with the American Government. They warned us of the possible dangerous intentions of the race, whose spaceships were hovering in high orbit around the equator. (According to other sources: each of the eight ships was approximately 5 km in diameter) They offered us help and protection. They also offered us help in the spiritual development of the world's population. One of their main conditions before they began to help us was the requirement to destroy all our atomic weapons. They refused to exchange their technologies with us, since in their opinion we are not spiritually ripe for high technologies.

They said that having received alien technologies at our low spiritual level of development, we will try to destroy each other, as we have always done. They warned us that we are on the path of self-destruction, that we must stop killing each other, we must stop polluting the atmosphere, stop raping the planet by barbarously extracting natural resources from it and must begin to live in harmony with each other and with nature. Their conditions were accepted. The US Government is very suspicious, especially regarding the elimination of nuclear weapons. We have not had such a historical experience that could be referred to in order to make the right decision. As a result, their offer was rejected. The government considered it foolish to get rid of the only weapon,more or less capable of protecting the planet in light of so many alien interventions. As life will show later, it was not our most correct decision.”It is difficult and scary to comment on an incredible message that is not supported by traditional facts, such as documents, photos and videos, or even a few eyewitness testimonies given in court under oath. Therefore, the author recalls what Cooper said at the beginning of his speech that it is most correct to perceive what you read as a hypothesis. The most difficult moment is when a hypothesis is closely mixed with facts and evidence already available on Earth. The Roswell incident is now perceived by world ufologists more as a fact than a hypothesis. Let us also, for the sole purpose of classification, let us assume that this is a fact. This is important in order to understand that humanoids,found at the accident site in Roswell are described by many witnesses as small individuals - up to 70 centimeters. A feature of their appearance is a very small lipless mouth, a nose that barely stands out on the face, often described as two nasal openings on the facial protrusion and two small openings on the sides, replacing the ears.

In the ufological world, they are called "Grace" (gray) presumably from two planets: Zeta Reticuli - 1 and 2. Many sources describe them as individuals with a chlorophyll, as in plants, basis of food. There is not a single statement that these individuals need any other way of feeding. It is important to know this point, because when it comes to abducting people (abductions), finding parts of human bodies and bodies of torn animals, witnesses and ufologists also describe them as "Grace" (gray), but their height is approximately 1.5 - 1, 6 meters. Characteristic features of the face: long nose, presence of ears. Their mouth is larger than that of the Reticulians and is filled with sharp teeth. Their food system is different from that of the Reticulians. The chlorophyll base is present, but not basic. There is reason to believe that they are herbivorous and carnivorous. When in his speech Milton Cooper talks about two accidents near Aztec and on the territory of "White Sands", it is more about long-nosed "Grace", which may be inhabitants of Mars from the constellation Orion. They were their ships hovering over the equator. Aliens, similar to people who offered help, are described in many sources as residents of the constellation Vega. According to the classification of ufologists, they are divided into three slightly different races: Vegas (Vegans), Arcturus and Pleiades (Pleiades). It is assumed that the level of their development in all respects significantly exceeds the level of Grace. Ufologists believe that they are the ones who are at the head of the Interplanetary Coalition of United Observers. They were their ships hovering over the equator. Aliens, similar to people who offered help, are described in many sources as residents of the constellation Vega. According to the classification of ufologists, they are divided into three slightly different races: Vegas (Vegans), Arcturus and Pleiades (Pleiades). It is assumed that the level of their development in all respects significantly exceeds the level of Grace. Ufologists believe that they are the ones who are at the head of the Interplanetary Coalition of United Observers. They were their ships hovering over the equator. Aliens, similar to people who offered help, are described in many sources as residents of the constellation Vega. According to the classification of ufologists, they are divided into three slightly different races: Vegas (Vegans), Arcturus and Pleiades (Pleiades). It is assumed that the level of their development in all respects significantly exceeds the level of Grace. Ufologists believe that they are the ones who are at the head of the Interplanetary Coalition of United Observers.that they are the ones who are at the head of the Interplanetary Coalition of United Observers.that they are the ones who are at the head of the Interplanetary Coalition of United Observers.