Secrets Of The Slavic Hall - Alternative View

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Secrets Of The Slavic Hall - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Slavic Hall - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Slavic Hall - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Slavic Hall - Alternative View
Video: The Slavic Empire | Russia Reworked (HOI4) 2024, June

Even in ancient times, the Slavs began to butcher people into the Halls. Our ancestors had traditions that they accumulated over the centuries, they were observant and described the traits of a person's character. Their descriptions are more accurate even now, and cannot be compared with modern horoscopes. The book "Krugolet Chisloboga" is a document confirming that it was the first Slavic book of horoscopes, which is called the Hall.

The ancient Slavs had enough time for research and observation, they paid special attention to how the seasons change and what processes occur during this period. Observatories are considered the most ancient architectural buildings, ancestors spent a lot of time in them.

The astrological calendar gave practical applications to the Slavs. With his help, they adjusted their personal and everyday life, made very important decisions for themselves. The zodiac horoscope could not give this.

What is a palace?

Let's analyze the origin of the word "palace", myths and legends will help us in this. A spacious, large-scale hall in the house of princes or the house of a wealthy person was called a palace. The heavenly palaces are understood as spaces where certain constellations are located. The zodiac system was invented by our ancestors. Some researchers suggest that the chronology of the Slavs happened earlier than the well-known calendar of the Mayan civilization. The word "calendar" among the ancient Slavs is interpreted as "Kolyady Gift". The legends say that God Kolyada, the current Santa Claus, gave it to the Slavs.


In order to determine the palace in the horoscope of our ancestors, it will be necessary to understand the chronology. Initially, the week was nine days, not the usual seven-day week for us, and the day lasted only 16 hours. Another difference was that the year consisted of nine months, the days in a month were 40 and 41. Only the ancestors did not say “year”, but called “summer”.

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How to determine which palace you belong to?

There are some nuances that you need to consider when calculating the date of your palace. The Slavs considered the beginning of the day not to be midnight, but the moment when the sun sets over the horizon, this is somewhere around half past seven in the evening. Therefore, when determining the palace in which you were born, do not forget to take this nuance into account. The zodiac system of the Slavs consisted of 16 Heavenly Halls, each of them had its own God - Patron and a tree - a talisman.

The point of the report of the new year and the calculation of the Hall among the Slavs was the day of the autumn equinox. For a more accurate definition of the Hall, you should know not only the date of your birth, but also the clock. I would also like to note that the location next to the Halls play a very important role in the life and character of a person, and also has psychological compatibility.

The character of a man in the palace

Virgo and Boar. People who have this couple are in constant search of innovations, interesting, explore the world around them. By nature, these are leaders who do not allow manipulative actions on themselves, they are independent and independent.

Pike and Swan. These are water Halls, those born during this period prefer a quiet, calm life that flows in the same channel, but it is important for them to fill it with sensitivity. The people of this Hall are reluctant to make important decisions.

Serpent and Raven. These people are very active, loneliness is not acceptable for them. Love is the key force in their life, but their partner must put in enough effort to maintain those feelings.

Bear and Stork. For these people, it is very important to strive to improve their lives and those around them. These people have a home - a full cup, a friendly family and many children, everything is going well with them.


Wolf and Fox. The people of this Hall are distinguished by their desire for innovation, they are smart and purposeful. Their distinctive feature is fearlessness, they strive to reach heights in different directions of their lives.

Tour and Elk. These people are hardworking, they are able to cope with any monotonous job. However, they have a hard time going through the hard cold season, as they lose interest in life and become apathetic.

Falcon and Horse. These people strive to get everything from life at once, they are restless, but quite active. The case, which until recently was interesting to this person, can be abandoned. And the daily monotonous affairs do not attract their attention at all.

Eagle and Race. They are very friendly people, but some find them annoying and annoying. They are able to learn any business in the shortest possible time, but because of their laziness they do not reach the desired heights.

Determine the palace by date of birth

20.09 - 12.10 - Boar's Hall, God Ramhat protects him, the amulet tree is a pear. Boars are people who perfectly overcome difficulties, it would seem, at first glance, with completely hopeless situations. They are able to work under stress, determined and determined.

20.10 - 3.11 - Hall of the Pike, patronized by the Goddess Rozhana, the tree is a plum. Pike people know how to adapt, they feel good and comfortable in any situation. Therefore, sometimes this quality plays against them, since they do not want to change anything.

03.11 - 24.11 - Hall of the Swan, patronized by the Goddess Makosh, the tree is a pine. They say about swans that they are proud, but basically their pride is justified, they do not depend on the opinions of others, their goal is to achieve prosperity and height.


24.11 - 17.12 - Hall of the Serpent, Semargl is the patron saint of this sign, the tree is linden. People born under this sign are selfish. Day them criticism from the outside is not acceptable, in business they achieve success and do not miss their own.

17.12 - 08.01 - Hall of the Crow, patron saint - Kolyada, tree - larch. People born during this period are very inquisitive and wise, they are amorous and therefore, in their youth, they may not be serious about relationships.

08.01 - 01.02 - Hall of the Bear. The patron saint is Svarog, the tree is beech and raspberry. They are able to find solutions to even the most difficult problem, find a way out of critical situations. They carefully preserve the comfort of their home, show themselves as competent leaders, and in the power forces show their perseverance and courage.

01.02 - 25.02 - Hall of the Stork. They are patronized by the Rod himself, the tree is a willow. They are very calm and sincere. Storks settle well in life, create a comfortable environment for themselves and their families. They are loyal to their significant other.

25.02 - 22.03 - Hall of the Wolf, patron - Veles, tree - poplar. Wolves have a tenacious, firm character. They are wary of others and strive for the ideal in everything. For them, the “core” in a person is important, they are characterized by increased responsibility and purposefulness.

22.03 - 15.04 - Hall of the Fox, Goddess Marena - patronizes this sign, amulets - hornbeam and currant. Thanks to the fox's cunning, it is best for people born during this period to choose a job in the social sphere, in this field they will fully reveal themselves. Financially, these people are independent, but because of their excessive curiosity, they can suffer.


15.04 - 07.05 - Hall of Tours, God Roof admonishes them, the tree is aspen. Tours are very hardworking, stress-resistant, they do well in business, achieve set goals with ease, do well both in the role of executors and in the leadership position.

07.05 - 30.05 - Hall of the Elk, Goddess Lada patronizes this sign, the tree is birch. People are very open-minded, loving and cheerful, it helps to easily converge with people. However, they need to beware of scammers, as they can suffer due to their gullibility.

30.05 - 21.06 - Hall of Finist, patronized by Vyshen, tree - cherry. They are curious and like to experiment, but at the same time they are prudent and do not allow themselves to take rash steps. Finists set goals and reach them quickly, but if something doesn't work out the way they want, then they are not upset.

21.06 - 13.07 - Hall of the Horse, Kupala patronizes this sign, the amulet is fern and elm. The people of this palace are in constant search of new adventures and impressions, they are optimists. However, it is not easy for them because of their indiscretion.

13.07 - 04.08 - Hall of the Eagle, patronized by Perun, tree - oak. Eagles are characterized by determination, courage and fortitude, but at the same time they are dreamy. It will not be boring in the company of these people.

04.08 - 28.08 - Hall of Race, patron - Tarh, tree - ash. They are very good-natured and ready to help at any time. Very collected, focused when needed, but can also have fun and relax when needed.

28.08 - 20.09 - Hall of the Virgin. Patronizes - Jiva, tree - apple tree. Virgos are characterized by a desire for independence. They set goals for themselves that seem impossible to others, but at the same time they manage to achieve them.