Utopia For The Middle Kingdom - Alternative View

Utopia For The Middle Kingdom - Alternative View
Utopia For The Middle Kingdom - Alternative View

Video: Utopia For The Middle Kingdom - Alternative View

Video: Utopia For The Middle Kingdom - Alternative View
Video: Hidden Beneath The Ice of Antarctica... Lost Civilization of the Pre-Adamites 2024, June

Design studio AT Design Office has unveiled the concept of the "Floating City", which will be built in China.

How do you envision the cities of the future? Huge, enormous megalopolises with endless skyscrapers and flying cars filling every centimeter of air space? This is already boring. The floating cities are much more interesting.

The concept of one of these cities was presented by the London studio AT Design Office. In the above illustrations, everything looks like frames for a sci-fi brainchild of Hollywood, but the Chinese side is confident about the possibility of such a complex construction. In the near future, China will see underwater roads, cargo submarines, and this wonderful island.

The city will be made up of modules that will be connected by underwater tunnels. Electric cars will move along them in the future. The island itself is a kind of iceberg: the city will consist of a surface underwater parts. On its territory, as in any modern city, luxury hotels, numerous restaurants, shopping centers, etc. will be located. There will also be plenty of park areas for recreation on the island.

The production of electricity, food, and waste processing will also take place in the city. The rest of the goods necessary for life will be delivered to the island through underwater channels. In addition, special places for cargo submarines will be made in the city harbor.


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