The Soul Of The Home - Alternative View

The Soul Of The Home - Alternative View
The Soul Of The Home - Alternative View

Video: The Soul Of The Home - Alternative View

Video: The Soul Of The Home - Alternative View
Video: Home with the Soul / Дом с душой 2024, October

Buying a new apartment or house must be approached with great caution, not only from a financial or legal point of view. From where the dwelling is located, and who lived in it before you, it depends how comfortable you will feel in it. Houses and apartments with a "bad" history, as a rule, are sold for a very long time, even at a low price.

What does "bad story" mean?

It happens that the previous owners did not live very well and happily, or ended their earthly existence not of their own free will. Negative energy accumulates in the houses and apartments of such people, which will negatively affect the new owners. In a house with such energy, the family will have constant quarrels, its owners will be often and seriously ill. In such cases, people are looking for the cause of their troubles for a long time, but it actually lies on the surface: before celebrating a housewarming, you need to cleanse your house of the presence of other people's negative emotions.

The story of the "bad" house is very well described in the first part of the famous American Horror Story series. A family that wants to change their environment in order to forget about previous grievances and disagreements buys a house at a very low price. And no one in the household comes up with a simple question why such a luxurious building is being sold so cheaply. As a result, all family members become hostages of the house, which is inhabited by the souls of the previous owners.

In every, at first glance, fantastic story, there is a grain of truth and common sense. It is no coincidence that our ancestors looked closely at the behavior of pets, which were the first to be released beyond the threshold of the house. This ancient ritual can be used today, because, unlike humans, the inner intuition of animals has not atrophied in the process of evolution. Cats and dogs can see representatives of the other world, and with their behavior warn the owners that the room does not belong only to them.

The house or apartment that belonged to the old owners, no matter how wonderful people they were, must be "cleaned", say esotericists. For this, Orthodox people use a special ceremony to consecrate the premises. Parapsychologists advise people not to neglect this tradition. Even if a person does not believe in otherworldly forces and subtle worlds, he still falls under their influence.

Esotericists warn that the location of the new house must be taken into consideration. In any city in the post-Soviet space, there are houses built in far from the best places. During the period of active construction of a new life, little importance was attached to such trifles as old burials. Whole neighborhoods grew up where there used to be ancient cemeteries or places of mass graves of political prisoners who were shot in hundreds and buried in mass graves.

So, for example, in Moscow there is a wonderful area - Sokol. Not far from the metro there is a church, next to it is Leningradsky Prospekt, which never sleeps, with houses on both sides. Few people now remember that the houses that were built next to the church stand on the site of a former cemetery. Monumental "Stalin" and later buildings have grown where people used to rest in peace. But did anyone care? And now it is quite a prestigious and expensive corner of the capital. But, a person who is familiar with the history of this place and feels the presence of another world will not live here. And if it does, it will most likely try to quickly move to a safer place. However, in such places, not only people with a fine mental organization and those who are fond of mysticism may feel uncomfortable. But most often they try to explain their discomfort with completely material reasons.

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It is especially worth mentioning the cases when apartments or houses are inherited by children or grandchildren. Older people often want to "die within their own walls." This desire is quite understandable and justified, but only then it can negatively affect those who will live within these walls. Therefore, after the death of a person, parapsychologists advise to "clean" the home. The energy of the dead should not coexist with the energy of the living, otherwise people will have serious problems.

Tactically, but firmly, you need to get rid of the personal belongings of the deceased, and photos of deceased relatives should never be hung on the walls. Their place is in the albums, and not in the most prominent place. The memory of the departed can be kept in your heart, and such actions will not be considered a betrayal. Esotericists say that there is no need to "cling" to the past, life goes on, and with our tears and constant sorrowful memories, we do not give rest to souls in another world.

Pavel and Irina lived in rented apartments for a long time, so when they got their own housing, they were in "seventh heaven" with happiness. Pavel inherited the apartment from his mother. His mother was a strange woman. During her lifetime, she cluttered her apartment so badly that when neighbors worried about her state of health opened the door, they could hardly squeeze inside.

The spouses quickly put things in order in the apartment, and, not paying attention to the lamentations of the believing neighbor, took all the belongings of the deceased out of their homes. But Irina could not get rid of the strange sensations: she began to sleep poorly, was nervous and her head constantly ached. The woman complained to her husband about these symptoms, but he felt that all this was due to the unrest they had experienced recently. But the feeling of anxiety and inner anxiety did not leave Irina all the time she was within the walls of the apartment. As soon as she left for work or on business, everything changed at once.

Irina was not a believer in the classical sense of the word, but was actively interested in the unknown, the occult sciences and mysticism. The woman understood: the reason for her strange condition lies in the apartment itself. While her husband was not at home, she once again carefully examined every corner. Nothing reminded of the previous owner, they even managed to make a grand renovation in the shortest possible time. It would seem, live and be happy! But no, something disturbed Irina. The woman realized that repairs alone would not be enough. You can re-glue the wallpaper and change the tiles in the bathroom, but this is only a material aspect, the reason lies outside this world.

The woman decided to act independently. With the help of a candle flame, she identified unfavorable areas in the apartment. One of these zones turned out to be the place where the neighbors found the deceased lying on the floor. The second "bell" rang in the place where the hostess's bed used to stand. Irina, although she was not a church member, went to church. She took holy water there and sprinkled all the unfavorable places that she could find. For the first time since moving to the apartment of the late mother-in-law, she felt free and calm. She fell asleep easily at night and slept dreamlessly.

Irina repeated these actions several more times, until she was convinced that the negative energy of the previous mistress had completely left the apartment. After a while, Paul was surprised to notice that he began to feel much better. And if before he came from work and could not really relax and rest, now, crossing the threshold of his house, he feels a surge of strength. Irina did not begin to devote her husband to all the subtleties and tell him about the rituals performed. She just laughed and said that she just changed the color of the curtains, and green shades are known to be soothing.

Using Irina's example, we can conclude that if a person feels discomfort while in an apartment, then there is no need to wait for the situation to get out of control. You need to trust your intuition and carry out the necessary rituals, and you can not tell skeptical loved ones about your actions. This will not affect the result. Over time, they too will feel changes in their mood, behavior and well-being, but let them believe that it's all about new curtains.