Bigfoot Only Needs Sex - Alternative View

Bigfoot Only Needs Sex - Alternative View
Bigfoot Only Needs Sex - Alternative View

Video: Bigfoot Only Needs Sex - Alternative View

Video: Bigfoot Only Needs Sex - Alternative View
Video: Female Bigfoot forced me to do it 2024, July

Student Yklas Sudetuly claims that residents of his native village in Altai often saw Bigfoot. The Yeti was more than two meters tall and was covered with wool. Yklas's grandfather said that before the Bigfoot lived near people, and when his supplies ran out, he often visited the aul.

Yeti has been seen over a wide area, including the Urals, the Caucasus and Siberia. However, the most detailed eyewitness accounts were recorded in Kazakhstan. This spring, climber Sergei Yushkov and scientist Alexander Zhdanko saw Bigfoot in the Zailiyskiy Alatau. During their overnight stay, they saw the outlines of a huge creature three meters tall, which made animal sounds.

“This creature moved on us on two legs,” recalls Alexander Zhdanko. - At first we heard heavy footsteps, and then Bigfoot let out an inhuman cry. Our blood froze in our veins! It was very scary, but a mysterious creature bypassed our tent and disappeared.

According to one version, the Yeti is nothing more than a Cro-Magnon who has survived to this day. His genes are so closely related to humans that we can even interbreed. According to cryptozoologists, it was the closeness to humans that allowed the Yeti to survive. Living in scattered groups in different parts of the world, the descendants of the Cro-Magnons interbreed with people from time to time. This allows the yeti to avoid degeneration.