A Resident Of India Gave Birth To Her First Child At 70 Years Old - Alternative View

A Resident Of India Gave Birth To Her First Child At 70 Years Old - Alternative View
A Resident Of India Gave Birth To Her First Child At 70 Years Old - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of India Gave Birth To Her First Child At 70 Years Old - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of India Gave Birth To Her First Child At 70 Years Old - Alternative View
Video: How Old?! Indian Woman In Her 70s Becomes First-Time Mother 2024, July

Incredible news appeared in the Western media: a 70-year-old Indian woman became a mother. Daljinder Kaur has lived with her husband for 46 years, and the elderly have long despaired of having children. However, having learned about the possibility of artificial insemination, they decided to try their luck.

According to the Telegraph, the woman gave birth to a healthy baby boy in April. Although the child weighed only two kilograms, the doctors confirmed that he had no abnormalities or diseases. The boy was named Armaan.

According to the woman and her 79-year-old husband, they once heard enough ridicule in their address: those around them considered their infertility to be God's punishment for some wrongdoing and did not miss the opportunity to remind the spouses of this.

“God has heard our prayers. Now I feel like my life is fulfilling,”said Daljinder Kaur. She added that she takes care of the child herself and does not need anyone's help. “I am full of energy. My husband is also very caring, he helps me with everything he can,”the woman said.

Newly minted parents are not afraid that they will die before raising a baby. “God is omnipotent and omnipresent, he will take care of everything,” says the “young” father.

At the clinic where artificial insemination was carried out, at first they doubted that Daljinder Kaur would be able to bear and give birth to a baby. However, tests showed that she could handle it.

This is not the first such case in India. In 2008, it was reported that a 72-year-old woman from Uttar Pradesh had IVF and gave birth to twins.