Slavic Horoscope: How To Find Out Your Palace By Date Of Birth - Alternative View

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Slavic Horoscope: How To Find Out Your Palace By Date Of Birth - Alternative View
Slavic Horoscope: How To Find Out Your Palace By Date Of Birth - Alternative View

The Slavic astrological calendar reflects the palaces that are assigned to each person by the date of his birth. Compiled by our ancestors in pre-Christian names, it is still distinguished by the accuracy of descriptions and helps to learn more about their hidden abilities.

The Celestial Halls are the place where the constellations dwell. It is believed that it was from this idea that the modern zodiacal astrological system subsequently developed. The ancient Slavs did not have the concept of "year". They counted their lives for years. They had a nine-day week and the month contained 40 or 41 days. Once every 16 years there were 369 days a year, and not like now, once every 4 years. This time was called "Sacred Summer".

Time was also perceived differently: the Slavs equated the beginning of the night with the moment when the Sun went into sunset on the day of the equinox. That is, it's about half past seven in the evening. In order not to confuse which palace is yours, use this hint. There are 16 of these palaces. Each is assigned a patron god and a sacred tree. They are dedicated to animals, which also played a great role in the life of the Slavs.


The year began with the autumnal equinox, and it was from this time that the palaces were counted. Each person who knows for sure not only the date of his birth, but also the time, will be able to determine which patrons he should count on and what character traits he is more inherent in.

Halls by date of birth

Hall of the Virgin (from August 28 to September 20)

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People born during this period are under the protection of the goddess Jiva. Their mascot tree is the apple tree. These people are stubborn, independent and able to achieve great success beyond the reach of most. Their desire for leadership positions has been noticeable since childhood, because wayward Virgos often go against their fate, as if they have secret knowledge that leads them to the heights.

Hall of the Boar (from September 20 to October 12)

Those born on these days are protected by the god Ramhat and the sacred pear tree. For these people, nothing is impossible, but often they get in the way of unwillingness to move forward and apathy. These are people with leadership qualities, willful and stubborn. They are accustomed to constant struggle, therefore it is difficult for them to work in a peaceful atmosphere without prodding.


Hall of the Pike (from October 12 to November 3)

The defenders of these people are the goddess Rozhana and the plum. Those born in the autumn have an exceptional ability to adapt to any situation. Like chameleons, they flow into any environment and feel comfortable. People of this palace often prefer not to solve problems and inconveniences, but to get along with them and feel at ease in new conditions.

Hall of the Swan (from November 3 to November 24)

For these people, the strong goddess of fate Makosh acts as protection. The amulet tree is pine. Pride is inherent in swans, but often it is justified by their merits. They are vain and used to being in the spotlight, reveling in their victories for show, but their merits are often really great. Swans are prone to unconscious prophecies and predictions, which determines their success in almost any endeavor.

Hall of the Serpent (from November 24 to December 17)

Semargl and linden act as defenders of people born during this period. Snakes are prone to selfishness and greed for flattery, but they are capable of self-sacrifice and sincere feelings. They have a valuable quality not to let go of the luck that has turned up, using it for their own good. Rare Serpent will tolerate criticism in his address: he will respond either with rage or with a hidden resentment.


Hall of the Raven (December 17 - January 8)

The patron god of this time is Kolyada, the sacred tree is larch. This period is rich in newborn healers who are able to heal both mental and physical wounds. Most often, the character of these people is cheerful. They are naturally inquisitive and have wisdom. However, their constant amorousness makes them unreliable companions, especially in the early years. After a certain time, they are able to settle down, but the innate tendency to fall in love often prevents them from building harmonious relationships.

Hall of the Bear (from January 8 to February 1)

God Svarog, one of the most important among the Slavs, as well as sacred beech and raspberry protect people who were born under the palace of the Bear. They are endowed with the art of creation and are able to restore even lost relationships after an irreconcilable quarrel. Courageous people are distinguished by the ability to unravel the most difficult problems. They combine leadership skills with kindness and fair rigor, making them irreplaceable managers. Bears are a real find for building a strong family.

Hall of Busla, or Stork (from February 1 to February 25)

These people are protected by the supreme god Rod and the willow. Storks have a calm character, stand firmly on their feet, are open to communication, and are gentle. They have a unique gift to calm and revive others. The people of this palace, with rare exceptions, create a strong family for life and provide it with comfort and stability.

Hall of the Wolf (from February 25 to March 22)

Veles, the deity of sacred knowledge, and poplar are strong patrons and protectors of those born during this period. They are characterized by rigidity, bordering on cruelty. Wolves are distinguished by their determination, always careful and often disdainful of people without an inner core. They tend to idealize others, therefore they are often disappointed in human infidelity and frivolity.


Hall of the Fox (from March 22 to April 15)

The foxes are patronized by Marena. They are also protected by hornbeam and currant. The traits of these people are similar to fox habits. They are brave, purposeful and have a wise cunning that helps them out of dubious situations. The people of the Fox's palace are able to bypass all obstacles, but natural curiosity often turns into financial problems. Most often, they find themselves in working with people and achieve significant authority in their chosen field.

Hall of Tours (from April 15 to May 7)

These people are patronized by the cheerful god Roof, as well as aspen. Almost all Tours have unprecedented stamina, hard work and quickly achieve their goals due to diligence and business acumen. If the Tours have no obstacles, then they become good leaders, quickly gain experience and lead the company to victory in the shortest way.

Hall of the Elk (from May 7 to May 30)

The goddess Lada and birch give their protection to people born in the last month of spring. Elks are characterized by openness, kindness, a carefree lifestyle and quick finding points of contact with others. However, they often fall prey to deceivers because of their somewhat naive outlook on life. They tend to strive for ideals, but often overestimate the requirements for themselves.

Hall of Finist (from May 30 to June 21)

The god Vyshen protects the life of the Finistov flying under the clouds, and the cherry tree becomes a talisman. A distinctive character trait of these people is a realistic and keen outlook on life. They are not prone to disappointment, so they learn from their own mistakes, which helps them achieve their goals. But more often they avoid difficulties due to their natural caution and prudence.


Hall of the Horse (from June 21 to July 13)

The patron god is Kupala, and the protective plants are fern and elm. Horses exude optimism and are constantly on the lookout for something new and different. They do not waste energy on minor matters, for which they sometimes pay with troubles. The swiftness and ability to conquer unconquered peaks are highly developed, but in striving for one goal, they tend to overlook important secondary tasks.

Hall of the Eagle (from July 13 to August 4)

The patron saint Perun, as well as the sacred oak, endows Orlov with decisiveness and warlike character. Their character is as if forged from hardened iron. The people of this palace are determined and endowed with strength, it is difficult to call them boring and uninteresting. They have a rich imagination, which helps to avoid pessimism and quickly get closer to people.

Hall Ras (from August 4 to August 28)

The god Tarkh helps these people, and the ash tree acts as the patron tree. People of the Race are distinguished by their resilience and good nature, they know how to find a balance between hard work and rest. Their prudence and balanced decisions help to achieve what they want. Races are prone to altruism and selflessly help everyone around. Their vitality is enough for themselves and their loved ones, so you can rely on such people in the most critical situations.

Each person is a unique personality, consisting of many different qualities. It depends only on you what awaits you ahead. Using this information, you can not only correct your behavior, but also develop the qualities that the palaces have endowed you with.