Moon Anomalies: The Planet Has Its Own Underground World Along With Living Organisms - Alternative View

Moon Anomalies: The Planet Has Its Own Underground World Along With Living Organisms - Alternative View
Moon Anomalies: The Planet Has Its Own Underground World Along With Living Organisms - Alternative View

Video: Moon Anomalies: The Planet Has Its Own Underground World Along With Living Organisms - Alternative View

Video: Moon Anomalies: The Planet Has Its Own Underground World Along With Living Organisms - Alternative View
Video: A Strange Object Is Circling Earth Like a Second Moon 2024, October

For people, the Moon has always been associated with a lifeless celestial body located next to our planet, but for scientists it remains a huge anomalous zone in need of research. Recent discoveries have shown that there is an underworld here along with living organisms.

Today, humanity can be proud of its technologies that allow us to study space objects that can change the usual theories of astronomers. However, they cannot understand the nature of the satellite's orbit, because after studying the parameters, periodic changes in the gravitational field were discovered. While there is a version about the lunar core, which has a different rotation, as well as its boundary layer and the asthenosphere have a liquid layer that allows the celestial body to move, similar to a bearing. With the help of the model, scientists discovered such processes that heat the bowels, but the new information completely contradicts the hypotheses regarding the appearance of the moon. No wonder ufologists consider it an extraterrestrial creation of aliens, where their bases are located, and also from this place you can control the actions of earthlings.


The secrets of the familiar night star did not end there, because when the experts received the rock samples delivered by the apparatus, they noticed the presence of water resources trapped in the stones. The volcanic glass contained liquid inside, so that its reserves could be in the depths of the satellite. This discovery struck the scientific world and made it possible for a hypothesis regarding the colonization of the object and the construction of bases. However, these reserves could in ancient times be on the surface and become a source of life for many organisms. Scientists have found that 3 billion years ago, the atmospheric layers of this miracle were much denser than on the Red Planet, as evidenced by basalt samples. This rock is born after volcanic eruptions, flooding the surface with liquid lava, resulting in the creation of whole "seas".


After cooling, it lost many compounds along with water, but due to the large amount of emissions, the gas did not have time to simply fly into outer space, so that the celestial body had all the conditions for the development of the simplest organisms in the form of bacteria. Then, asteroids and volcanic explosions, together with the soil, carried them to Earth or vice versa, because the satellite was then much closer to it than it is at the moment. You can recall the story of Belyaev, when the cosmonauts, after disembarking at the object, found a mysterious shadow resembling a lattice. When people got closer, they saw the remains of a creature resembling a dinosaur. But how could a writer know about such things? In the 70s, the Americans abruptly stopped continuing to fly to the moon, however, TMM employees, together with Professor Richard Hoagland, carefully studied all the images where there are unusual elevations. Then they were processed with the help of a program to find out the nature of the rock formations, after which people were shocked by the correct shapes of "moon domes", clearly made by artificial means. In the Uckert crater there is a pointed analogue that has been preserved unchanged since antiquity, after which structures resembling pyramids were seen. When NASA developed its construction projects, it wanted to use steel along with quartz glass to protect them. In the late 1960s, astronauts captured an area covered with protective panels, under which were the unusual structures of the underground city. When the experts decided to ask the agency for negatives, it turned out that they had simply disappeared or that all important parts had been retouched.after which people were shocked by the correct shapes of "moon domes", clearly made by artificial means. In the Uckert crater there is a pointed analogue that has been preserved unchanged since antiquity, after which structures resembling pyramids were seen. When NASA developed its construction projects, it wanted to use steel along with quartz glass to protect them. In the late 1960s, astronauts captured an area covered with protective panels, under which were the unusual structures of the underground city. When the experts decided to ask the agency for negatives, it turned out that they had simply disappeared or that all important parts had been retouched.after which people were shocked by the correct shapes of "moon domes", clearly made by artificial means. In the Uckert crater there is a pointed analogue that has been preserved unchanged since antiquity, after which structures resembling pyramids were seen. When NASA developed its construction projects, it wanted to use steel along with quartz glass to protect them. In the late 1960s, astronauts captured an area covered with protective panels, under which were the unusual structures of the underground city. When the experts decided to ask the agency for negatives, it turned out that they had simply disappeared or that all important parts had been retouched.after which constructions resembling pyramids were seen. When NASA developed its construction projects, it wanted to use steel along with quartz glass to protect them. In the late 1960s, astronauts captured an area covered with protective panels, under which were the unusual structures of the underground city. When the experts decided to ask the agency for negatives, it turned out that they had simply disappeared or that all important parts had been retouched.after which constructions resembling pyramids were seen. When NASA developed its construction projects, it wanted to use steel along with quartz glass to protect them. In the late 1960s, astronauts captured an area covered with protective panels, under which were the unusual structures of the underground city. When the experts decided to ask the agency for negatives, it turned out that they had simply disappeared or that all important parts had been retouched. When the experts decided to ask the agency for negatives, it turned out that they had simply disappeared or that all important parts had been retouched. When the experts decided to ask the agency for negatives, it turned out that they had simply disappeared or that all important parts had been retouched.


When Herbert Well compared the satellite to a huge anthill, he was right. Last year, a group of Japanese astronomers noticed deep underground tunnels here, stretching for great distances. Then a huge hole was found in the "Marius Hills" with anomalous areas pointing to voids and dungeons. In the 90s, scientists made an amazing discovery while studying rocks. It turned out that they preserved living organisms that existed in such a world and never come to the surface. On our planet, there are also nematodes along with other simplest species, but such analogs can still feel great at great depths, only new discoveries give rise to even more questions for scientists that have yet to be solved in the future.

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There is a hypothesis about selenites living on their land since ancient times. They can provoke the appearance of various light effects and incomprehensible phenomena on the lunar surface, as well as UFO activity is associated with extraterrestrial civilization. Researchers believe the planet is a giant ship that arrived here from another galaxy outside the solar system, which brought the creatures that created people. The most recent version was the theory of the races that lived on our planet before such events. They successfully colonized Mars along with Venus and other habitable planets, but after encountering aggressive humanoids, the selected objects were destroyed due to the war. Echoes of those events can be found in the legends of many peoples, and the very idea of using the moon as a form of transport is not insane. Astronomers have discovered 30 celestial bodieswho freely travel through space and their number is increasing, that's what just made them become wanderers of the Universe - remains a mystery.

Reshetnikova Irina