80 Years Ago, Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin's Role In Preventing The Third World - And Mdash; Alternative View

80 Years Ago, Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin's Role In Preventing The Third World - And Mdash; Alternative View
80 Years Ago, Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin's Role In Preventing The Third World - And Mdash; Alternative View

Video: 80 Years Ago, Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin's Role In Preventing The Third World - And Mdash; Alternative View

Video: 80 Years Ago, Edgar Cayce Predicted Putin's Role In Preventing The Third World - And Mdash; Alternative View
Video: The Wild Predictions Of Edgar Cayce - The Sleeping Prophet | Random Thursday 2024, October

Watching geopolitical events happening today is like watching a train wreck in slow motion, especially if you are knowledgeable about history and understand the connection between "world wars" and the invisible forces of influence behind international politics and the banking system.

Edgar Cayce is one of the most revered psychics in the world, the "sleeping prophet" as he was called, and in addition, many people consider him the father of holistic medicine. Entering at will into a special state of consciousness, like a trance, he could extract information from some hidden layers of reality, for his patients or in response to specific requests from the audience. He was exceptionally perceptive and accurate, which is why his name is familiar to so many people. Much of what he got from his "Source" related to specific medical problems, but among the colossal volume of his lectures and written works there are a lot of insights and prophecies related to global political and social events.

Many of Cayce's lectures took place in the early 20th century, during the two world wars and the Great Depression in the United States, but even before his death in 1947, he saw many of his prophecies come true, including the prediction of the stock market crash in 1929., anticipation of events related to both world wars, and even a warning about the untimely death of two American presidents.

In a series of lectures on world issues, Casey made many wonderful statements about the future of world finance, world leadership, collective spirituality and, curiously, about the role that Russia must play on the side of good in the coming global upheaval, which, as we see, today is unfolding in our eyes. Casey foresaw that future global crises would be related to finances, and he pointed to Russia as a "thorn in the eye" of financial forces united against the welfare of humanity in the postwar world.

When asked in 1932 about political and economic trends in Europe, Casey pointed to Russia: “Europe is like a destroyed house. Some time ago it happened that powerful nations were trampled on for the satisfaction of a few, regardless of the right of another. These peoples are experiencing a new birth, and are a hindrance, a "thorn in the eye" for many in Europe. " In response to the question, what kind of people are these, the predictor answered - Russia.

Seventy years after the defeat of the National Socialist Axis, Russia has been reborn, but the rest of the world is now under the control of the Western globalist banking cartel. This cartel exists in the form of the IMF, World Bank, Bank for International Settlements, and a global network of central banks, reserve banks, development banks and investment banks. They keep the elected governments of the countries in a state of indefinite external control within the framework of the bankruptcy procedure, and the peoples of the world in enslaving dependence, since from a mathematical point of view, the payment of their debts is in principle impossible.

In 2013, the United States tried to invade Syria on false pretenses. Putin thwarted a US invasion by threatening to intervene by Russian military forces in a conflict that at the time had not yet reached the dire state we see today.

After the deliberate destruction of Ukraine by the color revolution funded by the George Soros Foundation, as well as tens of billions of dollars in IMF loans for military construction, Putin's Russia was the only force capable of unraveling the enslaving plot of the banks and preventing Ukraine and Crimea from falling into the hands of Western-backed forces (as in the text, approx.mixednews).

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The great chessboard, which is the Middle East, is ablaze and the world is on a razor's edge, between the real possibility of escalation of tensions and the outbreak of a third world war, and there seems to be a faint hope that world leaders will suddenly find common sense and go to de-escalate the situation. …

Cayce spoke of Russia as the future “hope of the world”: “The hope of peace is arising in Russia, not the one that communists, Bolsheviks sometimes talk about, no; freedom, freedom! Every man will live for his fellow man. " This principle has already begun. It will take many years before it crystallizes, but hope for the whole world will again come from Russia."

Events in Syria and Iraq are becoming more confusing and destructive for the people of the region. The Islamic State (Daesh) sows shock and awe as it unleashes bloody terror against Christians, Syrians, Kurds, moderate Muslims, Shiites and many others. Daesh, as everyone seems to know, is funded and supplied with weapons by the United States and Israel, as a tool to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria.

While the United States and its allies pretend that they have nothing to do with Daesh and are unable to stop this terrorist group, Putin calmly told the world in no uncertain terms about Western support for Daesh and other mercenary groups that completely destroyed Syria, killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, and created in Europe an artificial refugee crisis, which has now spread to Macedonia.

Russia was able to immediately stop Daesh by destroying ammunition depots and supply lines. It achieved a military success that the United States did not want to achieve in the years of bombing ISIS. Even the American Democratic Congressman Talsi Hubbard once asked the president what was wrong with Russia bombing ISIS.

It turns out that even before World War II, Casey foresaw Russia's need for such a spiritual development that would allow it to rise up against the crumbling moral values of the capitalist West and play its role as the great hope of the world. In essence, Cayce seems to be referring to Russia after the ordeal of the Soviet regime and the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as the need for the whole world to return to humanistic values in order to free itself from the oppression of the Zionist cartels, which act to harm humanity. for centuries. Cayce says that at this time, some urgently needed spiritual leadership will emanate from Russia, which will allow the world to make a transition to new values, avoiding guaranteed destruction during the third world war.

Putin is by no means a saint, and one should not underestimate the opportunities for deception available to any nationalist organization, but looking at the main players operating on the world stage at the moment, when the human race is teetering on the razor's edge, one can conclude that Putin appears to be unlike other world leaders, it is guided in its policies by common sense. But what, exactly, can spiritual leadership look like in a world that has gone mad? Of course, this will be just common sense at first.

Cayce wrote: “Aristotle goes so far as to proclaim common sense as the basis of consciousness. That is, if a society is devoid of common sense and there is practically no conscience, morality, empathy, creativity, taste, the gift of prudence and love in it, how can such a population be managed?"

Putin's actions in Syria are most consistent with common sense, given the options. He has probably already prevented an invasion of Syria by Turkey by stopping President Erdogan at the border and largely thwarted the military plans of ISIS. Both are victories in the name of common sense.

Did Edgar Cayce somehow foresee that Russia would fill with common sense the gap between spiritual leadership and the guaranteed destruction of humanity in World War III, which the West contemplates?

Speaking of the current state of US-Russian relations at the recent summit, Putin said, referring to America, “You must rise above the endless pursuit of dominance. You must stop acting out of imperial ambition. Stop poisoning the minds of millions of people. Putin draws our attention to an obvious truth that no one seems willing to talk about: America and the West no longer have any moral superiority in the world.

Casey also spoke out about America's future moral decline. At the end of his lecture on international relations, which he gave on June 22, 1944, less than six months before his death, he turned to the topic of the spirit and "sin of America": "What is the spirit of America?" Most will proudly say that this is "freedom." Freedom of what? When you connect people's minds and hearts in different ways and ways, does that give them freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from want? Realizing these principles … America can boast … but these principles are forgotten … and this is America's sin."

Did Casey foresee Putin's role as an obstacle to the enslaving plans of the West to subjugate the whole world through financial domination, political destabilization, and the transformation of chaos into a new order?

Casey foresaw the possibility of a Third World War. He spoke of the strife arising … “in Libya, Egypt, Ankara and Syria, in the areas north of the Persian Gulf.

Whether you believe in the ability of the human mind to connect with the Source and receive information about the future or not, events are lined up in such a way that Cayce's prophecies regarding Russia are confirmed. This means that at the very least we should not trust too much any preconceived notions of what will happen in the coming years. And in the absence of any common sense or humanistic leadership emanating from the current powers that be, why not turn to the predictions of the famous psychic?

In the end, however, all we can learn from Casey is just a motivation for action, wise advice, and hope for the future. If you are worried about what is happening today, let Casey's words nudge you into action.

The author, a staff member of WakingTimes.com., Writing under the pseudonym Buck Rogers. Buck Rogers is a fictional character in a famous American science fiction film.

Translation: Igor Abramov
