The Image Of Jesus Christ, Made During His Lifetime, Turned Out To Be Genuine - Alternative View

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The Image Of Jesus Christ, Made During His Lifetime, Turned Out To Be Genuine - Alternative View
The Image Of Jesus Christ, Made During His Lifetime, Turned Out To Be Genuine - Alternative View

Video: The Image Of Jesus Christ, Made During His Lifetime, Turned Out To Be Genuine - Alternative View

Video: The Image Of Jesus Christ, Made During His Lifetime, Turned Out To Be Genuine - Alternative View
Video: Is the Face of Jesus Christ a True Image? His real appearance explained | EWTN Vaticano 2024, July

Scientists have carried out an examination of the mysterious lead books found in one of the caves in Jordan.

Imperishable library

It seems that humanity has received written evidence of the reality of Jesus Christ, which appeared during his lifetime. He is mentioned in several so-called lead books.

Information about the acquisition of "lead books" is contradictory. According to one version, they were found in 2008 in a cave in Jordan - allegedly they were partially washed out by water during a flood. A local - a Jordanian Bedouin - came across artifacts and dug up.

The cave where the books lay is special - according to some sources, Christians were hiding in it as early as 70 AD.

A Jordanian Bedouin donated the books to his Israeli partner, also a Bedouin named Hassan Saida, to arrange the sale. He asked the price, consulted with experts. So it became known to scientists about the find.

According to another version, which Saida himself later disseminated, he always had the "lead books". And his grandfather found them a hundred years ago. Also in a Christian cave.

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In 2011, several books fell into the hands of British Egyptologist professor David Elkington and his wife Jennifer. It was from them that the public became aware of the books. Five years ago, the professor's message that they existed caused a sensation. But also controversy.

According to scientists, there are 70 books. Some tell about the last years of the life of Jesus Christ. Others - about his crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. In one of the books there is allegedly a plan of Jerusalem; crosses are drawn on which Jesus and the robbers executed with him were crucified. The crosses are installed outside the walls of Jerusalem. And the place where the grave of Jesus was located is marked separately - the cave-coffin in which he was buried. And in which he rose again three days later.

The sizes of the books are different - some with a credit card, others smaller, others larger - with a Russian passport. The sheets in them are lead, sewn with lead wire. The sheets are mostly symbols. They are not engraved, but fused. Symbols - in Hebrew, Aramaic, Ancient Greek. There are hieroglyphs, chains of symbols resembling a cipher. And drawings.

It doesn't smell like fake

Preliminary metallurgical analysis showed that the sheets were most likely made in the first century AD. This gave Elkington the basis to assert that the books were written by those who directly saw Jesus Christ.

One of the pages shows a large face of a man. This is Him, the scientist suggested. And he called the lead books the most important find in the history of mankind, capable of eclipsing in importance the legendary Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1947.

"Portrait of Jesus", of course, is far from artistic perfection, but the pictorial evidence itself is valuable. After all, there is no more convincing evidence of the existence of the Savior. Even the gospels cannot be considered as such, since they appeared hundreds of years after the crucifixion and were compiled on the basis of oral stories that people passed on to each other.

As usual, historians did not really believe that books with such valuable evidence are genuine. They were believed to be either fake or later than stated. That is, not to the earthly life of the Son of God. Which is not so intriguing.

And the other day, the results of research were obtained, which were conducted by Professor Roger Webb and Professor Chris Jeynes from the University of Surrey's Nodus Laboratory at the Ion Beam Center. Scientists have compared the lead of the books with the lead produced by the Romans more than 2,000 years ago. His samples were found during excavations. The lead was found to be identical.

In addition, the professors noted that the lead of the books did not have even the minimum radioactivity that is characteristic of modern samples - it is induced by not decayed polonium.

And further. There are traces of corrosion on the pages of lead books - such that could not have formed in several hundred years. For only thousands. And it is impossible to fake such traces in any way.

Conclusion: the books are real - of that time. They are now in Jordan. Lead books are kept by the local Department of Antiquities in the Jordanian capital Amman. But it does not hide it - it provides access to scientists. Therefore, new discoveries and revelations are possible.


Strange words

Lead books will surely be deciphered, translated and published, as in their time the highly controversial Gospel of Judas was published.

A very strange revelation has already been found in them. They say that Jesus was a member of an ancient sect that existed before him for at least a thousand years, and she appeared during the time of King David. Like, Jesus set himself the goal of restoring the Temple of Solomon, in which people once saw the true face of God. And this God combined the male and female principles at the same time.

It's only the beginning…