The Origins Of The Hyperborean Civilization In Karelia - Alternative View

The Origins Of The Hyperborean Civilization In Karelia - Alternative View
The Origins Of The Hyperborean Civilization In Karelia - Alternative View

Video: The Origins Of The Hyperborean Civilization In Karelia - Alternative View

Video: The Origins Of The Hyperborean Civilization In Karelia - Alternative View
Video: Evgenia Arbugaeva: Hyperborea - Stories from the Russian Arctic | Interview with Evgenia Arbugaeva 2024, October

“The people preserve, without realizing it, the remains of ancient traditions,

sometimes going back to such a distant past that it would be difficult

define and which therefore we are forced to refer to the dark area of "prehistory".

- René Guénon, philosopher

Karelia is a beautiful picturesque corner of Russia! The land in which everyone falls in love, who at least for a moment touched its enchanting beauty. Karelia is perceived by many as a temple. Her beauty evokes a sense of the sublime, her landscapes promote prayer communication with world harmony.

The edge is a keeper! He preserved both the epic epic and the tradition of hipped roof architecture. He is one of the few last fragments of the great spiritual continent, whose name is Holy Russia.

However, I think that it is not only “the beauty of the Karelian lakes”, as many write and say, but the strongest magical field that permeates these lands, which is felt by a person unconsciously. Moreover, the energy of this field is most likely ancient. After all, Karelia, like the Russian North as a whole, is a land full of unsolved mysteries and amazing mysteries that feed our imagination and thought. Solving them means understanding our past and present.

An increasing number of researchers come to understand that the numerous megalithic monuments preserved in the territory of modern Karelia and created thousands of years ago are coded ancient Knowledge that we inherited from our distant ancestors. Traditions that arose in the depths of centuries and millennia were passed down from generation to generation, were fixed in stone and ritual symbols, demonstrating the unity of man and higher cosmic forces.

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At the scientific conference “Hyperborea-Arctida-Aryavatra. The origins of civilization ", which took place several years ago in St. Petersburg, Professor A. Smirnov, summing up the results of research in this area, noted:" By now, exhaustive evidence has been obtained that long before the birth of Christ, humanity not only possessed the deepest knowledge of the Universe and Man, but also successfully applied this knowledge in the life of people, creating in fact a social institution for the formation of Man and society. It becomes obvious that the currently generally accepted historical paradigm cannot be considered adequate to historical reality."

Karelia (North of Russia as a whole) has deep and strong traditions associated with the preservation of esoteric (secret) magical Knowledge, originating from the ancient, powerful and mysterious Hyperborea. The territory of Karelia from time immemorial (even from the point of view of a historical approach) times has been included in the general planetary and geocosmic "program" for the preservation of esoteric Knowledge, which are fundamental in the general context of earthly evolution and are fragmentarily recorded in various historical, ethnographic and cultural discoveries of our time.

There are ancient maps, which depict the disappeared polar continent - Hyperborea. The works of Gerhard Mercator, the most famous cartographer of the 16th century, have survived to this day in copies. One of his maps (1569) reproduces the outlines of the Northern Land most fully, without corrections for new geographical discoveries.


If you superimpose the map of Mercator on the map of modern Scandinavia, surprising correspondences emerge: the southern border of Hyperborea passes through Ladoga and Onega lakes, through Valaam and Vygortia.

It was believed that during the last glaciation all these lands were covered with a glacier, and therefore people could not live here. When the glacier finally melted - this happened about eight thousand years ago - the Finno-Ugrians came here from beyond the Urals, who continued to live in their original style, that is, to engage in hunting, fishing and gathering. Later, the Slavs reached these places, mixed with the Finno-Ugrians and got what we have now. This is the official version of our story. But not everyone thinks so.

Back in the middle of the 19th century, the rector of Boston University, Warren, wrote a book called "Paradise Found or Life of Humanity at the North Pole." The book went through ten editions, the last of which appeared in Boston in 1889. The book was recently translated into Russian. Warren, who worked with sources in 28 languages, analyzed the myths of all countries of the world up to equatorial Africa and Central America and came to the conclusion that in all mythological systems "paradise" was in the north.

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists faced many questions in relation to the Finno-Ugric peoples as our ancestors. Linguists could not understand why there are practically no Finno-Ugric words in the North Russian language. Anthropologists wondered why the faces of the North Russians were completely different from the faces of their "ancestors." For example, the population of the Olonets province had the most elongated face of all European peoples, and the protrusion of the facial bones was three times greater than that of the Finno-Ugrians.

The northerners and the Finno-Ugric peoples built houses in completely different ways. They did not have similar national ornaments. The names of villages, rivers and lakes caused bewilderment. Back in the 1920s, Academician Sobolevsky wrote: "The overwhelming majority of the names of rivers and lakes in the Russian North comes from some kind of Indo-European language, which I, before finding a more suitable term, called Scythian." Science accused the academician of heresy. True, in the 1960s, the work of the Swedish researcher Gunter Johansson appeared, who, having analyzed the toponymy of the entire north, came to the conclusion that all local names have an Indo-Iranian basis. Then it could not yet have occurred to me that everything was the other way around - the Indo-Iranian languages have a North Russian basis. And then something unexpected happened!

Paleoclimatologists entered the scene, who were absolutely indifferent to what linguists, anthropologists, and cultural scientists think about this … According to drilling data, they found out that from 130 to 70 thousand years ago the northern territories were between 55 and 70 degrees were located in the optimal climatic regime. Average winter temperatures were twelve degrees higher than now, and average summer temperatures were eight. This means that in those days there was the same climate as we have now in the south of France or the north of Spain! The climatic zones were then located differently than they are now - the farther south, the warmer, then it was warmer to the east, closer to the Urals.

It was here, linguists believe, that the northern people formed, which became the progenitor of many nations - those who reached the Sayan and Altai mountain systems laid the foundation for the Turkic peoples; who remained on the territory of Eastern Europe became the basis of the Indo-European peoples. An indirect confirmation of this is the myths of the Aryans or Indo-Iranians, who tell about their Arctic homeland.

The finds of archaeologists, ethnologists, linguists completely turned the idea of history. We are accustomed to consider Ancient Greece as a stronghold of human civilization, an oasis of its culture. Ancient Greek achievements spread throughout Europe, and we were admitted to the fruits of its civilization. However, the data that have appeared now suggest that everything was exactly the opposite - the ancient Greek civilization was "grown" by the Hyperborean, much more ancient and highly developed. This is evidenced by the ancient Greek sources themselves, according to which Apollo once in several years "on a silver arrow" went to the distant northern country of Hyperborea for Knowledge.

Many ornaments have survived in the Russian North, which, according to experts, served as a prototype for creating ornaments not only in Ancient Greece, but also in Hindustan. Petroglyphs - drawings on rocks - found on the shores of the White Sea and Lake Onega, were the primary basis for the appearance of such drawings in India. But what is most striking is the similarity of the languages of the peoples who are now separated by huge distances.

The myths of different countries, the evidence of ancient historians and travelers, the research of many modern scientists indicate that the territory of the legendary ancestral home significantly coincides with the territory of modern northern Russia, and in particular, the modern territory of Karelia. Here not only the silent evidence of Hyperborean antiquity has been preserved in the form of various archaeological traces and cultural echoes. The very spirit of Hyperborea is alive here, also conditioned by geopolitical and natural-cosmic reasons. And the archaic worldview of many indigenous (and, unfortunately, small) peoples of Karelia directly grows out of the Hyperborean.

It is no coincidence that in 2007 the Head of the Petrozavodsk city district V. N. Maslyakov signed the Resolution “On consideration of the draft municipal target program“Development of the tourist attractiveness of the city of Petrozavodsk for 2008-2012”. One of the strategically important and profitable directions for the implementation of this Resolution is the point: "Petrozavodsk is the city of the Hyperborean region - the land of the most ancient culture that has preserved the mystical secrets of the dawn of mankind."

This northern country - Hyperborea - is associated with the "golden age" of a single, uncommunicated humanity. For centuries, the Knowledge scattered from this country has been sought by scientists around the world and is collected literally bit by bit.