Why Did People In Ancient Times Believe In Many Different Gods? - Alternative View

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Why Did People In Ancient Times Believe In Many Different Gods? - Alternative View
Why Did People In Ancient Times Believe In Many Different Gods? - Alternative View


Greetings to all, today I will tell you my version of the origin of polytheism in antiquity. She also explains the emergence of paganism.

My version is based on the assumption that our Earth in ancient times was visited by a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization. Many do not support this assumption, but I ask you to first familiarize yourself with the version, and then draw conclusions.

Based on the available facts, we can talk about the settlement of an unknown civilization of all continents. This is proved by many megalithic structures of unknown purpose, traces of technological tools on the stones, and some artifacts.


The photo below shows the trail of an unknown instrument in Baalbek. He clearly does not fit the title of primitive.


I'll show you a figurine from Panama as an artifact. It's not alien technology, but its tail can portray it.

Promotional video:

Please note, the figurine was made by underdeveloped Indians about 1-2 thousand years ago. What do you think they had a good fantasy?


All of the examples I've provided above are located in 3 different parts of the world. Now, back to my version of polytheism.

The essence of the version about polytheism

When a highly developed civilization descended to Earth, the development of our ancestors was at a weak level. Any technology was perceived as magic or divine will.


At that moment, religions and belief in gods began to emerge. We do not know how our Earth was colonized, so in every part of the world the gods could appear later or earlier.

Ancient people saw all these creatures with incredible technology, and raised them into a hierarchy of gods. People from all over the Earth then did not contact, and different gods could appear over the course of millennia.

As a result, we get a funny picture. The American Indians saw some gods at one time interval, the Chinese saw other gods at another time interval, and the Egyptians at a third, and so on.

All this led to further disagreements as the level of our civilization increased, and some of these memories remained in the form of faith, myths and legends.

I forgot to add one more point. Thousands of years later, when the extraterrestrial civilization flew away, the memories of it continued to persist, but began to distort a little.

Ultimately, people began to invent or add something from themselves, and this led to paganism. To our time, there are very few original references to the ancient gods, and the myths are too embellished.

Therefore, official historians do not want to consider the version that I told you about today.