How Did The Baptism Of Rus Take Place? - Alternative View

How Did The Baptism Of Rus Take Place? - Alternative View
How Did The Baptism Of Rus Take Place? - Alternative View

Video: How Did The Baptism Of Rus Take Place? - Alternative View

Video: How Did The Baptism Of Rus Take Place? - Alternative View
Video: How the Rus Became Christian - Vladimir the Great DOCUMENTARY 2024, June

In the version of the “official history” edited by many generations of falsifiers, the fact of the baptism of Russia by “holy prince Vladimir” is presented to us as something positive and even “civilized” for “wild barbarians” who allegedly did not have their own written language, and even worshiped idols and arranged bloody sacrifices for them. However, in reality, everything is not as smooth as the Christian chronicles convey to us, for which it was simply profitable to pass off the violent Christianization of Russia "with fire and sword" as a good for the people. Well, bloody sacrifices to idols were brought only by the very "Vladimir Yasnoe Solnyshko", which is more correct to call "Vladimir the Bloody". And he did this just to discredit the Vedic faith of Russia.

But what happened in reality? Why did historians-falsifiers have to invent a mythical "Mongol-Tatar yoke" in order to explain the reason for the appearance of many burned cities in Russia and the decline of its population, according to preliminary estimates of independent researchers at 4-8 million people? So what was the real cause of all these troubles? But is it not clear that Russia was baptized with “fire and sword,” that is, through the burning of cities and the massacres of the Vedic Rus who did not want to betray the faith of their ancestors?

For example, here is how these historical events are described by the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov in his book "The Leader's Secret Project":

By the way, does all this remind you of anything? Approximately the same civil strife and civil war were planned for us by the Western "advisers" of the pro-American Yeltsin regime, the same bloody as the regime of "Prince Vladimir" was, but in fact - the Khazar Tsarevich adopted by Svyatoslav, who found a way to avenge Russia for the defeat of Svyatoslav's homeland - Khazar Kaganate. And apparently for the millions of killed Vedic Rus and dozens of burned down Russian cities, the Christian Church ranked him among the "saints". Naturally, then it took to invent a whole 300-year-old "Mongol-Tatar yoke", attributing these burned cities and the colossal population decline to the activities of Batu's army, which actually saved Russia from the "crusade" prepared by the Vatican of the united troops of Catholic Europe and punished those traitors - princes,who were preparing to support the impending violent catholicization of Russia.

But this is a completely different story. And we should understand that myths written in history books should always be viewed as a distorting mirror reflecting the views of the winners. For the majority of historians and chroniclers have always interpreted the events of the past in favor of the ruling secular and religious authorities. It is in this way that the civil war in Russia, unleashed on religious grounds, began to be described in textbooks as a blessing for the country and the people.

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