Egypt From Cairo To Aswan - "Mirror Of Heaven" - Alternative View

Egypt From Cairo To Aswan - "Mirror Of Heaven" - Alternative View
Egypt From Cairo To Aswan - "Mirror Of Heaven" - Alternative View

Video: Egypt From Cairo To Aswan - "Mirror Of Heaven" - Alternative View

Video: Egypt From Cairo To Aswan -
Video: Cairo to Luxor/Aswan MOST EXPENSIVE Sleeper Train in Egypt مِصر 🇪🇬 2024, October

Going to consider this topic came to me a year ago. But this is quite difficult to do. First, voluminous graphic material - diagrams, plans, photographs - should play an important role in this. Secondly, it is desirable that plans and diagrams are as accurate as possible in scale and orientation. Thirdly, it is desirable not only to have maps of the starry sky, but also the possibility of recalculating them in the past for thousands of years, as well as the ability to obtain these maps in different projections. And it turned out that over the past year I was unable to collect data that fully meet the listed criteria. But we managed to do something. And in such a version, which can already be arranged in the form of a website page. I do not know how my circumstances will develop further, but I hope that the ideas presented here,will draw attention to themselves and allow others to deepen their research in this direction (and would be glad to receive help developing this topic).

In his books "Footprints of the Gods", "The Riddle of the Sphinx", "Mirror of Heaven" Graeme Hancock drew attention to the fact that the three great pyramids of Egypt can represent the location of the three bright stars of the "belt" of the constellation "Orion" on Earth. But for some reason he does not further develop the idea of reflecting the arrangement of stars by pyramids in Egypt, although the pyramids of Egypt are the only monument of this kind of ancient civilizations. And for some reason, reviews of this case in Egypt are usually limited to three great pyramids, although their total number has reached 110 there. And they are found all over Egyptian territory from north to south to present-day Sudan (former Nubia) (and even there). And many questions are associated with them that have not yet been resolved by modern historiography. And besides the pyramids, in Egypt, on the same territory, there are other objects of the past - temples, obelisks, etc. Moreover, G. Hancock emphasizes the rule that guided the ancient builders of places of worship - new "full-fledged" sacred buildings were to be built on the site of even earlier sites. In particular, in the chapter on the temple in Edfu, he writes (The Mirror of Heaven, Veche, 2000, pp. 78-80):

This tradition was reflected in the large temple of Horus, a solar deity, whose mythical parents were the star gods Isis (Sirius) and Osiris (Orion); the temple stands on the west bank of the Nile in Edfu (Upper Egypt). It is well preserved and not so old, at least according to ancient Egyptian concepts, since the construction of its central part began no earlier than 237 BC … However, archaeologists have drawn attention to traces of older construction work in Edfu [according to which this temple] remained a place of worship for more than 2000 years - at least from the 3rd millennium BC. before the era of Christ. This testimony basically confirms the validity of the huge "library" of written information that has come down to us in the form of literally hectares of hieroglyphic texts carved on the walls of the temple made of limestone. These Edfu Builders' Texts repeatedly refer to the temple as a “replica” of an earlier original version and recount the numerous stages of construction and reconstruction that have brought the temple to its present-day appearance. The discrepancy between the texts and the data of archeology is observed only in a timeline that goes beyond the boundaries of all known history and takes us back to a forgotten era thousands of years before the first pharaoh of the 1st dynasty appeared on the Egyptian throne …how the first pharaoh of the 1st dynasty ended up on the Egyptian throne …how the first pharaoh of the 1st dynasty ended up on the Egyptian throne …

According to the texts, the sanctuary of the historic Temple of Edfu served as "the true throne of God in the original Time", and there are often references to ancient books and scriptures that served as a guide for the construction of the temple. These documents seem to have come from a legendary era that was known to the ancient Egyptians as the "Primordial Time" (and also as the "First Time" - "Zep Tepi" - "early primitive era", "the time of Osiris", "the time of Horus" etc.) In that distant era, a group of divine beings, sometimes called "seven wise men" and sometimes "gods-builders", settled in Egypt and erected "sacred mounds" in various places along the Nile. These burial mounds were to serve as a foundation and determine the orientation of the temples that were to be built in the future. According to the Edfu texts, the meaning of the construction of all these sanctuaries was (no more, no less),to "resurrect the former world of the gods" - a world that was completely ruined. We are told that this lost world, "the homeland of the primitives," was "an island that was partially covered with reeds and stood in darkness in the midst of primeval waters …" [hour, not today's Antarctica?]

We are also told that "the creation of the world began on this island and that it was here that the first palaces of the gods were founded." However, at some point in the primitive era, this blessed "old world" was suddenly and completely destroyed by a great flood, most of its "divine inhabitants" drowned, and "the palaces of the gods collapsed."

North of Edfu, through the temples of Luxor and Karnak, there is another ancient temple of Dendera, built in the 1st century BC. Its important feature can be considered the attention with which its ancient builders treated the starry sky. At the head of the colored bas-reliefs, with which the temple is richly decorated, are the twelve familiar constellations of the Zodiac and the star god Osiris, personifying the constellation Orion. The lobby of the temple has 24 columns, and on the ceiling is the famous square-round "Dendera zodiac" with the constellation Leo on the western side of the ceiling and Hancock notes that those who were well aware of the thousand-year precession of the earth's axis placed the zodiac figures in a circle. Moreover, the arrangement of the figures corresponds to the picture of the sky in the era between about 4380 and 2200. BC. And although it is already considered quite ancient, it is knownthat the Egyptian priests habitually associated Dendera with an even more distant past. One of the inscriptions on the temple even says that the original construction plans are a legacy of the "early primitive era" and were discovered in the form of "ancient drawings made on the skin of animals during the time of the Followers of Horus."

And these are not the only examples of the fact that the ancient Egyptian priests paid much attention to the starry sky. In combination with others and based on the ideas and developments of Graham Hancock, a deeper conclusion can be drawn: the location of numerous pyramids and temples in Ancient Egypt is based on a map of the starry sky from the constellation Orion - through the constellation Gemini - the stars Arcturus, Antares - the constellation Centaurus, Southern Cross - stars Canopus, Sirius again to Orion:

This closed path through the starry sky is not something like a meridian. It does not appear to be a straight road, doing something like a steep "loop" around the Southern Cross and a flatter one between Canopus and Orion through Sirius. But this is precisely the coincidence of such a map with the route that the Nile River flows through the territory of Egypt, creating a loop in the Valley of the Kings region and passing along a large circle between Dendera and Cairo. If we combine on these maps the edge of the constellation Centaurus with the stars "Rigil", "Adar" and the edge of the constellation of the Southern Cross (stars "Mimosa" and "Acrus"), then the temple in Edfu could be correlated with the blue-white star Beta Carina (Miaplacid), which has a magnitude of 1.7. And the Dendera temple could be correlated with the star Adar of the constellation Centaurus.

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The blue giant Adar is one of the brightest stars in the sky with a magnitude of 0.6. And although Miaplacid does not fall into it, this star has a great brilliance, being part of a group of fairly bright stars in the sky. The brightest have a magnitude less than zero and up to 1. Moreover, the classification of stars according to their apparent brightness was proposed by the Greek astronomer Hipparchus back in the 2nd century BC. And if we consider that the Greeks borrowed many scientific knowledge from Egypt, then this system may have a more ancient history. Hipparchus divided the brilliance of the stars into six categories. Currently, the least bright objects observed from Earth through a telescope are referred to as magnitude 25. But the brightest stars are 15 (data taken from the English edition of Ian Ridpath and Will Tyrion "Stars", published in translation in 2001 by the publishing house "AST - Astrel "):

Constellation name Personal name Characteristic Magnitude in brightness Distance in light years By brightness in the sky
Alpha Big Dog Sirius

double (or 3rd) star

(50 years - orbital period)

-1.44 8.6 1
Alpha Kiel Canopus white supergiant -0.6 300.0 2
Alpha Centauri

Rigil of the


a pair of yellow stars (80 years old)

(2nd closest to Earth)

-0.3 (0.0 and 1.4) 4.4 3
Alpha Lyrae Vega bright white 0 25.0 4
Alpha Bootes Arcturus orange giant 0.1 37.0 five
Alpha Charioteer Chapel a pair of yellow giants 0.1 42.0 6
Alpha Orion Betelgeuse

red supergiant (300 -

400 solar diameters)

0.0 - 1.3 (6 years old) 430.0 7
Beta Orion Rigel blue-white supergiant 0.2 770.0 8
Alpha Lesser Dog Procyon yellow and white star 0,4 11.4 nine
Alpha Eridani Achernar blue-white star 0.5 ten
Beta Centauri

Adar or


blue giant 0.6 eleven
Alpha Eagle Altair White Star 0.8 17.0 12
Alpha of the Southern Cross Acrus two blue and white giants 0.8 (1.3 and 1.7) 13
Alpha Taurus Aldebaran orange giant 0.9 65.0 fourteen
Alpha Scorpio Antares

red supergiant

(500 solar diameters)

0.9 - 1.2 (5 years old) 15

And if you look closely at the proposed stellar route, you will find 9 of the brightest stars out of 15 listed above. Moreover, three of those not included in the list (Capella, Procyon and Aldebaran) are located not far from the path under consideration. Total - 12. There are three more (Vega, Achernar and Altair) - all of them are on a path parallel to the specified route, but located to the left, if you look at the map of the winter sky of southern latitudes. Their correspondence could be three western Egyptian oases: El Harra (Vega), Qasr Farafra (Altair) and Balat (Achernar.)

As for the 9 brightest stars, here you can remember the 9 most important Egyptian deities:


The figure from left to right (top to bottom) shows:

Amon, Ptah, Hator, Isis, Osiris, Ra, Anubis, Nut and Khnum.

(Source here and below: the book of Voytekh Zamarovsky "Their Majesties Pyramids", published in Ukrainian translation by the publishing house "Vaselka" in 1988)

Another circumstance that suggests the meaning of the construction of the pyramids in Egypt is that they were erected since very ancient times, and the quality of construction and installation work did not improve over time, but, on the contrary, deteriorated. To refine this idea, pyramids (or their remnants) can be divided into two classes:

1) The class of objects, the binding of which to the terrain (including the orientation of the sides along the meridian) was carried out very carefully, and during their construction, building elements of large volume and weight were used. And as a rule, no inscriptions were found on such objects by which it would be possible to determine the "customers" and stages of construction.

2) The class of objects, the binding of which to the terrain was carried out less carefully, building elements were used of a smaller volume and weight. And on such objects, as a rule, various inscriptions were found.


In particular, it is still not known exactly when and by whom the three largest "great" pyramids of Mikerin (Menkauer) (left in the figure), Khafren (Khafre) (center) and Cheops (Khufu) (right) (the first Greek names, the second Egyptian).

Here is what Graham Hancock writes about this (Traces of the Gods, pp. 279-280):

Call them what you want, even Egyptian or Greek names, it is still obvious that these three famous pharaohs from the 4th dynasty were immortalized with the most beautiful, honorable and grandiose monuments in the world. It is clear that these pharaohs were associated with these monuments, and not only because it was said in the records of Herodotus … but also because inscriptions mentioning Khufu, Khafra and Menkaur in small numbers were found, but outside the three pyramids, in different places of the Giza necropolis. They have been found periodically inside and outside six minor pyramids, three of which are east of the Great Pyramid and the other three south of the Menkaure Pyramid.

Since much of these "external" arguments were ambiguous and vague, it was difficult for me to understand the logic of the Egyptologists, who continued to stand firm on their own: tombs and only tombs.

The fact is that a number of evidences could be successfully interpreted not only ambiguously, but also in the exact opposite way … It could also be that gigantic monuments stood on the Giza plateau long before the emergence of a historical civilization known as Dynastic Egypt. In this case, it is enough to assume that, having appeared on the historical arena, Khufu, Khafra and Menkaur built several auxiliary structures around the three old pyramids - and it made sense for them to do so, since in this way they were "attached" to the high prestige of nameless monuments, and in further, with a high probability, they could count on the glory of their builders in the eyes of their descendants.

Other options are also possible. But I want to emphasize that the existing evidence of who personally built which pyramid, when and for what purpose, is too ambiguous to justify the dogmatism of the orthodox "tombs and only tombs" theory. To be honest, it is certainly not clear who built the pyramids. And it is not clear in what era they were erected. And it is not at all clear what their purpose is …

One can, of course, argue that science recognizes the discovery of a hieroglyphic inscription with the name Khufu in the Great Pyramid! Yes, for now. But these phrases were discovered by the English Colonel Howard Weiss (or Weise) in 1837 under strange circumstances. In particular, doubts about its authenticity were already expressed then, in 1837, by an expert at the British Museum, Birch, who received Weiss's “findings” for examination. Judging by the analysis, the scribe was not very literate - many of his hieroglyphs were written either vaguely, incompletely, out of place, or were used erroneously, or were completely unknown. A very detailed description of this whole story is set out in the book by Alan F. Eford "Gods of the new millennium" ("GODS OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM"), published "Veche" in 1999. He concludes (p. 119):

We have only two alternatives: either the inscriptions were made during the construction of the Great Pyramid by an illiterate laborer who did not even know exactly which Pharaoh ruled in Egypt. Or all this is the result of shameless archaeological falsification.

He (Alan F. Eford) also cites a number of testimonies from specialists who studied the great pyramids, judging by which technologies that have become known only in recent decades were used in their construction. In particular, in order to drill stones with a penetration of 2.54 mm per drill revolution, drills with industrial diamonds are required and acting on the stone linearly like a jackhammer with a frequency of 19-25 thousand cycles per minute (the so-called "ultrasonic equipment"). Moreover, the accuracy of the work is such that possession of perfect instruments was not enough yet. These tools were supposed to be operated not by people, but by computers …

And the "usual" hypotheses of the construction and installation work during the erection of the great pyramids do not stand up to criticism. Graham Hancock draws attention to this, calling one of the chapters devoted to the Cheops pyramid "Black hole in history", and the other - "Inclined stupidity" …

It is believed that the Great Pyramid consists of 2.3 million blocks of different weights (the "middle" ones weighed 2.5 tons each, but larger ones were also used, for example, the ceiling of the uppermost of the three "burial" chambers at a height of 42.3 meters from the base covered with nine slabs with a total weight of 400 tons). The total weight of the pyramid is estimated at 6.5 - 7 million tons. Egyptologists agree that the pyramid was built for 20 years by 100,000 people. And not throughout the year, but for 3 months each year, when there was a break in agricultural work due to the Nile flood. These conditions follow from the idea that the pyramid was built as a tomb for the king. And it was in the natural conditions of Ancient Egypt. But in this case, the blocks had to be stacked at a speed of … 4 per minute !!! Several tons each weighing?!?!?! Up to 146.7 meters high?!?!?! Without taps?!?!?! And moreover,with incredible accuracy for today!?!?!?!

To this G. Hancock remarks:

Such a program is, of course, a nightmare for foremen. Imagine, at least, what kind of consistency must be between stonecutters and bricklayers in order to ensure the necessary flow of material on the construction site. Just imagine what would happen if just one block of 2.5 tons fell, say, from the 175th row.

The physical and organizational difficulties seem almost insurmountable, but there is also the problem of maintaining the geometry of the pyramid, which must be folded so that the top is exactly above the center of the base. Even a slight error in the angle of inclination of one of the side faces at the base will lead to significant divergence of the edges at the top. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain extreme precision when laying each row tens of meters above the ground, working with stone blocks of menacing weight.

As for the idea of an inclined embankment, along which stone blocks were allegedly delivered, then with an optimal slope of 10 degrees at the maximum height of the structure, it should have been 1460 meters long, built not of "bricks and soil", as Egyptologists believe, but of similar lime blocks (so as not to sag under their own weight, as modern builders and architects have proved). And where did it all go? For similar and other reasons, the idea of a spiral embankment is not suitable, which, moreover, would make it difficult to control the accuracy of placement.

Moreover, the edges of the great pyramids are laid with great accuracy relative to the directions to the cardinal points: the orientation error along the north-south line is:

- for the Khufu pyramid - no more than 5 minutes 30 seconds (corner) (with a length of 232.4 m);

- for the Khafre pyramid - no more than 5 minutes 26 seconds (with a length of 215.3 m);

- for the Menkaur pyramid - no more than 14 minutes 3 seconds (with a length of 108.4 m).

Thus, the ancient Egyptians, who, as it is believed, did not have laser and optical theodolites, levels, having no idea about the compass, about the fact that the Earth is round and that the north magnetic pole does not coincide with the geographical one, without taking into account the corrections to the orientation of the instruments, they were able to lay lines on terrain that are two football stadiums long with an error of a fraction of an angle degree !!!!

Well, this is quite natural! - declare the official historiographers! And why is there any surprise? How difficult is it to lay 4 multi-ton blocks per minute? And not only at ground level, but also at a height of many meters! Delov something for 2.3 million pieces! A trifle …

Once in the North Caucasus they decided to transport a stone megalithic "door frame" to the regional center museum. They were able to disassemble it with the help of cranes, take it too, but to put it back together, combining the grooves made by ancient craftsmen, did not work …

But it's not just the Great Pyramids that have the accuracy of the bookmark. A similar thing was found near the pyramids south of Giza. Moreover, the pyramids are smaller than the Great ones, found in several areas south of Cairo. Schematically, the nearest of them (to Cairo) are the following areas: Zawiet el-Ariam (two unfinished); Abusir; Sakkara North; Sakkara South; Dakhshur; Medum.


The pyramids near Abusir consist of the following (top-down): Sahura; Niuserra; Neferirkara; Neferefra.


Their appearance (from left to right): Sahura; Niuserra; Neferirkara:


The pyramids in the Sakkara region can boast of even larger sizes (upper drawing - Sakkara-north, lower - Sakkara-south) (top-down): Pyramid of Djoser (125 mx 115 m, height - 61 m); the pyramid of Sekhemkhet is a square of 120 m by 70 m in height. The average size of the Saqqara-South pyramids is somewhat smaller - about 70 - 80 meters at the base. ("Pyramid Texts" were found in the pyramid of Piopi 1)

The pyramid in the Medum area is even larger - at the base a square of 146 m, height - 118 m.

In Zawiet el-Ariam (between Abusir and Giza), the remains of two unfinished pyramids were found: preparatory work on one square in the plan of 120 m on each side, and several ledges on the other with a square base with a side of 83 meters.

Comparison of the location of the pyramids in different areas suggests that not everything is so simple with the purpose of their construction. If they were built only as tombs, then why would it be necessary to maintain a very precise orientation of the sides relative to the meridian? But what if the orientation was calculated not only relative to the meridian, but also relative to each other? And if not only distances and locations, but also relative sizes? After all, a look from above shows that the fields of the pyramids seem to repeat certain patterns. Drawings of what? What if the celestial constellations?

For example, here is a fragment of the starry sky in the region of the constellations Orion, Taurus and Gemini.

I propose to compare the layout of the pyramids in Abusir with the location of the stars on the left edge of the constellation Gemini (stars: Alhena - Propus).


But of course, it is difficult to compare here, since the scheme of the starry sky is roughly drawn up, moreover, the stars are constantly moving and in the past their location was different. That is why a computer program would be useful that allows you to recalculate the maps of the starry sky thousands of years in the past (I have one similar one - Readshift-3, but it is a little weak in this matter, it can only recount up to 5000 BC, but it is necessary even earlier by 5-6 thousand).

And if the three pyramids of Giza are correlated with the three stars of Orion's belt (Al-Nitak, Al-Nilam and Mintaka), then for the two unfinished "foundations" in Zawiet el-Ariam, one should look for a correspondence in the sky between Gemini and Orion's belt. Currently, there is only one bright star - Betelgeuse. But before 1054 there was another one that exploded like a supernova that year and turned into the modern "Crab Nebula" …

Pyramids "Sakkara-North" can be tried to correlate with the right side of Gemini (Djoser and Sehemkhet with the stars Pollux and Castor). Piopi-1 with the edge of the Lynx constellation, the rest of the Sakkara pyramids-south with parts of the Big Dipper. Pyramid in Medum - with Arcturus, Akhetaton with Antares (by the way, the "sunny" city of Akhetaton is located at the place where the ecliptic passes on the considered heavenly path). For the temple in Abydos, the star Rigil of the Centaur could apparently be a match. Etc. (see the beginning of the page).

And if the rest of the pyramids were preserved in their original form, they would also be remembered along with the three from Giza. But the condition of others is worse, they are destroyed to varying degrees. For example, here is a diagram of the pyramid in Medum (its current dimensions and its original dimensions in dotted lines). And here, too, there are oddities and mysteries. Why is pyramid building technology different?


Why, instead of completing the previously laid pyramids, they were thrown and taken for others? Why was the plan of the Great Pyramid changed three times? Why was the pyramid of Menkaur in a hurry to finish? Etc.

But besides the pyramids, in Egypt there are other objects of ancient civilization, somehow connected with the stellar calendar, for example, the "Serapeum" - an underground cemetery, in the main corridor of which 24 empty sarcophagi of granite monoliths weighing 60-70 tons were found, and in lateral - sarcophagi with the remains of bulls.


The road to Serapeion goes through the "Avenue of the Sphinxes" (142 figures have been excavated), about which Strabo wrote. (For reference: before the era of Aries, according to the precessional calendar, about 2000 years was the era of Taurus).

But there are too many different riddles for one page of the site. Therefore, in conclusion of the current one, a drawing is proposed comparing the sizes of some ancient objects:


From left to right: the ziggurat of Anu in Eridu, the ziggurat of Innana in Uruku, the ziggurat of Etemenanki in Babylon (the so-called Tower of Babel), the pyramids of Djoser and Khufu.

