What Does The Word "Russians" Really Mean? - Alternative View

What Does The Word "Russians" Really Mean? - Alternative View
What Does The Word "Russians" Really Mean? - Alternative View

Video: What Does The Word "Russians" Really Mean? - Alternative View

Video: What Does The Word
Video: What Russians Really Think About America 2024, June

We often use the word "Russian", we associate ourselves with this word, but a rare Russian will answer a simple question - what does the word "Russian" mean? All because we began to forget the meaning of words, stopped thinking about the depth of our native language. Have you ever wondered why all the names of peoples are nouns - English, French, Indians, Martians, finally … And only the word Russian is an adjective … Why? The thing is that peoples are called, as a rule, by their place of residence with reference to the name of the country. And the word Russian is a direct description of the people. What is the word Rus? Have you never heard anything like that from grandmothers in the village - "Granddaughter, take the rug to Russia, beat it out"? So Russia is formed from the root "RA", meaning white divine light (I will tell you more about this wonderful root in other articles),and so Russia is the Light of RA, hence the word RASA, which in the past meant directly the Russian people, but now has acquired a slightly different meaning. Hence the name of us in English - RUSSIA, this distorted RACE is also RUSSIA. And when your grandmother asks you to take the rug to RUSSIA - she means to the street - where is the WHITE DAYLIGHT. Therefore, the word RUSSIAN and the adjective - it directly means WHITE, LIGHT, PURE … - "Oh, I smell the Russian spirit …", says every evil in Russian folk tales, and all because evil is a product of darkness and a divine white light for her and irritant and death. Therefore, for example - BELARUS is the double repetition of the word RUSSIAN or WHITE, like many tautological expressions of the past, like "tryn-grass" - tryn means grass …which in the past meant directly Russian people, but now has acquired a slightly different meaning. Hence the name of us in English - RUSSIA, this distorted RACE is also RUSSIA. And when your grandmother asks you to take the rug to RUSSIA - she means to the street - where is the WHITE DAYLIGHT. Therefore, the word RUSSIAN and the adjective - it directly means WHITE, LIGHT, PURE … - "Oh, I smell the Russian spirit …", says every evil in Russian folk tales, and all because evil is a product of darkness and a divine white light for her and irritant and death. Therefore, for example - BELARUS is the double repetition of the word RUSSIAN or WHITE, like many tautological expressions of the past, like "tryn-grass" - tryn means grass …which in the past meant directly Russian people, but now has acquired a slightly different meaning. Hence the name of us in English - RUSSIA, this distorted RACE is also RUSSIA. And when your grandmother asks you to take the rug to RUSSIA - she means to the street - where is the WHITE DAYLIGHT. Therefore, the word RUSSIAN and the adjective - it directly means WHITE, LIGHT, PURE … - "Oh, I smell the Russian spirit …", says every evil in Russian folk tales, and all because evil is a product of darkness and a divine white light for her and irritant and death. Therefore, for example - BELARUS is the double repetition of the word RUSSIAN or WHITE, like many tautological expressions of the past, like "tryn-grass" - tryn means grass …Hence the name of us in English - RUSSIA, this distorted RACE is also RUSSIA. And when your grandmother asks you to take the rug to RUSSIA - she means to the street - where is the WHITE DAYLIGHT. Therefore, the word RUSSIAN and the adjective - it directly means WHITE, LIGHT, PURE … - "Oh, I smell the Russian spirit …", says every evil in Russian folk tales, and all because evil is a product of darkness and a divine white light for her and irritant and death. Therefore, for example - BELARUS - it is twice the repetition of the word RUSSIAN or WHITE, like many tautological expressions of the past, like "tryn-grass" - tryn means - grass …Hence the name of us in English - RUSSIA, this distorted RACE is also RUSSIA. And when your grandmother asks you to take the rug to RUSSIA - she means to the street - where is the WHITE DAYLIGHT. Therefore, the word RUSSIAN and the adjective - it directly means WHITE, LIGHT, PURE … - "Oh, I smell the Russian spirit …", says every evil in Russian folk tales, and all because evil is a product of darkness and a divine white light for her and irritant and death. Therefore, for example - BELARUS is the double repetition of the word RUSSIAN or WHITE, like many tautological expressions of the past, like "tryn-grass" - tryn means grass …Therefore, the word RUSSIAN and the adjective - it directly means WHITE, LIGHT, PURE … - "Oh, I smell the Russian spirit …", says every evil in Russian folk tales, and all because evil is a product of darkness and a divine white light for her and irritant and death. Therefore, for example - BELARUS is the double repetition of the word RUSSIAN or WHITE, like many tautological expressions of the past, like "tryn-grass" - tryn means grass …Therefore, the word RUSSIAN and the adjective - it directly means WHITE, LIGHT, PURE … - "Oh, I smell the Russian spirit …", says every evil in Russian folk tales, and all because evil is a product of darkness and a divine white light for her and irritant and death. Therefore, for example - BELARUS - it is twice the repetition of the word RUSSIAN or WHITE, like many tautological expressions of the past, like "tryn-grass" - tryn means - grass …

So - Russians, this is the name of the entire white race, The entire white race, these are people from Russia who now speak dialects of the Russian language … The entire white race came out of the north of modern Russia and scattered all over the world, we are the core of the white race, the center its spread throughout the world. But we'll talk about this in subsequent publications.

Thank you for reading the article. Good for all.
