In Chelyabinsk, An Inadequate Woman Interferes With Life For The Entire Entrance - Alternative View

In Chelyabinsk, An Inadequate Woman Interferes With Life For The Entire Entrance - Alternative View
In Chelyabinsk, An Inadequate Woman Interferes With Life For The Entire Entrance - Alternative View

Video: In Chelyabinsk, An Inadequate Woman Interferes With Life For The Entire Entrance - Alternative View

Video: In Chelyabinsk, An Inadequate Woman Interferes With Life For The Entire Entrance - Alternative View
Video: Меня похитили и это даже не кликбейт/Russian kidnapping [ENG SUB] 2024, October

The war between one woman and all the residents has been going on for the third year. It all started right after the move of 54-year-old Irina S. From the first days after settling in, the woman began to behave inappropriately. She likes to make noise at night. It specifically knocks on the floor and batteries. If you go down or go up the stairs in heels, the whole staircase hears it.

A strange neighbor leaves the apartment at night and performs all sorts of rituals, the meaning of which is known only to her. It can, for no reason at all, knock on the doors of the electrical panel with a wrench. In the afternoon, out of harm, he spits from the balcony and calls old women swear words. A resident of the entrance, Tatyana Shapkina, entered the fight with an inadequate neighbor.

“I have already written a statement to the police several times, because we have already come to the point of assault,” complains Tatyana Shapkina. - This neighborhood is unbearable. If she goes down to the first floor, the whole house hears it, so does when she goes up. Hysterical laughter and whistling after - this is in the order of things for her.

In order to prove the tricks of her neighbor, Tatyana Shapkina spent her pension on installing a video surveillance camera. And now every day he looks at the recordings of the video show in the entrance.

- Once a neighbor pounced on my granddaughter with her fists, - Tatyana Shapkina continues to recall nightmares. - For self-defense purposes, I had to use a gas canister. Another time I had to make a comment to her because of the noise, for which she scratched my face and hit me on the head.

It turned out that the pensioner Shapkina is not alone at war with her nasty neighbor. There was another neighbor, Nikolai Murygin, at the entrance. But he lost his war - he could not stand such a neighborhood and changed his apartment for another. Households could not stand the constant noise from the apartment and the floor above.

“Once we woke up at night from the fact that we were suffocating from a strange smell,” recalls a former neighbor. - It turned out that a neighbor let pepper smoke from a spray can under our door. And then I found her doing the same thing. He used force against her, in response she brought her boyfriend and son. A fight broke out between us.

Recently, Tatyana Shapkina wrote another statement to the police about the behavior of the inappropriate Irina S. And she collected the signatures of the neighbors for the application. Shapkina believes that the violent neighbor must be treated and isolated. The police accepted the statement from Tatyana Shapkina, but the police have no right to force her to be treated. There are special doctors for this.

Promotional video:

- According to all the statements of the residents of the house, checks will be carried out, - said the head of the press service of the police of the city of Chelyabinsk Svetlana Kalmykova. - And procedural decisions will be made on all applications.

The police promised that they would transfer all the material to the city administration. A violent neighbor can be fined from one to five thousand rubles. And so it will be after each statement. Irina S. learned about such measures from her neighbors and further intensified her “magic attack”.