The Mysterious Connections Of The German Nazis With Shambhala - Alternative View

The Mysterious Connections Of The German Nazis With Shambhala - Alternative View
The Mysterious Connections Of The German Nazis With Shambhala - Alternative View

The Third Reich was also engaged in the search for Shambhala at the state level. The idea of a dominant race endowed with mystical powers and supernatural powers proved extremely attractive to the Nazis. The mystery of the Nazi ideology, mysteriously associated with Shambhala, began to be clarified only in the most recent publications of historians, previously this topic was rarely covered.

“As soon as the Nazi movement began to have large financial resources, it organized numerous expeditions to Tibet (1931 - 1932, 1934 - 1936, 1939), which followed one another almost continuously until 1943. The day the Russians ended the battle for Berlin, they found about a thousand bodies of volunteers - suicide bombers, people of Tibetan blood among the corpses of the last defenders of Nazism. The fact that the Reich Chancellery was defended by the Tibetans in SS uniform in May 1945 was confirmed by the data of the Soviet military archives: “The Tibetans fought to the last bullet, shot their wounded, did not surrender. Not a single living Tibetan in SS uniform remained."

The German scientists Escard and Karl Haushofer, who became the ideological inspirers of the spiritual society Thule, based on an ancient legend testifying that a highly developed civilization existed in the Gobi thirty or forty centuries ago. As a result of the disaster, the Gobi turned into a desert, and the survivors emigrated some to the north of Europe, some to the Caucasus. Initiates from the Thule group were convinced that it was the survivors of the Gobi civilization that were the main race of humanity, the ancestors of the Aryans. In the book by L. Povel and J. Bergier "Morning of the Magicians": "The legend of Thule is as ancient as the Germanic race itself. It talks about an island that disappeared somewhere in the Far North. Thule, like Atlantis, is considered the magical center of a lost civilization. Eckart and his friends believed that not all secrets, not all of Thule's knowledge had gone under the water without a trace. Special creaturesintermediaries between people and “that which is There” have a storehouse of powers available to initiates. From there, you can draw strength to give Germany the supremacy over the world, in order to make her the herald of the coming superhumanity - a mutated human race. The day will come when legions will move from Germany to sweep away all obstacles on the spiritual path of the Earth. They will be led by die-hard leaders who draw from the storehouse of Powers and are inspired by the Great Old Ones. Such are the myths contained in the Aryan doctrine of Eckart and Rosenberg, with which these prophets of magical socialism infused Hitler's mediumistic soul. "to make her a herald of the coming superhumanity - a mutated human race. The day will come when legions will move from Germany to sweep away all obstacles on the spiritual path of the Earth. They will be led by die-hard leaders who draw from the storehouse of Powers and are inspired by the Great Old Ones. Such are the myths contained in the Aryan doctrine of Eckart and Rosenberg, with which these prophets of magical socialism infused Hitler's mediumistic soul. "to make her a herald of the coming superhumanity - a mutated human race. The day will come when legions will move from Germany to sweep away all obstacles on the spiritual path of the Earth. They will be led by die-hard leaders who draw from the storehouse of Powers and are inspired by the Great Old Ones. Such are the myths contained in the Aryan doctrine of Eckart and Rosenberg, with which these prophets of magical socialism infused Hitler's mediumistic soul."

According to the latest publications of historians, the fascist Reich spent more money on the study of secret psychic forces than the Americans on the manufacture of an atomic bomb. In Nazi Germany, the doctrine of the superman and the mystical forces that rule humanity was spread. The ideologists of fascism and Hitler himself deeply believed in these ideas and, after coming to power, supported the study of these ideas at the state level. The dominant scientific ideas in the Nazi environment were the Vel doctrine - the doctrine of the "Eternal ice", the hollow earth and the "superman". The Vel doctrine stated that millions of years ago there was a super-civilization of people-gods, giants, and that, after going through mutation, selection and cataclysms, the race of "supermen" could be revived again. Vel taught that the ancestors of the Germans came from the north, where they gained strength in the snow and ice,and belief in world ice is a natural heritage of Nordic man. “Germany separated from the rest of the world in 1933 and chose its own path of development. For 12 years, the technical and scientific development of the Reich went in other ways, strangely at odds with the world. Behind these radical differences in technology are even more striking differences in philosophy."

In 1933, by order of Himmler, under the auspices of the SS, a special institute Ahnenerbe was organized in Germany (the organization "German Society for the Study of Ancient German History and Ancestral Heritage", a department of the SS, which was subordinate to 50 institutes whose task was to scientifically substantiate the racial theory of the Nazis and occult study of ancient knowledge that gives power over nature). The Institute, in particular, organized expeditions to Tibet to search for the ancestors of the Aryans and anthropological measurements of the skulls of the Tibetan aristocracy. One of the missions of the expeditions was to search for a repository of unknown forces and an alliance with the ancient center of power - Shambhala. The Germans firmly believed that it was the Aryan race that could conclude an agreement with Shambhala and become the master of the planet. It is known that Hitler was convinced of his chosenness, and believed that there is a country in the East,where a higher power reigns - the King of Terror or the Lord of the World, and this higher power helps him in visions and "voices". "The signing of a pact with higher powers will change life on earth for millennia and give meaning to the now aimless lot of mankind." Karl Haushofer: “By entering into an alliance with the King of Terror, the Earth can be transformed. Hitler believed in Shambhala - a city of violence and power, which controls the elements, human destinies and prepares humanity for the "Turn of Time". By concluding an agreement with Shambhala with the sacrifice of massive human sacrifices, one could gain power over the world. " Commenting on the article by French authors L. Povel and J. Bergier "What God Did Hitler Worship", the historian Lev N. Gumilev writes: "Fascist ideologists proceeded from the fact that in ancient times a certain country of Shambhala arose in the East - a center of power and violence, which controls the elements and the masses. Magicians - the leaders of peoples, supposedly, can conclude mystical alliances with Shambhala, bringing human sacrifices. In the opinion of the leaders of Nazism, mass human sacrifices, overcoming the indifference of the "powers" - the forces of darkness, prompted them to help the sacrificers. That is why six million Jews and 750 thousand gypsies were killed, because the leaders of Nazism allegedly saw a deep magical meaning in this. They justified their atrocities by believing in the "forces of darkness", but the legend on which they were allegedly based was the fruit and consequence of the deep ignorance of the European man in the twentieth century. "That is why six million Jews and 750 thousand gypsies were killed, because the leaders of Nazism allegedly saw a deep magical meaning in this. They justified their atrocities by believing in the "forces of darkness", but the legend on which they were allegedly based was the fruit and consequence of the deep ignorance of the European man in the twentieth century. "That is why six million Jews and 750 thousand gypsies were killed, because the leaders of Nazism allegedly saw a deep magical meaning in this. They justified their atrocities by believing in the "forces of darkness", but the legend on which they were supposedly based was the fruit and consequence of the deep ignorance of the European man in the twentieth century."

From the published "Hess Diaries" (Rudolf Hess, a member of the Secret Cabinet and Hitler's deputy in the Nazi party, an initiate from Hitler's inner circle, a member of the Thule society): "Germany's campaign to the East, in fact, was sanctioned by the Center for Space Contact on Earth, the so-called Shambhala. The Mahatmas not only suggested to Hitler the need to destroy the source of the proletarian evil that seized the territory of Russia, but also sent their specialists to the General Staff of the Reich. Warriors of Shambhala / Tibetans / were not only in the personal protection of the Fuhrer, but also in the center of strategic planning. It was they who named the day, and even the hour of the attack. The trouble is that Adolf was half crazy and half genius, and the first prevailed over the second: he gave the order to destroy at the root all that exists in the spaces of opponents. This completely changed the attitude of the Mahatmas towards him. And although the envoys of Shambhala remained with Hitler until his last hour and were only later killed by the Russians, the energy support of Shambhala disappeared. By the middle of 1942 we were doomed to complete defeat."

Mikhail Demidenko, author of the book "In the Footsteps of the SS to Tibet" published documents from the SS archive, which contained materials about the SS expeditions to Tibet to establish direct radio communication with the magic center in Lhasa for the Fuhrer to communicate with the Higher Unknown Forces. The main task of the expedition was to establish contact with Shambhala, the source of the Upper Power, in order to win the struggle for world domination. The documents of the third expedition of the Nazis to Tibet in 1939 under the leadership of E. Schaeffer in the amount of 12 people indicate that radio communication was established between Berlin and Lhasa. Western researcher Bronder claims that the connection between Hitler and the secret sect of lamas in Lhasa had "supernatural devilish powers." Ernst Schaeffer met with the Dalai Lama and brought Hitler "documents of such importance that he kept them in a safe." It is also knownthat the SS expedition brought the Tibetan Kanjur, a collection of one hundred and eight volumes of Buddhist sacred texts in Tibetan, which until then had not been read in Europe. The expedition was complex. It included specialists in biology, anthropology, geography, geology, ethnography, geophysics. Dr. Bruno Beger conducted anthropological measurements of the skulls of the local population in order to "study the remains of Nordic impurities among the aristocrats of Inner Asia." The results of the expedition were considered brilliant. Ernst Schaeffer was awarded the "Death's Head" badge of the elite SS unit and in 1942 was appointed head of the Imperial Institute for Central Asian Studies. When Berlin fell into the hands of the Russian troops, the materials of the Ahnenerbe Institute fell. In 25 railway cars, classified research materials of the Ahnenerbe Institute were transported to the USSR. Unfortunately,publications of subsequent years did not reflect either the fate of these archives or their content. Perhaps, these materials are still waiting for their researchers in special depositories. The only thing that is known for sure from Sheffer's reports is that Shambhala was not found, and Sheffer himself even doubted its existence, which subsequently had a detrimental effect on his career. He was not forgiven for skepticism about Shambhala, the cornerstone of racist teachings.

Similar attempts by the leadership of the Russian OGPTU to establish contact with the spiritual leaders of Tibet were also in Russia (the first Russian secret mission to Lhasa under the leadership of V. A. Khomutnikov in 1921-1922, the second mission of S. S. Borisov in 1923-1925, an attempt organization of the expedition of A. V. Barchenko to Tibet to search for Shambhala in 1925 with the direct support of the leadership of the OGPU). The main purpose of the expeditions was to establish contact with the spiritual ruler of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, to resist the British invasion and to consolidate Russia's influence in the region. No documents are known about the tasks of the first two Russian expeditions to establish contact with Shambhala, so it would be incorrect to say that the expeditions were sent to Tibet specifically to search for Shambhala. Only the project of the third Russian expedition is directly related to the search for Shambhala,planned under the leadership of A. Barchenko in 1925. In recent years, new publications have appeared on the activities of A. V. Barchenko (1881-1938), a Russian scientist who devoted his life to searching for the lost knowledge of previous civilizations. He was the founder of the Petrograd esoteric circle "United Labor Brotherhood" and a scientist with a wide range of interests. A. Barchenko's scientific works brought him some fame, and he was offered a job at the Institute for the Study of the Brain and Mental Activity in St. Petersburg. In 1921-1923. Barchenko organizes expeditions to the Kola Peninsula to search for traces of ancient Hyperborea. In 1924 he became the head of the secret neuroenergetic laboratory of the OGPU for the study of mysterious forces in the activity of the brain and human psyche in Moscow. At the beginning of the twentieth century, theories aboutthat once there was a highly developed civilization in the Far North, they were very popular. He believed in the existence of places on earth where the knowledge of a more highly developed human civilization that preceded us is preserved. One of such places, in his opinion, was also Tibet. A report on the possibility of preserving knowledge of prehistoric culture by the secret societies of Afghanistan and Tibet was made by him at the collegium of the OGPU presidium and was extremely interested in the country's top leadership, as evidenced by a letter to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs G. V. Chicherin with comments on the organization of A. Barchenko's expedition to Lhasa: “Someone Barchenko has been studying the issue of finding the remains of prehistoric culture for nineteen years. His theory isthat in prehistoric times mankind developed an unusually high culture, far superior in its scientific achievements to the historical period we are experiencing. Further, he believes that in the Central Asian centers of mental culture: in Lhasa, in secret brotherhoods that existed in Afghanistan, and the like, the remnants of the scientific knowledge of this rich prehistoric culture have been preserved. With this theory, Barchenko turned to Comrade. Bokiyu, who became unusually interested in her and decided to use the apparatus of his special department to find the remains of prehistoric culture. " However, due to a lack of funds, this expedition never took place. In 1929-1930. Barchenko managed to organize an expedition to Altai. No materials about the results of this expedition have survived. In 1937 Barchenko was arrested and executed in 1938. All materials,those in the case of A. Barchenko were classified and subsequently lost in the archives. A record of the interrogation of Barchenko has survived, and during the investigation he testified: “In my mystical self-reliance, I believed that the key to solving social problems was in Shambhala-Agharti, in this conspiratorial eastern hearth, where the remnants of the knowledge and experience of the society that was at a higher stages of social and material and technical development than modern society. And since this is so, it is necessary to find out the paths to Shambhala and establish a connection with it. "where the remnants of knowledge, experience of the society that was at a higher stage of social and material-technical development than modern society are preserved. And since this is so, it is necessary to find out the paths to Shambhala and establish a connection with it. "where the remnants of knowledge, experience of the society that was at a higher stage of social and material-technical development than modern society are preserved. And since this is so, it is necessary to find out the paths to Shambhala and establish a connection with it."

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