House On A Vacant Lot - Alternative View

House On A Vacant Lot - Alternative View
House On A Vacant Lot - Alternative View

Video: House On A Vacant Lot - Alternative View

Video: House On A Vacant Lot - Alternative View
Video: Micro Hydro Power is BACK after 6 months broken 2024, June

A long time ago, back in the early 1900s, my great-grandfather went to look for a lost cow. It was in the Zaigraevsky district, like there is now the Angir ulus. It was a cold winter, it was getting dark quickly, and my grandfather had gone too far …

He walked and did not understand where to go. There was one thought in my head: three small children were waiting at home, and if he did not find the unfortunate cattle prepared for slaughter, then they would all face imminent hunger. He was not going to return without her, on the way he thought aloud to himself: “If it is destined to freeze here, then so be it. It's better than seeing the eyes of hungry sons."

Either the spirits of the area heard him, or the Lord himself directed him on the way, but out of nowhere, a dwelling house arose right in the snowy steppe. In disbelief, the grandfather knocked on the door. A Buryat girl came out of the house, dressed in national clothes, with a baby in her arms. She said something sweetly. The grandfather did not make out anything, but it became clear from the gestures that the hostess was inviting to come inside. The stove was warmly heated at home, two more kids were crawling on the floor. The smiling hostess brought the guest a bowl of hot broth and meat. The hungry grandfather dared the treat in just a few minutes and began to look at the fire burning in the stove with dull eyes. The girl, also silently, brought him a sheepskin blanket and covered it with it.

The grandfather woke up when it was already daylight, but there was no house, no children, no mistress. But next to it, a cow who had come from an incomprehensible source of hay was chewing from an unknown source!


And the grandfather was lying under the very sheepskin blanket that the hospitable Buryat woman had covered him … It was his grandfather who brought home as proof that he had not lost his mind and that the story had actually happened to him. A well-made blanket is still at home with my grandmother, the daughter of that grandfather. Until now, we do not know whether that house with the girl really was, or all the same, the grandfather had dreamed everything. But how then did he survive the winter night on the street and where did the cow come from? But, most importantly, WHO GIVEN THE BLANKET ?!

Ada Chernova