Astral Travel - Alternative View

Astral Travel - Alternative View
Astral Travel - Alternative View

Video: Astral Travel - Alternative View

Video: Astral Travel - Alternative View
Video: How To Astral Travel 2024, October

Astral travel is a phenomenal phenomenon, the essence of which is the movement of a person's consciousness apart from his physical body.

Such travels have been known since ancient times, but this phenomenon has not yet received scientific confirmation. Scientists do not undertake to explain its mechanism and cause of occurrence. As a result of a survey conducted in Europe, it was found that one in four adults at least once in their life experienced the state of separation of the soul from the body.

The experience of being out of the body, most often, does not depend on the will of the person. Such cases occur spontaneously, as a result of severe mental shock or severe trauma. But as a result of training, it is believed, you can learn to leave the body at will.

The essence of astral travel is that a person who is physically in one place has the ability to move separately from the body and perceive the world around him. The impressions of such travels are more vivid than in the everyday world. The astral essence of a person can not only hear, see, experience various feelings, but also pass through walls and move at any speed.

Our astral body can, without harm to the physical body, overcome the border between the worlds and communicate with the spirits of deceased people, travel in time, make space flights.

Tibetan monks are fluent in the technique of astral travel, but they carefully guard their secrets. Modern scientists confirm that, in theory, a person is able to experience the sensation of leaving his own body. This phenomenon has been repeatedly described in connection with clinical death.

The American researcher, psychiatrist S. Grof, conducted six thousand experiments and concluded that the human essence under certain circumstances can exist outside of its physical basis. At such moments, our consciousness becomes limitless and can overcome not only the framework of the physical shell, but also the temporal and spatial laws.

This phenomenon, undoubtedly, belongs to the category of parapsychological, since a person can not only be in another place, but also find out what kind of events took place there.

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Sometimes the astral essence of another person is visible to people. In this case, it is described as a vague image of the physical body from which it was projected, with all the details, down to the details of the toilet. In other cases, a person who has left the boundaries of his body sees other people, but himself remains invisible to them.

People who have experienced the release of their astral essence describe that at that moment they experienced a surge of vigor. Separating from their physical body, they saw a thin silvery thread that connected them to the body. The travel speed of the astral body is compared to the speed of thought, so all material objects during travel look like ghostly shadows.

Researchers have repeatedly turned to the phenomenon of astral travel, but have not been able to provide an explanation for this phenomenon. There are many theories. Some suggest that the astral essence is a projection of human consciousness that has its own form. Others are inclined to believe that the astral body is a mental projection, one of the varieties of telepathy. Still others generally call people's memories of perfect astral travels a dream or hallucination. One thing is precisely established: the astral body, which leaves its physical shell, cannot be fixed by any devices.