Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View

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Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View
Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View

Video: Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View

Video: Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View
Video: How out-of-body experiences could transform yourself and society | Nanci Trivellato | TEDxPassoFundo 2024, October

Today more and more researchers are inclined to believe that everyone has the ability to travel out of body. And this ability is innate in him.


However, it was very profitable for someone to deprive a person of such an ability, forcing, with the help of certain manipulations with consciousness, to be firmly stuck in the gross material world, believing that this is the only possible form of existence. Thanks to this, a person turned into a slave, creating from morning to evening "material values" that do not give him anything, except for even greater dependence on this world and even greater immersion in slavery.


True, recently a person has begun to gradually get rid of his "material illusion", and therefore out-of-body travel is increasingly becoming our reality, and sometimes even independently of the knowledge and aspirations of a person. Many explain this by the fact that this is how a new sixth race is being born, which will finally put an end to the yoke of world government - this dark force that has established on Earth the legal order of violence, betrayal and lies.

Classification of out-of-body travel

All travel outside the body can be divided into several types. Dreams are the simplest and most familiar for everyone. Even the ancient sages said that during sleep the soul leaves the body and goes to the subtle world unknown to us.

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Lucid dreams

This is why it is so important not just to sleep, but to learn to be aware of dreams. According to the instructions of the same wise ones, in a dream on the subtle plane we often see something that has yet to manifest itself in our material world. Hence the opportunity to change something in a dream for the better, thereby improving and facilitating your material destiny. For example, we kill a snake in a dream, thereby eliminating the disease of our physical body. But will we begin to destroy the snake in a dream if we do not realize what it is and why? In a dream, we often receive answers to the questions that tormented us, not to mention prophetic dreams …


See through obstacles and distances

The second type of out-of-body travel is the ability to see through distances and obstacles. Unlike lucid dreams, which probably everyone experienced, the ability to see beyond distance and time is a rather rare phenomenon that occurs spontaneously in very few people. Most often, all this is taught in various theological schools, and today - also in numerous paid courses. For example, V. Bronnikov's school allows a person to see with his eyes closed and much more.


Spontaneous dive into the astral plane

The third type of out-of-body travel is an involuntary immersion in the subtle astral world. At this time, a person can see a completely different "reality" around him. As a rule, such people are simply called insane, placed in appropriate clinics, and they begin to kill with drugs. There are many, however, and those who use such spontaneous journeys to the astral plane without much harm to their mind. Such was, for example, Robert Allan Monroe, famous for describing his astral travels. In his opinion, only those who for some reason plunged into the astral plane (say, due to severe stress), but could not get out of it, go to psychiatric hospitals.


Conscious out-of-body travel

And finally, the fourth type of astral travel is the conscious and controlled way that great magicians, clairvoyants, shamans, spiritual teachers, and so on, are perfect. They can, at will, send their subtle body to any point in space and time. Many people learn this and achieve certain success, but here a lot depends on the personality itself, its genius or something. For example, such out-of-body travelers were the great Russian scientist K. Tsiolkovsky and the brilliant artist N. Roerich. The latter even has an entry in his diary, according to which he met in the astral plane with his teacher Tsiolkovsky, received a lot of good advice from him and even found out the date of his death.


Phase as a portal for out-of-body travel

Researchers of the issue we are considering argue that at present we are on the verge when many unrealized human capabilities begin to wake up in him, despite all the efforts of the puppeteers to keep humanity in darkness and ignorance. This is confirmed by the return and wide dissemination of ancient knowledge, the emergence of indigo children - representatives of a new race, and, ultimately, - the desire of an increasing part of humanity for out-of-body travel and experiences.

We invite you to watch a documentary, which deals with the issue of the so-called "phase" - the borderline state of a person between our material and astral worlds. The "phase" theory provides an explanation for many mysterious phenomena, for example, alien abductions, visions of angels and God, and so on.